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Phoebe and the girls were already sat down and enjoying the feast when the marauders appeared suddenly, mischievous smiles on their faces. Phoebe sighed and looked up from her mostly full plate when Remus and Peter joined Marlene and Alice across from her. Sirius and James stand behind where she and Lily sat, elbowing each other and whispering. Sirius finally speaks up,

"Oi, Evans," Sirius says cheekily. "Scoot over."

Lily's brows furrowed and she scoffs, "No way, Black. You sat with her for half the train ride. And you kicked her out."

Marlene and Lily high five as Sirius gasps indignantly. Phoebe just shakes her head and nods at Lily, signaling to just let him sit. Her red headed friend pouts playfully but scoots over just enough for Sirius to squeeze in next to Phoebe.

James takes the seat on the other side of Lily, much to her chagrin. "Did we miss the sorting, beautiful Lily flower?"

Lily scowls and shoves another bite of potatoes into her mouth so she can avoid answering. James continues on, "I can't help but notice how lovely you look today. Did Griffin give you my message?"

"You didn't give me a message," Phoebe interjects when she notices how irritable Lily was growing. Over the years, Phoebe had felt conflicted when it came to James and Lily. It was rather rude how James harassed her friend, but she couldn't help but feel slightly badly for him. His misguided gestures were sweet at their core, and she couldn't help but think Lily should give him a chance.

James sits up straighter, leaning forward to peer down the way at the blonde. He frowns and says indignantly, "I did give you a message."

Phoebe lets out another sigh, looking away from her own potatoes to meet James' gaze.

"Potter, you said—and I quote—'go talk to Evans for me.' Then you proceeded to call me a bitch."

Alice and Marlene turn to frown at James. Lily speaks to the boy finally. Her voice is cold and cutting, "Potter, I thought you couldn't get any worse. That's a terrible thing to say."

James gapes at Lily, flushing slightly. "I didn't! I didn't call her that, Evans!"

Phoebe snorts and moves her fork around, ignoring Sirius when he leans over and whispers, "Eat, Phoebe."

"Okay, Mom," She replies sarcastically. Phoebe could only hear her mother's words about watching her figure when she looked down at her plate. That and James trying to convince Lily that he didn't call Phoebe a bitch.

"You did too, Potter. Don't try to deny it. They boys all heard," She drawls, enjoying the way he was getting more and more flustered.

"Well if I didn't then I certainly would now," He says bitingly, leaning forward even more to scowl at the blonde.

"Oh no," Phoebe whines dramatically. "That really hurts. Potter thinks I'm a bitch. My aching heart."

James begins to stand now, hurling a roll down her way. Sirius catches it easily, saying firmly, "Prongs quit talking so she can eat."

"Shut up, Sirius!" The arguing pair say in unison. There's a sudden awkward pause, making the both of the huff and cross their arms. Marlene leans over to Remus and whispers, "It's odd how similar they are."

Remus chuckles and nods, "They make a peculiar pair."

The rest of the meal is relatively silent, no one offering up anything other than small talk. James frowns at the sounds of Phoebe and Sirius whispering to each other.

James doesn't know how she does it, but no one manages to get under his skin the was Phoebe Griffin does. He'd been riled easily by her since 1st year. She'd been his first crush at Hogwarts, even before Lily Evans. Then he realized what a pain in the arse she was. When Sirius started bringing her around it made James' skin crawl, especially with how friendly they'd gotten. And the whole time, she refused to help James win Lily's affections.

"Bloody Veela," The boy grumbles under his breath, scowling down at his plate. Lily snorts from next to him and says quietly, "You should apologize, Potter. It might take her by surprise."

James perks up slightly at Lily addressing him. It was rare that the girl of his dreams spoke to him without calling him an arrogant toe rag. He rubs the back of his neck and smiles a little. 'Maybe Evans will like me better if I get along with her best friend...' James ponders internally. When the group starts to head to the Gryffindor tower, James snags Phoebe by the wrist, hollering her back slightly.

"Um, Griffin?"

Phoebe looks up at James calmly, much to his surprise. He suddenly forgets what he was going to say, curiosity taking over at the sight of her grey eyes. It was rare that they were wide and accepting when looking at him. He was used to her narrowed gaze and pointed glares. He'd never seen eyes like hers. Similar in color to Sirius, they were far more pale. He notices the tiniest hint of blue around her pupil. Phoebe stirs him from his staring by clearing her throat.

"Right! Um I'd like to apologize."

She looks reasonably surprised, looking at him cautiously. "You," She spoke slowly, "Are apologizing to me?"

"Yes," James chuckles, enjoying her flummoxed expression. "I am. You irritate the piss out of me, Griffin. But I shouldn't have called you that."

Phoebe blinks rapidly, stunned silent. She's never once received an apology from James Potter. She and raises an eyebrow and says finally, "Oh. Well, okay then!"

It the boy's turn to be surprised. "That's it? Okay?"

Phoebe laughs, and James grins a little. It's the first time he's ever heard her laugh from something he's said that wasn't accompanied by further remarks from the lads. It makes something twinge beneath his ribs. He can't question it further, because Phoebe distracts him with her reply,

"Of course, Potter. I'm actually quite a reasonable person."

James grins and says cheekily, "I don't know that reasonable is the word I would use but to each their own."

Phoebe rolls her eyes and smiles. Her voice is softer when she says, "I'm sorry too. For telling you to suck my dick."

James laughs now, a loud one that easily escapes him. He doesn't recall ever laughing with Phoebe Griffin.

"That's alright. All I ask is that you put in a good word with Evans for me."

Phoebe's smile fades slightly and understanding reaches her. Everything came back to his obsession with her ginger friend. She clicks her tongue against her teeth and says, "Now I get it. You're apologizing so Lily won't hate you more than she already does."

His stomach drops slightly at the disappearance of her smile. He quickly rambles, "No! I-I mean yes—kind of—I am actually sorry."

Phoebe smiles tightly and says, "Don't worry, Potter. I'll make sure she knows."

James winces when she turns away from him, hurrying back to Sirius as they arrive at the portrait hole. He wishes he could take back what he said, especially as he watches his best mate hug the blonde witch into his side.

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