Chp: 11

934 16 0

Third person POV:

"Blanca is out of danger but I suggest to take things easy with her, may I speak with the guardian of Blanca," the doctor said searching with his eyes for Dona Juana who stepped forward.

Once out of sight from the group the doctor looked at Dona Juana and sighed, "Im going to be completely honest here and as a doctor if she gets worse I don't know what can happen but she needs to take things easy and slow because her gunshot wound is reopening and that shouldn't be happening so take more care of the wound and there shouldn't be any problems."

Dona Juana released a breathe she's been holding and nodded her head before asking, "May I see her?" The doctor nodded and let her enter the room where Blanca was being monitored and she laid on the bed sleeping.

Dona Juana goes over to Blanca and smiles slightly and she takes a strands of her hair tucking it behind her ear and caress her face while tears roll down her face.

"Don't scare me like that Mija," she said softly while chuckling and press a kiss onto her forehead.

Dona Juana stared at her before taking in a deep breathe and run a hand down her face before thanking god for always bringing her daughter back to her for second time.

In the waiting room in the hospital, Oscar kept glancing over at Chuy who was slumped on the chair with his left leg bouncing.

"Can you stop bouncing your leg," Oscar bluntly said and Chuy stopped and looked over at Oscar who was staring back at him.

"My bad," Chuy said not breaking eye contact from Oscar.

"You don't deserve her," Oscar said leaning back into his chair.

"Neither you," Chuy said back sitting up from his chair.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Oscar said while narrowing his eyes at him.

"I know... you don't deserve her, I don't deserve her but she's all of family I have left," Chuy said calmly not once breaking eye contact from Oscar who now stood up from his chair I which Chuy did the same.

"You can go now," Oscar said harshly stepping up to Chuy.

"I'm not going anywhere till she wakes up," Chuy said stepping up to Oscar when someone coughed in which both of them turned to see Johnathon and Letty.

"Really here? Blanca is in there thank god out of danger and both of you are already wanting to press each other up, calm the fuck down and sit down pinche mocosos," Letty said her voice coming out hard while glaring at the two men who sat down.

Letty sat down with the help of Johnathon and realized that Chuy was there, "What the hell are you doing here?" She said to Chuy harshly.

"Umm... uh-," Chuy stuttered till he was cut off by the door creaking open to reveal Dona Juana entering.

"He's the one who saved Blanca... Chuy ven," Doma Juana said to
Letty and spoke for Chuy who stood up and followed her out the waiting room.

Chuy kept quiet and just followed Dona Juana till he noticed their reaching a room when he saw her in the bed sleeping along with needles in her arms and machines beeping. Dona Juana gestured him a chair which was on the other side of Blancas bed and sat on it.

"May I?" He ask Dona Juana if it was ok for him to hold Blancas hand in which she nodded and sat down on her chair.

"Thank you," Dona Juana said to Chuy who looked stunned back but nodded his head.

"She trusts you but I think she was more scared on how u would react," Chuy said softly looking at Dona Juana who had a small smile.

"I... I'm glad she had you to talk about stuff even though I wouldn't of approve but get where I'm coming from Chuy," she said sitting more up in her chair.

"I know and i will right my mistakes and say that I am sorry for everything I caused to you and Blanca, especially Blanca, I'll forever truly feel sorry that's why I left freeridge and started to do better for me," Chuy earnestly while changing his focus into Blanca who was still sleeping soundlessly.

"I want to believe you I truly do but I can't Chuy," Dona Juana stated releasing a deep breathe.

"I don't blame you Dona but all I want is for her to be back in my life if you'll let me ?" Chuy said hopefully now turning his attention to dona Juana.

"Jesús thats for her to decide I can't make that decision for her but if she says yes, I'll allow it but I have to be there in presence and if she says no then you'll leave and never look for her again, ok Chuy?" Dona Juana stated waiting tentatively for Chuys reaction in which surprised her on what he said next.

"I promise dona Juana If she says yes ill respect her and you and try my hardest to not mess up but if she says no then I'll leave and never come back, you have my word dona," Chuy said firmly while looking at dona Juana who was now grinning.

"Your doing great Chuy, this change it's working for you, it suits you keep it up," she said genuinely with a soft smile.

They both then stayed quiet and just looked at Blanca while her chest kept rising up and down with no change at all. But in Chuys hand he was holding her hand and raised her knuckles to his lips in which he planted a small kiss. When he was gonna release her hand he felt a slight squeeze come from Blanca.

"Blanca did you squeeze your hand? If you did wake up Blanca please I'm here,"Chuy said desperately.

No actions were made after and Chuy hung his head as well as Dona Juana who hoped her daughter would make the same gesture to her but to no avail she didn't get anything.

Slow disappointing minutes passed but everything slowed down when dona Juana and Chuy heard a small voice coming from Blanca.



I know I know I'm superrrrrr late but here y'all go. Sorry I've been MIA but a lot happened since I stopped
Writing but I needed this honestly. I needed to focus on me but I'm better now so it's safe to say that I'm back :) I hope all of you guys are doing well and taking care of each other. But in other words I'm glad I'm back and ready to write and finish this fanfic :)


Lots of love,
Deneri T.

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