Chp: 12

865 27 5

Blanca's POV:

Squinting my eyes shut tightly to shield them from the harsh light when I tried to peer my eyes open. Slowly opening my eyes, I flinched a bit when the same light pierced my eyes but this time my vision started focusing a bit more noticing that I'm in a beige room with two silhouettes on  each side of where I'm laying. Blinking couple of times my vision focused and saw that I was in the hospital and the two silhouettes were my mom and Chuy. 

Groaning, "What happened this time?... Chuy your here ?" 

"Hey Blanca and you fainted on the phone and called your mom.. that's why your here," Chuy said awkwardly.

I turned to face my mom and I knew I was gonna get it so I started to mentally prepare myself but when I opened my mouth my mom raised a finger at me telling me to not say anything. I smiled at my mom but she didn't return it in which my smile fell instantly and my head hung low in defeat. Feeling my mom wrap her arms around me, I smiled softly knowing that to enjoy this because the next part wasn't going to be all smiles...

"Y tu que piensas? Te dije varias veces que te cuidas con esa herida pero como siempre no me haces caso, hija de la chingada cada momento contigo siempre hay algo pero ya este dia ya ni vas salir ni nada so forget going out to your friends house or anything because if this will keep you from paying the hospital another visit tonces that is what I'll do. Don't fight me on this because I could lose my job Blanca how will I be able to support you, keep the roof over our heads, you need to think before you do? im sorry but that's how things will be form now on," she took in a deep breathe and slumped on her chair running a hand over her face sighing.

"Don't do it again... I just want you to be extra careful mija," my mom said now giving me a small smile while grabbing my hand in hers and kissed my knuckles. 

"I'm sorry ama... I'll be careful and I'm also sorry for keeping things from you like Chuy," I said feeling guilty and gave her hand a light squeeze. The door opened to see the doctor come with a board in his hand and gave us the run down on what to do and not to do.

Oscar POV:

God I hated waiting.

Only Blanca would let herself go this far to complete what she has to do and there's nothing stopping her as always. That was her biggest flaw but anything we say or do won't stop her. I shouldn't have done anything to make her go this far and I have to look for Cesar and make sure he's okay, I owe it to her that much. Hunching a bit over on my seat I put my face into my palms stressing out and frustrated for everything that has happened. A few minutes later and I sense someone sit next to the chair beside me. I sit up straight and see that it was Chuy who was looking at the floor after clearing his throat and turned his unwanted attention to me. I still didn't like him and I don't think I ever will. 

"Blanca?," I asked him concerned.

"She's fine and she woke up-" he started saying but I got up immediately to go to Blanca before I was pushed back down onto the chair.

"what the fuck is your problem," I harshly told him narrowing my eyes at him.

"You didn't let me finish, you can't go right now she's resting so let her rest but she's okay," he said and looked back at the floor before looking at me again.

What the hell is wrong this foo eyes like look at one thing, pinch pendejo.

"Dona Juana is letting me be around Blanca and Blanca is letting me or wants me to still be in her life-" I cut him off before he can finish anymore of that sentence. 

"I won't let that happen and you know that already," I said clenching my teeth.

"I don't have to listen to you and they gave me their consent that I can so back off, you got no shame man and listen to me clearly, if I ever see or hear that you hurt Blanca again I won't hesitate to make your life miserable, I won't kill you for Blanca's sake, oh she's also grounded," He ended it off with a small smile and we stared at each other down not one of us breaking eye contact. 

I was the first to look away defeatedly and just looked at the floor. I was so lost in my mind that I didn't hear the door in the waiting room open  to see that Rosa was crouched before me and lifter my chin upward so my eyes can meet hers. 

"Rosa what are you doing here?" I ask her curiously. 

Rosa took a seat beside the chair next to me on the other side as Chuy dumbass is still sitting on the chair on the other side of me. Rosa put her hand on my back and smiled at me softly before planting a kiss on my right cheek. I smile lightly at her.

"I came to see how u were doing but also to see if Blanca woke up, so has she?" Rosa asked hopefully.

"She has woken up but she's resting now, I'm just glad she's out of harms way," I told her contently. 

I was again quietened by coughing next to me and no surprise Chuy was the one to do so again. 

"So your Rosa? Oscar's girlfriend, right?" Chuy said looking directly at Rosa which made me put my hand into a fist while trying to remain calm but as I'm seeing it I'm gonna lose it any minute if he says any one stupid comment to her.

"Yes.. I'm sorry who are you?" Rosa asked looking back at me with eyebrows raised and looked back at Chuy.

"Oh I'm Jesus well Chuy for a short-" Chuy wanted to continue but got cut off by rosa. 

"Your Blanca's ex boyfriend," she said looking back at me expectantly.

"umm yes don't cut me off first off and what are you doing here don't you think this was a bad idea? coming here? nope... okay, blanca might of told you that she's ok with all this but she's not, I know because I know her better than Spooky here even though he claims he knows her best, true he does know her best in her best way but I know her in her worst and good ways... this isn't a good idea and one day she will show you it when she won't be able to hold it in," Chuy said narrowing his eyes at hers I stood up and got in his face. Rosa tried pulling me back.

"Oscar not here please," Rosa pleaded with me but I was too pissed off to stop.

"What Oscar, don't go there cause you know what happens when you go there," he said calmly staring me down.

"You don't know me," I said clenching my jaw afterwards.

"I don't know you but I know one thing that your the cause for Blanca's suffering-" I cut him off.

"She would of told me so don't act like you know," I said pressing myself onto him waiting for him to throw the first punch.

"I do know because everything you did to hurt her, she called me... what makes you think I'm here for? I'm here because you did this again, so if you don't want to hurt her anymore do this-"

"Do what?" I said harshly.

"Let her go because if you won't you'll be the cause of her early grave," he said firmly looking at me while I step back....


Hey babes, I'm back hope you guys had a safe and fun New Year's! HAPPY NEW YEARS EVERYONE <3 It's finally 2021 and I want to thank for the supporters who have been with me on this journey with this fanfic but I'm sad to say that this fanfic is coming to an end soon for I'm losing inspiration and honestly getting bored of this fanfic so I'll try to write a happy ending, or not. but thank you all for your support and please be safe during this pandemic. Stay healthy! 



Deneri T. 

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