Chp: 7

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Blanca's Point of View:




My heart started beating fast and I just closed my eyes.

The darkness was always there waiting for me but this time I let it consume me for a bit and had to let the harsh light come in. The edging calming had to be cut short when I reopened my eyes to face the harsh reality that this wasn't mind playing tricks. My heart still racing, my breathe cut short and the hard landing to the floor slapped me out of it.

"Who's this..." My voice betrayed me and I just stared at the wall in front of me.

"Anita... You know who it is," The familiar voice I knew too well said.

I hanged up the phone, rushed to my mom's room, shook her to wake up and immediately my mom sit up. My mom had a look of panic in her eyes but a bigger concern flashed in her eyes when she saw me with my eyes puffy and red face.

"Que paso??" My mom said in worry making me sit down with her trying to calm me down.

"Chuy called me and I couldn't... Breathe," I said choking up on my tears and sob that wants to come out. My mother was consoling me and gripped me closer to her.

"Call Oscar," She said looking at me.

"No I can't ama," I said softly looking at her.

"Why not?" She said concerned.

"Ama I don't want him to be apart of this anymore," I said tired.

"Don't worry mija, we can do this... He won't touch you or get near you not over my dead body," My mom said firmly.

"Ama I'm scared..." I said quietly and watch her stand up locking the door and laying me beside her while she holds me closely.

"He won't ever get to you and I promise you that from now on don't walk by yourself and if no one can walk with you, tell me and I'll take you," My mom said sternly.

"Ok... Ma promise me you won't tell Oscar about this," I said softly.

"I promise mija, but I'll feel less worried if he was there with you to look out for you," She said her voice raspy.

"If it makes you feel any better I'll tell Sad eyes and Letty what's going on and ask if they can help," I said snuggling closer to my mom.

"Ok mi nina... I love you goodnight," Her voice getting quiet.

"I love you too ma," I said closing my eyes and fell asleep.

*The Next Morning*

My mom woke me up, told me to get ready for school and waited for me at the kitchen. I didn't need to get to school right now cause it was 6 in the morning and we ate breakfast.

"Who's gonna walk with you to school or take you?" My mom said looking at me.

"I can Sad eyes if he can give me a lift," I said taking out my phone and dialed his number.

My mom looked at me sitting down on the chair drinking her coffee and waiting for me to give her an answer. When the 4 ring went on he picked up and sounded irritated.

"Blanca you do realize it's 6 in the morning right well almost 7 pero why?"He said annoyed through the phone.

"Johnathon I'm so sorry to disturb you and I know it's early but I wouldn't call if it wasn't important,"I said using his name.

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