Chp: 11

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Blanca's Point of View:

*Flashback to 2 years ago*

"Who are you talking to?" I said to Chuy, we were at my place chilling in the living room, my mom was at work and didn't know he was here.

"No one," He said looking at me before putting his arm around me pulling me closer to him kissing the top of my head.

We were cuddled up in the couch watching a movie called, 'Belle' and looked up to see him sleeping. His phone vibrated and I leaned over slowly to check who it is; It was really hard to see his phone since it was on the other side him.


I didn't know anyone who's named Camilla that we both knew but he did. I got up in a rush when I saw a text from my mom saying that she will be home late cause the clinic is busy and she needed to finish some paper work. I heard Chuy waking up so I turned around looking at him and sat back down on the couch.

"Who's Camilla?" I said softly.

"Who?" Chuy said lying looking confused.

"Hmmm... Can I use your phone to text Monse about a sleep over next week, my phone died and put it to charge," I said looking at him.

He was hesitant at first but gave it to me anyway and I immediately went straight to the messages. I found the texts with Camilla, I moved my fingers making it look like I was typing, and I saw what I didn't want to see.

"What is this??" I said loud and clear showing his phone.

"Why are you snooping!!!" He yelled at me yanking his phone away from my hands.

"So you were not gonna go to her house later tonight? Huh?" I said looking at him feeling tears well up in my eyes.

"You trippin," He scoffed.

"Get out," I said softly looking at him.

"What ? Are you serious??" He said taking a step closer to me but I stayed where I was and looked at him in the eyes.

"I said get out, open your ears and we're done... I don't date liars or cheaters," I said it clear for him to understand.

This was the moment that started our relationship to bend extremely and I was terrified what's to come next. I held my right cheek just in shock and noticed my lip got cut. I looked up him in fear and disbelief.

My mom walked in, saw the cut on my lip, my hand cupping my cheek, and saw Chuy breathing heavenly. I never saw my mom so angry that day even with Oscar who came later and left Chuy with a black eye and punches that will form into bruises later. The police came, asked questions, and took Chuy away.

*End of Flashback*

I was back at the party and honestly had no idea what I just did but saw that Letty and Johnathon looking for me. I waved at them when I was at the front of the house and the 3 of us left. During the ride back to their place I stayed quiet not saying anything, the kiss was good but wrong yet relief, I decided to not think so much about it since he's leaving so I just took a deep breathe and talked with Johnathon and Letty till we got their place.

The next day Letty woke up with a hangover and Johnathon asked me if I wanted to go home in which I nodded getting my stuff and kiss Letty on the head. The car ride was calming and Johnathon made small talk about the party yesterday but I just told him it was boring and left it at that.

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