Part 1

756 17 2

Third-person POV: 


"Ama! do you know where my- donde esta el cepillo blanco, the one I use to straighten my hair," Blanca yelled out from her closet pulling out her sweaters shoving them into a cupboard box. 

Once her closet was somewhat empty she taped the box closed and carried it to her mother's car, going back to her room to finish packing her clothes into two suitcases that she's gonna take in a few weeks to Mexico. Talking with her mom about going through the list her and her dad made, her mother supported her, and a week after they started looking at plane tickets. Blanca's mother decided to tag along with Blanca to spent more time with her before she went off to college after they came back from traveling through Mexico. Blanca decided that after completing the list she was going to move to New York and go to school there. Her mother is worried being it's such a big state with a more crowded population but supported her nonetheless and helped make arrangements for her. 

"Aqui esta," Dona Juana said peeking in the room and noticed that half her things were packed already. Getting teary-eyed she quickly wiped her tears away so Blanca didn't get to see and went to hug Blanca. Squeezing her tightly she sighed and pressed a kiss on top of her head. 

"What are you worried about," Blanca asked looking up at her mother.

"Just when our trip is over you'll be moving to New York and won't come back to home," Dona Juana croaked out her eyes welling up with tears and took a deep breath. Blanca didn't say anything but hugged her mother tighter. 

"I'm gonna be fine ama," Blanca said softly.

Pulling away from each other they decided to eat breakfast and headed for the kitchen. When entering the kitchen they noticed Chuy was already putting pancakes on three plates and the two women chuckled at him. 

"So I made y'all breakfast hope ya like em," Chuy exclaimed already taking a seat and both of them sat down at the table said their thanks to Chuy before digging in their pancakes. 

After finishing their breakfast they just sat at the table comfortably waiting for their food to go down their stomachs.

"Are both of you ladies ready for the trip, ya in 3 weeks?" Chuy asked them.

"I am, I've never traveled before so I'm excited," Blanca said excitedly.

"Where are you guys gonna go to first?" Chuy asked them.

"To Michoacan, I wanna see my parents and then we'll go off from there," Dona Rosa said.

"Well I'm gonna get ready for the day so see ya," Blanca said while getting up from the table everyone's dishes to the sink. 


Blanca went out to walk around the neighborhood and passed by Oscar's house who came out the house shortly after Blanca passed by. 

"Aye mensa, where you going?" Oscar yelled from the porch already smoking a blunt. 

Blanca walked up to Oscar's porch and sat on the steps of the porch. 

"Just wanted to take a walk," Blanca said cooling down from the summer heat.

One thing Blanca hated was lying to him or keeping secrets from him. Only her mom and Chuy knew that they were gonna leave for a while and that Blanca is moving out afterwards. Blanca knew she had to tell him one way or another, at the end of the day that's her best friend and even though she went through emotional shit because of her feelings with him, he deserved tp know that she wasn't coming back. 

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