Chp: 23

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Blanca's Point Of View:

Oh shit

I stared at Latrelle who nodded his head understandably and called for Nia who was instantly at his side and he bid me a goodbye before staring deeply at Oscar.

I then turned around and took a deep breathe preparing myself for another argument. I walked straight at Oscar till I'm standing in front of him with my head held high. I feel quite nervous but I knew what I was doing.

"Let's go," he said bluntly.

"Where?," i said following behind him and saw that all the Santos that was with him left.

He didn't answer me and kept walking till we got to his car. We both got in and it was quiet till I realized I'm not going home. I pulled out my phone and texted my mom lying that Oscar is taking me to eat something. She responded quickly and she said ok but to not take long in which I released a deep sigh relieved that i won't get an ass whoops later on.

"Who did you text?," Oscar said cutting off the silence between us.

"My mom, I'm letting her know I'm with you," I said softly looking at the road in front of me till I see a peak of the ocean.

He brought me to the beach and we didn't get out of the car to sit down on the sand. We stayed in the car with the windows rolled down and Oscar pulled out a cigarette and lit up before taking a drag. I just looked at him before sighing and look at the ocean waves which appear calm.

"Why are we here?," i asked him softly.

"Are you dumb?," Oscar said looking at me hard.

Oscar only looked at me once like that and that was when I last him before he was taken away. I knew what I did was bad especially since I hanged out with the Santos a lot and because of Oscar.

"No...," I said softly looking down at my hands.

"Then what are you thinking hanging out with a prophet, aver dime," he said leaning close to my face and I looked up at him.

"Im sorry," i said softly before putting my hands on his chest pushing him away from me before getting out of the car.

"Then what are you doing," Oscar said sternly getting out of the car as well.

"First of all Im not your sister, girlfriend, or anything to be talking like that to me and isn't it obvious what I'm trying to do," I said tiredly.

"No but I care about you like a sister and I know that me saying that hurts you but what if that bullet is you next," he said standing in front of me.

"He won't do anything to me, I know that already," I said softly.

"What do you mean?," he asked confused.

"A blind man can see it Oscar, Latrelle has been after me since middle school and I never saw him like that because u were there and I could never betray you but it doesn't hurt to be a friend at least," I said quietly.

"He's gonna use you or hurt you Blanca," he said softly looking at me.

"Then i know how to take care of myself, hasn't been the first time... Oscar I would never betray you and you know that," I said softly caressing his cheek before stopping realizing what I'm doing and was about to pull away my hand when Oscar put his hand on top of mine to keep it there.

"Take me home," I said softly.

Oscar sighed and we both got in the car and started the journey back to my house. Once we got in front of my house we stayed in their for a bit till his phone rang and pulled it out to see Rosa's contact on the screen and he hanged up.

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