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{{guys I think I crushed my midterm! Yay!! Let's celebrate with more Phoebe and James!}}

Phoebe takes a deep breath in, savoring the way the frigid air stings her lungs.

"What are you doing, Pheebs?"

She turns and looks at Remus and Peter, smiling at their confused faces. She laughs and spins around, saying happily, "I'm taking in the beautiful day, lads. I'm happy to be back at hogwarts!"

Sirius grunts, rolling his eyes. They walked slowly from Hogsmead, deciding against taking the carriages so they could have longer before they were truly back at school. James grins and tosses his girlfriend the snitch she'd bought him last year. She winks when she catches it, quickly pitching it back to him.

The rest of their break had been relaxing and healing and full of fun. Her mother's death still weighed in her heart, but James was sharing the burden of it, even more than he had before. They were both sure of where they stood now, together and in love.

Remus chuckles and agrees, "Me too, Pheebs. I'm ready to get back to classes."

"You lot are crazy," Sirius groans, Peter nodding his head. The smaller boy asks sadly, "Why do they have to make the holidays so short?"

Phoebe shoots him a sympathetic smile and offers, "At least you get to see Mary again, Pete."

The boy blushes and nods eagerly, suddenly looking much happier to be back.

Phoebe and James continue to lazily lob the snitch back and forth, occasionally throwing it higher or faster to trip the other up. They walk past a sobbing girl surrounded by her friends and Phoebe can't help but feel nosy.

"That's Benjy Fenwicks sister. Their parents were killed over the break," Remus says softly to answer Phoebe's obvious curiosity, eyes flicking over to the young girl. Phoebe felt her throat get tighter. She stares at the girl with sympathetic eyes as they pass, noting that she couldn't be past 2nd year. This war was already tearing children away from their parents, and it was becoming more and more frequent.

"Come on," Sirius sighs, urging them all to carry on. "She's got enough people looking at her."

James however has his eyes on Phoebe, noticing the way her breathing is hitched and her hands are clenched. He strides over to her and slips his hand into hers, giving it a meaningful squeeze. She looks up gratefully, letting out the breath she was holding when they finally reach the castle. She doesn't have more time to think about the poor girl and her poor family, because she's suddenly tackled.

"Lily!" Phoebe shrieks, wincing when her back hits the cold floor. Lily, Alice, and Marlene dogpile on to the girl, cracking up. While the boys share confused looks Lily cries, "Merlin, Phoebe! We missed you!"

"So much," Alice says playfully. "James has completely stolen you from us!"

James smirks slightly when he makes eye contact with his girlfriend. She blushes and grumbles, "It was only two weeks."

"Two weeks is practically a life time," Marlene groans, the girls clambering off their friend and helping her to their feet. Phoebe smiles cheekily and finally admits,

"Alright...I missed all of you too."

The girls turn to the marauders and Lily piping up, "Don't worry, Lads! We missed you too!"

Sirius grins and pulls Marlene into his side, pecking her lips quickly. Remus replies for the group of boys, "Thanks, Lily. We can all say the same. Now how about some dinner?"

Phoebe wrinkles her nose at the thought of food, jumping when she feels hands gripping her waist. She grins and turns around to face James, asking quietly, "Are you hungry?"

He smiles and shakes his head, mischief twinkling in his eyes. Phoebe shivers when he bends down and whispers by her ear, "Actually I am hungry...but not for food."

She snorts at his cheesy line and teases, "And what do you have in mind, Potter?"

He smiles smugly and murmurs, "Well a shag in the common room sounds good right about now."

He expects her to scoff, flip him the bird maybe. His heart nearly stops when he sees her considering it. She grins a little, replying quietly, "I think I have a better idea."

She grabs his hand and they scurry off, laughing as they climb the staircases. Phoebe swats away his wandering hands, squeaking when he smacks her bum. He grins and winks at her, muttering something under his breath. They round the corner and stop short when they see Rudolphus Lestrange and Evan Rosier.

Phoebe's heart sinks and she glances over at James. His jaw is already clenched. He's still furious over the things she'd heard from the Slytherins while they were trying to find her that one night. Rosier notices them first and grins widely.

"Well, well! Potter and his beast!"

Lestrange chuckles quietly, glancing down to where James already has his wand in his hand. He smirks and turns to Phoebe, saying pityingly,

"I was so sad to hear about your mum. Terrible way to go."

She can't help herself, her eyes widen and she stands straighter. He knew how her mother died. Something she didn't even know.

The boy notices and gasps mockingly.

"Don't tell me you don't know, love."

James snarls at the word, especially 'love'

"Keep your mouth shut, Lestrange."

He doesn't even look at James, his gaze steady on hers. Phoebe swallows past the lump in her throat, eyes watering slightly when Rosier jumps in,

"I heard the dark lord Imperiused her. Made her dance for everyone."

Lestrange grins, watching the Veela begin to shake, her eyes still wide.

"And then he let them have their way with her. Apparently the legends are true, there's nothing better than a Veela," He turns to look at James, a smug smile on his face.

"Isn't that right, Potter?"

James barely even open his mouth to hex him, the Slytherins wands drawn. He doesn't get far because fire shoots into the boys leg, drawing a raw and angry cry from him. James turns and looks at Phoebe in shock, watching her hurl another ball of fire at Rosier, his wand turning to dust in his hands. The boys hurry away, Lestrange still croaking in pain and cursing wildly.

James stares at her silently for a moment before saying hurriedly, "We have to go before someone sees. Come on."

"I'm afraid it's a bit late for that, Mr. Potter."

Phoebe sighs, barely even looking over her shoulder.

Professor Mcgonagall.

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