Chp: 2

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(Letty character is the blonde girl sad eyes girl and that's Rosa in the pic played by Jocelyn A. Quintanilla B.)

Blanca's point of view:

I froze, I couldn't move I felt like a complete statue, I just kept my mouth closed, my eyes dry already, and I could only look at Cesar. I just looked at him waiting for him to say something but he too looked like he got caught stealing something and not one of us said anything.

"Ummm don't worry about, Blanca just told me something about Monse," Cesar said already composing himself straighter and just glanced at me.

"Mhmmm..... Blanca are you okay?" Oscar asked me now facing me still having a skeptical look and already giving me the look that we were gonna talk about what just happened.

"I'm going back home..... you guys go ahead I'll go back walking," Cesar told us, he did a man hand shake to Oscar who told him to be safe and hugged me whispering in my ear "I promise." I smiled at him grateful and watched him leave before getting in the car with Oscar.

In the car Oscar was driving not knowing where we were going, the both of us were quiet, i just looked at the houses passing by and Oscar started taking a left turn, I already knew where we were going and it was the beach. He parked the car, we both got out, started walking to a empty spot where we could sit and be by ourselves. We found a spot, we sat down, I took off my shoes and started drawing in the sand.

"You gonna tell me why you were crying and what no one can know? ...." Oscar asked me now holding my head making me look at him.

"Uhh.... It's nothing he just wanted to know if Monse liked him.... I told him yea cause before she went to writing camp she needed to let her feelings out so I was there and I made him promise that no one can know I told him," I told Oscar now looking at him the eyes. I hate lying to him but I really don't wanna put my feelings in this friendship knowing this could destroy it.

"Ok.... now why were you crying about that?" He asked me now curious.

"I mean I broke a promise and I felt like I betrayed Monse who is like my little sister," I told him with a straight face and couldn't look at him anymore so I decided to look at the ocean.

Me and Oscar from the start of our really close friendship we couldn't lie to each other, that was like an ultimate betrayal for us and me lying straight to his face was so terrible. I knew eventually that my feelings would grow bigger and bigger everytime I'm with him. From there I knew I was gonna lose him cause I'm too much of a coward to confront my feelings cause I never dealt with them instead I choose to ignore them and focus on my close friends and family who need me.


I took out my phone and saw my mom was calling me. I answered the phone with, "Bueno..."

"Mija donde estas (where are you) I didn't let you out cause your not at Oscar's house so your with him I think....." my mom told me through the phone.

"Ama I'm at the beach with him and sorry...." I said to her nervously.

"Te me vengas pa la casa orita (come home already) ...." my mom told me already knowing I'm gonna get a Chancla thrown at me.

"Ok pues I'm going," I said hanging up already and looked at Oscar telling him that he has to tke me home cause I didn't get permission to go out.

We drove back in complete silence, we reached my house in 20 minutes, he grabbed my arm and pulled me back and told me chuckling, " How mensa can you be..."

" shut up..." I told him quietly before getting out and heading inside, closing the door behind me.

"Quien te crees (who do you think you are) and next time ask for permission. Your not allowed to go out for a week," my mom told me but I saw this coming.

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