Chp: 3

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Blanca's point of view

The nice blue waves always seemed to calm me with the gentle waves coming and going, but this time the calm waves were thrashing against each other making the wind a little rougher. The sky blue was in full display and the sun shined bright as ever, I had my eyes closed and breathed in the salty air and breathed out before opening them and turning my head to look at him. Action.... my smile was again on my face, this time making it believable and he turned his head to look at me with a smile formed on his face. 

"She's your girlfriend now... That's great when did this happen?" I asked him my voice already quiet but soft and careful.

"I asked her 2 weeks ago so we're barely dating but I really like her... You know I never thought I could get this feeling but it feels good ya know," He told me his voice sounding peaceful and content.

"So how did this happen?" I said quietly still not trusting my voice to get louder.

"I got her number when I dropped her off at her house that day at the party and from there we've been talking, hanged out, and eventually I took her out on dates," He told me very smiley.

"Oh.... so that's why you were busy this summer but I'm happy for you... You know I have to be home Letty is coming over, she's gonna help me with some things going on," I told him getting up and putting on my shoes.

"Thanks, I really appreciate it and you know your my favorite girl right? I love you mensa don't ever doubt you can't talk to me because I'm with Rosa now. Also what's up? What's going on?" He told me getting up and hugged me in which I lightly hugged back.

"Don't worry about it, girl stuff," I told him and headed to the car.

We reached the car, got in, drove away heading to my house and I sent a quick message to Letty telling her to come over ASAP. Once parked in front of my house, I unbuckled my seat-belt, opened the door and Oscar grabbed my wrist and I looked at him waiting for him to say something.

"Are you ok?" He asked me worried.

"Fine..." I said quietly with a small smile.

I finally got out of that suffocating situation and saw that Oscar got out too. He came around to where I was and was gonna say something until I heard Letty yell from the porch.

"Aye foo anytime now hurry up sis and hi Oscar!" Letty yelled with a serious face.

 I didn't hug Oscar or said bye I just went to the porch and hugged Letty before heading inside. I looked out the window to check if he left and he did, immediately I fell to the floor and hugged my knees and finally what my eye's were aching for they finally breathed. Tears after tears kept going and I felt Letty wrap her arms around and heard her silently cry while holding me. She lifted me up and walked me to my room before closing the door and locked it.

We both didn't bother to wipe away our tears and we just looked at each other before we were giggling.

"You know I don't like seeing you like this... So how about you tell me what he did," She told me softly, her voice sounding concerned and worried.

"Rosa is his girlfriend and I told him that I was happy for him," I told her smiling sadly.

Letty didn't say anything but got up and came around the bed to wrap her arms around me. I don't think word's could be exchanged at the moment but I appreciated this and having her hold me . I don't think I could cry anymore, my eyes were just tired of crying, and at the moment I just needed to hug Letty. We just hugged for a good while till we pulled back, composed ourselves and Letty decided to break the silence.

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