Chp: 9

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Blanca POV:

Sweaty would be the right word for now because I'm walking to Oscar's house under a 98 degrees weather and at this point I want to cry but I'm pushing myself to just get there. Getting there was quicker than what I thought but didn't complain and knocked on the door. Wiping the sweat away with my arm I patiently wait when I hear shuffling inside. I step back a bit and see that Oscar was the one who opened it so I sighed in relief.

"Blanca?" Oscars says curiously.

"Oh yeah... Umm it's about Cesar," I said still exhausted but collected my thoughts on why I came here.

"What did he do this time... pinche cabron," he said, his eyebrows scrunching already.

"He left home and he left this note," I said now more calmly and handed him the note.

I watch him take the note and his eye scans it which makes his eyebrows furrow more than they already do but he clenches the paper and scoffs frustratingly.

"I got this, thank you for letting me know," he said now staring at me and I just nodded.

"Well I have to go... bye," I said, giving him a small smile but he didn't smile back in which my smile fell. I turned to walk down the steps and continue back home in this hot weather. Right when I was about to step off the last step down his porch, a hand grasped my wrist and I turned expecting it to be Oscar but Rosa instead. I stared at her, she smiled softly at me and I gave one in return. She released my wrist and looked over her shoulder to look at Oscar.

"Let's take her home Oscar," she said to Oscar who just nodded and walked back inside to get his car keys.

"Uhh it's fine, I can walk thank you though for the offer," I said awkwardly and smiled in gratitude but she shook her head.

"I'm not offering and I'm not letting you walk in this heat so stop," she said chuckling and nodded her head to signal over to the car. She slid over to the back and I just looked at her surprised.

"You should sit in the front," I said chuckling nervously but Oscar came out already with keys in his hand.

"Get in mensa," he said, already climbing in the driver seat and I just got in the passenger seat without saying anything.

It was quiet and I couldn't bear it any longer, I wanted to jump out the window to get away from the tension and awkwardness. I stayed quiet the whole time and just looked out the window. It only took 20 minutes to get to my house and when we got there I sighed in relief. I was ready to get out but Rosa's voice stopped me from opening the door by gently holding my shoulder.

"We should hang out Blanca, I wanna be friends," she said with a smile but I only nodded and opened my door.

"Freedom," I whispered under my breath and turned around to thank them for the ride.

"Thank you for bringing me home," I said sincerely looking at the two and got out of the car.

When I stood up Oscar called from behind me, "Change the pads on the wound the blood is seeping through your shirt." When I looked at my left shoulder I saw a spot of blood and cursed under my breath. Walking away from the car I yelled out a thanks and hurriedly walked to my front door. I practically yanked the door open and my mom came in my view so quick and I just looked at her like crazy.

"Mija your bleeding! Que te dije that you have to be careful and to change it every  2 hours or so, ay nina nunca vas a tender," my mom scolded me, rushed me to the living room and went into my bathroom where I had the pads and ointment to clean up my wound. When she came back, she came with a bag of ointment and motioned me to take off my shirt in which I obliged. When my mom removed the soaked blood pad, I noticed that I was bleeding more than I should but paid no attention just thinking because I left it there for so long. It stung badly when my mom was cleaning the wound but I didn't make a sound cause if I did I would have to go back to the hospital and I don't want to go back.

"Ya ver corre ponte una shirt o lengo alguien va mirar a tu chichis," she said laughing at the last part and I just chuckled but winced softly when my shoulder moved a bit with my chuckling so I stopped after. I quickly put on a random t-shirt and grab my laptop to search for movies on netflix but my mind kept going back on Cesar.

Maybe I shouldn't have made anything official with him, Why did he leave so suddenly.

Questions raced in my head but I just had to remain calm and my shoulder started to vibrate with ache so I took some ibuprofen to ease the pain a bit which worked. Finally I put myself to watch anything on netflix and just clicked on a random movie that was on which happened to be a Hindi movie. So into the movie I didn't have my phone ringing till my mom yelled from the living room to answer my phone and I almost choked on my saliva. When I got up I was hit with dizziness and nauseousness, standing still I searched on my bed for my phone and when I did I clicked the answer button.

"hello," I said softly and winced when pain shot through my shoulder. My hand instinctively went over my shoulder  but when my hand touched my shoulder more pain was shooting through my shoulder. I was so scared to open my eyes thinking if i opened them and see what's wrong with my shoulder it would get worse.

"Blanca? are you ok? what's wrong?" Chuy's voice rang through the phone concerned.

"I-i don't-," I couldn't finish what I was trying to say when my eyes closed softly and gasped from the pain when the next thing I saw was blackness.

Chuy's POV:

"BLANCA!!!," I yelled through the phone but stopped when I heard a thump on the phone. I never thought I would ever have to call this person but in this case it was important.

"Who's this?" a gruff muscular voice came through the other end of the phone.

I cleared my throat, "Something is wrong with Blanca," I said urgently.

"Who's this?" Oscar said roughly.

"It's Chuy and if you don't get to her something worse is going to happen to her, GO!," I yelled and clicked the phone. I hope he got the memo and grabbed his pants to speed over to her house.

Looking at my door I debated in my head till I just frustratingly growled and got up from the couch. I turned off all the lights, grabbed my wallet and keys. Walking out of my apartment complex I head over to my car and quickly get on the passenger side. I pulled out my phone and made one last call.


"Dona Juana it's Chuy and don't click something is wrong with Blanca," I said urgently through the phone.

"Hijo desgraciado what do you want," she said angrily.

"Senora this is not the time, I was on the phone with her and she didn't respond till I heard a thump. I think she fainted, please go check," I said worriedly and I heard her just breathe harshly along with some shuffling. Then I heard a gasp and a thump as well but in the back all I heard was, "Blanca wake up honey."

I hung up and started the ignition to my car with one mission on my mind, Blanca. Here I come Freeridge.

Hey my loves,
I know :( I'm sooooo late with this update but I'm motivated to get this done and here it is. I'm going to apologize once again so: I'm so sorry to all of you guys who have been waiting for this chapter and update please forgive me :(. I hope all of you guys are staying safe during this pandemic and staying "inside" but I miss y'all. I love you guys for still supporting me even though I lag but thanks for sticking with me. Don't be afraid to text me if anything cause this quarantine has me like dead inside and so bored. But here's the chapter and enjoy. As always spread LOVE and POSITIVITY <3 COMMENT AND VOTE, thank you my loves.
Ya girl,
Deneri T.

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