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The night is clear and fresh that every teen is out enjoying the night with no worries. A house party that Blanca went with Monse, Jamal, Ruby, and Cesar but their just behind a brick wall observing the high schooler's thinking how cool high school could be. Ruby is the same guy who wants this high school experience memorable, Jamal is freaking out about the football tryouts thinking he isn't going to survive, Monse really could care less as long as she is with her group, Cesar just wants to help them out not stress over it, and Blanca is just waiting to get through this and be happy with everyone else.

Ruby is checking out Sad eyes girl in which he gets caught up in which Sad eyes is holding him obviously Ruby is scared and Cesar is there to help him out saying that Ruby does his moms taxes in which they let him go once they see it's Cesar, Spooky's younger brother, in which they tell him to send Spooky his respects.

"Hola Blanca" Sad eyes said noticing her hiding behind Monse.

"Hey...." Blanca said coming out of her hiding and smiles at him.

"You know you shouldn't be here." Sad eyes said looking at her.

"It's fine I'm with my friends I'm okay don't worry and you know just because he isn't here doesn't mean u have to tell him what I'm doing right." Blanca said amused thinking that Oscar is still looking after her.

"I know but you know how he is and foo he would have my head if anything happened to his best friend." Sad eyes said.

"It's fine, I'll be safe, I promise, now go away and have fun but be safe! Use protection!"Blanca said smiling at him and saying bye to him.

"Thank god for your brother," Ruby said to Cesar rubbing his neck.

"No thank god for better things," Cesar said holding onto him.

*gun shot*

Everyone at the party rushed out running and the squad ran naming the shots as they came.

".357!" they ran laughing back to Ruby's place.

Once at Ruby's house Blanca stayed until Mario, Ruby's older brother told them to stick together cause they will need each other and have each others back. After that "speech" Mario gave, Blanca decided to go home and while halfway there someone grabbed her, "Oh My God ! ," she yelled and turned around to see Sad eyes there laughing at her.

"Stop laughing what you do that for," Blanca said holding on to her chest.

"Well first u walking home alone in the dark, second I'm walking u home cause it's dangerous right now, and finally Oscar called saying he's waiting for u to talk to you on the phone." Sad eyes said.

"Well you could have called out my name instead of grabbing me but in other words hurry up I wanna talk to my best friend!" Blanca said getting all happy.

Once at her doorstep she waved goodbye to Sad eyes, entered the living room yelling out, "I'm home !" and her mom comes out with her phone that she left in her room and said, "It's Oscar apurate (hurry up) he's waiting !"

She grabbed the phone and immediately has a smile on her face and said this, "Heller this is Blanca how may I help you?" she said laughing in the end listening to him chuckling.

"Hey mensa (dumbass) took you long enough to answer my call what you been doing?" Oscar asked through the phone.

"Aye stupid don't call me that I'm the smart one you got it wrong and i was with the squad at some house party and got held up at Ruby's house but i came home walking with Sad eyes, of course the bodyguard never leaves and does his duty." she said.

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