Chp: 4

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2 weeks passed, Blanca felt relaxed but hated the attention she got when she would go to school and Cesar is still trying to mend things with Oscar but with no avail.

It was a Friday morning exactly at 8:30 and the two teens were sprawled on the couch bored watching Romeo and Juliet which Blanca chose.

[living room]

"What if Romeo just asked Juliet's hand in marriage maybe it wouldn't end so bad because Juliet's dad didn't think bad about him?" Blanca said turning her head to look at Cesar who also turned his head to look at her.

"Their petty family feud stopped that." He said softly smiling slightly at her who just sighed and looked at the screen of the television.

Hours passed and Blanca got a notification from a promote page of a rave party a city away which is 1 hour away. She thought maybe she could go out and have fun and take Cesar as well as it seems they both need the fun and distraction at the moment.



"Wanna go to a rave tonight?"


"An hour away."

"I don't think your mom will let us."

"Hmmm.... yeah your right, nevermind then, I thought we could go out and have fun to distract ourselves from our life's."

"Sounds nice honestly but your not fully healed Blanca."

"I know how to be careful with it plus I have you duhhhh, hahaha."

"We'll see, I'll be back Blanca."

Cesar got off the couch leaving Blanca who is watching the movie and went to his room to put in his shoes. He bids Blanca a peace sign while walking out the house and heads to Dona Juana's work place. He got there in 10 minutes and saw her at the reception who saw him and walked towards him.


"Everything ok at home Cesar? Blanca ok?"

"Uh Yea everything is ok."

"What's wrong mijo?"

"When do you have your break?"

"I can take it now, let's go to the cafeteria."

They head towards the cafeteria of the hospital and sat at a table while ordering themselves something to eat in this case Cesar only got a water.

"Tia I would like to take Blanca out not like in a date but to go have fun, she seems bored and out of it lately I just want her get out of that funk she's in."

"I understand mijo pero if I say yes you promise you will be careful and safe as well as taking care of Blanca?"

"On my life Tia."

"Ok I'll give you my keys when I get home en la tarde pero you two better be ready when I get home."

"Thank you Tia I promise we will be careful and safe and I will take care of her."

[at home]

"Blanca !"


"Yo we leave when your mom comes home so start getting ready at 2 ok."

"What? Where we going?"

"To that rave."

Blanca just stood there with a carne asada sticking out her mouth before finishing washing the dishes. The two teens looked at each other and nodded as to say hurry up.

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