Chp: 8

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Blanca's Point Of View:

"Ya mija?," my mom asked me from the doorway as I slung over my backpack over my shoulders.

"Yup... let's go." I said looking around the room if I forgot to grab anything to take back home with me. I walked out the room with my mom following behind me and we went to the kitchen where Letty was eating cereal. She stood up when she saw us entering the kitchen and smiled at me softly while tucking a hair strand behind my ear.

"You feeling better?," she asked me chuckling.

"Funny, no but I'm feeling better I think I just need to go take a shower and stay in... check if Cesar is okay," I said chuckling as well and hugged her from the side.

"Aver si vienes a la casa ahora Letty," my mom said looking at Letty cheekily.

"I'll stop by today, ok," Letty said chuckling and stepping forward to hug my mom who hugged back.

Exiting the house we head to the front where my mom had her car parked with the emergency lights on but when we got to the car Oscar pulled up behind our car. Honking at us he smiled at us which brought a smile to my face. He stepped out of his car and walked forward to my mom chuckling.

"Mirala dona Juana ya no te veo," he said squeezing her in the hug which she slapped his back lightly while chuckling as well.

"Trabajo hijo, pero muchas gracias por cuidad a Blancita," she said smiling warmly at him.

"No, es nada pero I'm happy that she's feeling better," he said glancing at me.

"Mija dile gracias," my mom said looking at me giving me the stern eye.

"Thank you Oscar for taking care of me yesterday," I said smiling genuinely at him who retuened the same gesture.

"It's nothing, Umm dona Juana is it okay with you if I take Blanca to the beach with me today?" he asked now turning his gaze to my mom.

"I don't know mijo, she's barely feeling good but its up to her," she said now looking at me.

"I mean I feel fine now but I wanna go home and shower, how about when I'm done showering I'll go with you, I'll just send you a text when I'm ready ok?" I offered to see if it's fine with my mom and Oscar who they both nodded their heads.

"Ok it's fine by me just don't forget to send me a message," he said.

"I won't, is it cool with you ama?" I asked my mom but she smiled and nodded.

So with that being said we both got into our cars and drove off to each of us were heading to. On the drive back home I took a short nap since I had plans already for the day, thanks to Oscar. While zoning out my thoughts trailed to Cesar, did he come see me when I was sick? Even though I wasn't dying but he never reached out? I mean we live under the same roof but still. I fell asleep after asking myself but dropped it when sleepiness took over.

(Some time later)

"Mija ya llegamos," i heard my mom while being shaked awake. Slowly opening my eyes I yawned and stretched my arms out. Once I was awake I grabbed my stuff and got out of the car heading for the front door of my house. Waiting patiently in front of the door I waited for my mom to come unlock the door. When she got to the door and unlocked it we both walked in. We take a deep breathe and head for the living room and crash on the sofa.

"Quieres algo de comer antes que te vayas con Óscar?" She asked me while looking for the remote to the TV.

"Sure, maybe a sandwich?" I said and gave her the remote which was under my ass in which she snickered.Turning on the TV she left it on so she can watch it while preparing the sandwich.

"Ask Cesar if he wants one as well," my mom yelled from the kitchen when she heard me walk pass the kitchen to go to my room.

Groaning quietly I walk to Cesar's room and knock but no one answered so I knocked again but again no one answered.

"Cesar I'm gonna come in so don't be naked or something," I said turning the knob and enter his room. I find nothing of him like every single of his stuff that was in here was gone. Looking left and right I find nothing of his till I see a paper on his counter. Walking towards the counter I grab the paper and see it's for me and my mom.

I'm sorry Blanca and Dona Juana that I just left but I think I stayed long enough and I didn't want to be a burden. Before you say that I'm not a burden, I am, Dona Juana you have your daughter to take care instead of me and I appreciate everything you both did for me. I promise one day I will repay you guys back. I love you guys so much, you guys are my family that took me in when I had no where else to go. Don't worry about me, I found a place I can stay at and I'm gonna be fine. Thank you so much for everything. I'm sorry Blanca.


Anger I felt but I understood, I just wanted this to handled in a different way yet then again I wouldn't have let him leave. A tear rolled down my cheek and I just wiped away with the back of my palm. I took a deep breathe and grabbed the letter taking it with me to the kitchen to show it to my mom. My mom had her back at me so I just stood there for a minute before I exhaled and cleared my throat.

"Que dijo Cesar?" she asked turning around smiling softly.

"He left." I said bluntly and placed the letter on the diner table for her to see, my mom smile immediately fell.

"Como? A donde?" She said concern laced in her voice and grab the letter from the table.

"He didn't say where." I said watching her scan the letter.

"I'm gonna call Oscar, he has to know." She said worriedly.

"I'll do it." I said and turned around but my mom caught my arm.

"Mija I know you care for that boy, I know. Pero que le vas a decir?" She said both her hands on my shoulder's.

"I know Oscar, I know what to do." I said and smiled reassuringly at her in which she returned one to me as well but it was evident her smile was hesitant.

"Te me vengas rapido ok." She said squeezing my shoulder's lightly before dropping them to her side and I nodded my head.

Grabbing my purse from the hanger against the wall near the door I took a deep breathe and started my walk to Oscar's house. 

Will he even care?... I hope he still does...


Hey guys,

I'm back and again with another late update, sorry peeps :( I hope you guys are doing well and if not well I'm here to talk and that everything will be ok. I'm pretty sure most of you guys have seen the trailer for 'On My Block' season 3 and let me tell you I'm excited since it's coming out tomorrow and I know I'm gonna stay up to watch it. If any my readers remember the authors note I posted a while ago I said I was gonna end this fanfic on season 2 and unfortunately I am still going with that plan. But till otherwise we'll see what happens cause I might change my mind, who knows? I'm currently planning my new book called, "The Other Jock" if anyone is interested? I'll post what's it about in my next chapter of this fanfic. If you guys still want me to continue this fanfic don't be afraid to voice your opinion and let me know. Well as always COMMENT, VOTE, SPREAD POSITIVITY and LOVE.


Deneri T. <3

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