FINALE (part 2)

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Third-person POV:

come on mija, let's go

Blanca looked around and shrugged her shoulder's carrying on, on what she was doing. This was it, the moment she heavenly waited for. 


Blanca looked in front of her tall mirror and saw the same little girl who was the same days, months, and years ago. She smiled brightly already excited to cross the stage, diploma in hand and making her mother proud but especially her dad who was always there. Exiting her room, her mother was in the living room and when Dona Juana saw her daughter in her cap and gown she felt the wave of a million emotions and started to tear up but this time she let them fall. Taking Blanca in her arms she felt at peace and proud of her for accomplishing so many things without the presence of her late husband. Pulling away they make their way to the school since the ceremony was going to start. 

The ceremony took two hours since there were so many seniors in her year but loved every bit of it just enjoying the content smiles and laughter of all her peers who made it. She made it, she thought to herself and when her name was called on the stage she got up, head held up high, and got her diploma making her a high school graduate. After the ceremony, her mother made a little party in celebration for Blanca and everyone was there, her family. 

Letty first came upward to Blanca and hugged her tightly also shedding tears and says, "Aye mi nina chula you made it, how does it feel?"

"It feels good, I'm free of school, not really but finally," Blanca said chuckling. 

"I'm glad, I'm gonna miss you," Letty said her smile faltering.

"Ima miss you too but I'm always gonna be here if you need me, just call me," Blanca said getting sad and hugged her older sister who always supported her, hugged her when she was sad, and made her smile and laugh but most importantly she protected her alongside with Jonathon. 

"Aye chiquilla don't forget about me too," Jonathon said coming beside her with little Xavier in his arms. 

"I promise, take good care of my sister Jonathon and I'll always be here, gone but it'll be like I never left," Blanca said smiling softly at Jonathon and Letty. 

Going around to greet everyone, she needed a breather and went outside to the porch taking a seat on one of the chairs outside. Seconds later Chuy came up the porch and handed Blanca a bouquet of white roses which Blanca loved. Beaming up at his she took the roses and gave her thanks to him as well with a hug. Chuy takes a seat on the chair next to Blanca and just stares at her in which she gets shy. 

"Why are you staring at me like that?" Blanca said trying to cover her face with the roses in which Chuy chuckles.

"Just admiring... I'ma miss you," Chuy said coughing on the last part and Blanca finally looked at him.

"Me too, how bout this... when you miss me just look at the moon and you'll know I'll be there, always or you can always call me," Blanca softly said to him. 

Chuy gets up so does Blanca and pulls her in a bear-crushing hug in which she laughs lightly and hugs him back too. 

"You still remember," Chuy mumbled on top of her head.

"Always, I look at the stars," Blanca says against his chest.

Blanca and Chuy pull apart to stare at each other, Blanca lightly pressed a kiss onto his lips and smiled. Chuy smiled back and walked to his car in which he looks back to see Blanca waved goodbye at him. Blanca headed back into the house and saw Oscar on the sofa with a beer in his hand, walking to him she drops herself next to him on the sofa. Oscar puts his arm around her shoulder and Blanca lays her head on his shoulder.

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