Chp: 4

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Blanca's point of view:

Everything inside me went completely shut down, I couldn't move but I had to get a hold of myself and just breathe cause somehow I forgot how to breathe. Just keep going forward everything will be fine, just call Letty or Sad eyes to come pick you. My legs finally moved forward and sent rushing through the wind and heading to the girls bathroom where the car was parked near. I bursted through the door of the girl's bathroom and went into a stall; I couldn't make words come out but I pulled out my phone calling Letty in which she didn't answer and then called Sad eyes.

"Yea?" I heard him say through the phone.

"Is anyone there?..." He said once again.

"Okay I'm gonna click and stop calling this number-" He started to get frustrated but I finally said something.

"Sad eyes..." I said feeling he couldn't hear me cause I was so quiet and I just kept looking at the cream door stall in front of me.

"Blanca?... What's wrong??" He said concern laced in his voice.

"Something happened... a-a-and I need... to g-g-get out of here..." I couldn't finish what I was saying because I shaking so much.

"Where you at?? I'm on my way just tell me where you are," He demanded already sound worried.

"The beach close to Freeridge... t-t-t-the one near the left parking lot..." I told him quietly.

"I'm on my way and don't get out I'll get you lil sis," He told me still on phone not leaving me alone and this empty stall.

"Blanca are you in there??" I hear Oscar yell through the door but I keep quiet.

15 minutes has passed and Oscar is still calling out my name but I stay quiet and hear him leave still calling out for me but I then hear Sad eyes enter the bathroom. Who knew he would have balls to enter a girls bathroom but then again it's him.

"Blancita it's just me I promise... come out," He called out for me.

I opened the stall and I could tell I was already a mess. Sad eyes was a few steps in front of the stall I was in and a look of hurt and anger appeared on his face.

"Oh... lil sis... come here," He said looking at me and opened his arms in which I run up to him and wrap my arms around his waist and my sobs got harder and harder. He just hugged me tighter and didn't let go.

"Oscar?" He assumed why I was like this but I never gone to this extreme of my feelings and from there I knew I was in hella deep and fell hard.

"Yea..." I choked out letting him go and went to the sink to splash water on my face.

"Let's go I saw Oscar far away from the parking lots, we can still get out in time without him catching up to us," He told me and I nodded following him out to see Oscar looking for me.

"Hurry up he just saw us, get in the car hurry up," He told me and we both immediately got to his car and got in quick with him turning on the car.

"Blanca ! Blanca! Wait!," He yelled getting closer but I tapped Sad eyes indicating him to go.

"Sad eyes you better not foo !!" Oscar yelled at him getting closer but I looked at him giving him a look to please go.

We got out of the parking lot within 5 minutes and saw Oscar running to his car. Sad eyes just pressed on the gas and made the turn heading back home and just praying that we lost Oscar on the way.

"Don't take me home, He's gonna go there to look for me, and he saw you so he's gonna think I'm gonna be there with so drop me off at Ruby's house," I told him and taking out my phone to see missed calls from Oscar and an incoming one which I hanged up.

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