Chp: 10

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Chuy's POV:

Never did I ever thought I would be back in Freeridge, I was done with Freeridge but at some point I knew I was going to come back only for one person and that person is someone special to my heart. I started to believe that you'll only have one first love and that was when I left her but now that I'm coming back it's best if I try to mend things. It might be too late but at this point I still want to be in her life and I want her in mine. That's why I'm driving a 5 hour drive to Freeridge just to make it to her. I know I've done a terrible thing to her but I want to say I changed, I have. The only thing is that I already blew it and timing is already too late to even ask for forgiveness but I just want to be part of her life and not just a secret.

5 hours pass

Pulling up to the central hospital parking lots, I get out of my car, sweat forming on my palms and I wipe them on my jeans. Reminding myself this is for Blanca I take a deep breath and enter the hospital main doors. Going up to the lady at the front desk I say her name openly again in Freeridge.


Third Person POV:

Chuy walks through the halls looking for the family of Blanca and nervous was his understatement. Dona Juana was just sitting in the waiting room closest to Blanca's room waiting for the doctor to come by and tell her everything is fine. Her head in her palms that she only lifted her head when she saw the one person who dared even step into the room with her. She quickly stands and walks straight to Chuy ready to strike him across the face with her palm but stops mid air. She just stares at him, she sees a boy who is tired, a boy with purple circles under his eyes, his eyes red, his body slumped, his hair disheveled, and his head hanging down. Her palm lowers to cup his face and leaves it there for a moment just for him to lean into her warm palm. Feeling wetness on her palm she noticed tears rolling down his face and she did the only thing she can do. She pulled him in to her and hugged him as tight as possible letting him cry on her shoulder as she does too.

"She's gonna be ok," she whispers in his ear with tears rolling down her face as well.

Behind the door of the waiting room was Oscar who was listening in to Dona Juana and Chuy who shared a moment but for him, he just pinched his nose and clenched his jaw. Taking in a deep breathe, breathed out and he strode into the room. Already making his way towards Chuy, he was stopped mid step when Dona Juana stood in front of Chuy.

"Not here, mijo," she whispered while glancing back at Chuy who had his head hung low.

Oscar just nodded and took a seat across from Chuy still glaring at him, Chuy remained as calm as ever but if it was the old Chuy he would have been kicked out of the hospital. The waiting room was now once again filled with silence, just the nurses and doctors could be heard from behind the door. Waiting was the worst part for everyone but Dona Juana was curious as to how Chuy knew that something happened to Blanca. She raised her head, turned to his direction, stood up, walked towards him, sat next to him and grabbed his hand to cup it in hers.

"Jesus, how did you know something happened to Blanca?" she asked him softly with her glazed eyes.

"Senora... we were on a call and I just heard a thump so I assumed something happened to her," he said above a whisper staring at her.

"You were on a call with her?... She would... never," she trailed off but took a quick glance at Chuy who stared at her knowingly.

"It's not my place to say especially when she isn't here to tell you what you're thinking... yes," he said calmly, still holding the stare already feeling nervous.

"It's true," Oscar stated across the room staring at Chuy who now holds his stare with Oscar.

Dona Juana just stared at the floor, she didn't know whether to be angry or worried at Blanca. Dona Juana was just confused as to why didn't her daughter didn't tell her any of this, did she not trust her mother, did I fail at something for Blanca not to tell her this? These moments were the times she wished her husband was still alive, he would know what to do but alas he wasn't and that's what hurts the most to her.

"Dona Juana... don't be mad at her, she wanted to tell you about us talking but we are not even talking romantically, we're just friends, I hope but she knew how you felt about me so we would only call when we needed each other... Someone to talk to who can not relate but just listen. She loves you, she trusts you, be angry at me but not at her," Chuy softly said.

"Why did you leave Freeridge Jesus, was it for her?" Dona Juana asked quietly.

"Yes and no... I left because if I stayed I knew I would cause problems for Blanca and I would be in so much problems if I stayed... I left because while in prison I wanted to build a life for myself, I wanted to be more than what I was, the past me wasn't a good person and I wanted to change that, so I left to work on myself and I'd hope that I'm doing a good job," he chuckled halfheartedly towards the end.

"You are... you know you're gonna have to work hard for me to be ok with you around Blanca Jesus, you hurt my little girl and I don't stand for it, but say this is just the beginning... I'm willing to give you one more chance Jesus, don't mess it up," Dona Juana said sternly while a small appeared on her face.

Chuy's nervousness was relieved by the words of Dona Juana and he now knew everything would be ok from now on. Oscar didn't like it one bit but he had to accept Dona Juana and especially for Blanca. Oscar will never be ok with Chuy but he would just have to be careful with him from now on.

An hour passed and the three seemed to be getting impatient by the minute as no nurse or doctor came to tell them any news about Blanca but shortly after fifteen minutes a nurse bursted through the waiting room door and called out, "Family of Blanca Cortez."

Immediately Dona Juana, Chuy, and Oscar stood up from the chairs anxiously looking at the nurse who came to their way and once she stood in front of them she looked at Dona Juana and said, "Your daughter is..."


Hey my loves, I accept that most of you guys are angry with me for taking so long to update this. I know I said I was gonna update last week but I had family compromises I had to do, I'm sorry my lovely readers. But if u wanna know what's been going with me, not that anyone cares lol, I'm now a god mother to my first god daughter, I feel old now hehe, but so far nothing else has been going on just staying healthy which I hope all of you guys are doing as well! Well here's a super late update, I hope you guys enjoy it ! :) if u guys ever want to message me, go for it, I'll answer ! And as always VOTE and COMMENT !!!!! Spread love and positivity!!!! <3

Your author,
Deneri T.

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