Phoebe is a mess.
She's crabby and needy and desperate for James and his touch. She snaps at Kreacher and then apologizes instantly, rivaling the attitude of Wallburga's portrait.
Marlene smirks at her from across the room, asking cheekily, "Didn't have a good morning, Phoebe?"
The veela's ears turn pink and she glares when Marlene, Alice and Lily giggle. They've retreated to one of the drawing rooms in the house, chatting about their lives for the first time in what felt like ages. They were thrilled to hear that Phoebe and James were back and better than ever. Minus Phoebe's little problem.
"I had a...fine morning. It was fine."
"You shagged Potter, didn't you," Alice accuses. They all lean forward when their blonde friend purses her lips and returns her eyes to the Witch Weekly she was reading.
"No," Lily says playfully. "If they'd shagged she wouldn't be so pissy."
"I'm not," Phoebe defends while Marlene whistles and points at her, saying loud and boisterously, "Phoebe is horny!!!!!"
"Would you shut up!" Phoebe cries crossly, shifting uncomfortably under their eyes. Alice cracks up, holding her belly as she leans her head back and laughs at the girls expense.
"Who would've guessed," Lily teases. "Our Phoebe, a sex fiend!"
"I would have," Alice jumps in, wiping her tears from laughter. "I heard all about your sexcapade in the bathroom from Marlene. Apparently Minnie apparated after she heard James tell our friend here to turn around!!"
The three girls erupt with laughter, making Phoebe grow more and more pink. She hides her face in her hands, mumbling, "I hate you all."
"Oh, we're just messing with you, Pheebs! It happens to the best of us," Lily says sympathetically, clinking her glass of whiskey against Phoebe's.
Phoebe suddenly smirks and says wickedly, "Oh I know all about how it happens to you all. That's right, boys talk."
Lily, Marlene, and Alice grow pale as the Veela continues,
"I heard all about how Alice likes to dress up."
The pixie haired witch gasps and covers her mouth, looking absolutely scandalized when Lily and Marlene turn to her with shock on their faces.
"Oh," Phoebe says cheekily, "Lily likes to play librarian. I heard that Fabian gets a real kick out of that."
Lily groans and covers her face when Marlene chokes on her drink, blowing snot and whiskey all over as she cackles. She freezes when Phoebe's pale eyes land on her.
"Don't even get me started on what you and Black—"
Marlene breathes out a sigh of relief, saying quickly, "Let's go, I'm famished."
"I'll bet you are, Tiger."
Marlene shrieks, flinging out of her chair to cover Phoebe's mouth before she can reveal anymore secrets or nicknames. The Veela swats her hands away, laughing hysterically.
Remus pokes his head in the room, furrowing his brow at the three panic stricken girls and the snickering veela.
"Uh," he says confusedly. "Did I miss something?"
"Yes you have," Phoebe says playfully. "We were just talking about—"
"PHOEBE!!" The girls all cry. She just laughs some more, feeling quite better about her sexual frustration as she stands and follows Remus down to the kitchen.
She's happy to see that Molly and Arthur and the kids are there, grinning and forgetting her plight when Charlie squeals,
He and Bill run to her, latching on to her legs with their spindly arms. She laughs and crouches down, hugging them individually before she asks sternly,
"Have you been helping your mother?"
They both nod, staring up at her with excited eyes when she ruffles their hair and says happily,
"Bon travail!"
"What does that mean?" Bill wonders, tilting his head curiously. Phoebe smiles warmly and replies, "It means good job. Try. Bon,"
"Bon," The boys say in unison. Her heart grows warmer.
"Travail," She says gently, biting back laughter as they struggle a bit on the pronunciation.
"Good job," she laughs, standing and offering them each a hand. She guides them over to the table and pulls out a chair for them next to their father, winking at Arthur. He chuckles and smiles, his pinks a shade of pink when the Veela turns away.
"Phoebe," Charlie says indignantly when she turns to go sit where James and Sirius are watching with smiles on their faces.
"Yes, love?" She wonders, peering down at his and Bill's freckled faces.
"Can we sit with you?" Bill asks hopefully. She glances at where Molly is by the stove, Percy on her hip. She smiles and says playfully, "By all means. Take them!"
Charlie and Bill giggle as she scoops them up in either arm, grunting, "Merlins beard! You lot weigh more than a hippogriff!!!"
She lugs them over and plops them down on either side of James, taking her spot across from him and next to Sirius. They're soon joined by the still blushing girls and Remus and Peter, Gideon and Fabian appearing moments later. Frank joins them as well, pecking his wife on the cheek before immediately chatting up Arthur about the ministry.
Phoebe's attention is drawn back to the little boys when he hears Charlie whisper loudly,
She quirks a brow when James smirks her way before murmuring, "I swear it."
Bill turns to Phoebe, looking rather serious as he asks,
"You've pet a unicorn?"
Phoebe smiles, noticing the way James is looking down at the boys with a twinkle in his eyes. Her heart feels like it will explode when he carefully serves the red headed children some stew.
"I have," She answers. "I've pet a unicorn and hippogriffs and nifflers."
"Can you show us someday?" Charlie pleads. Phoebe feels instantaneous panic, the dark part of her mind reminding her that someday is not a guarantee. And that when this war is over, if she has survived, there might not be unicorns or hippogriffs or other creatures for her to show the boys. This war could take everything. Even the future from children.
Sirius elbows her gently after she's been uncomfortably silent for a few moments, stirring her awake,
"Sure!" She chokes out, forcing a smile. "I'd love to. Maybe we can see some dragons too?"
Charlie looks like he may faint from excitement.
And Phoebe feels like she may faint too, James' injury having spurred on her first time wishing that this war could just end and no one would be hurt. She hadn't wished for it this badly until now, because it was foolish.
Foolish to think that every person laughing and eating around her will make it out of this alive.

The Stag and The Harpy | James Potter
Fanfic"Potter," Phoebe says curtly. James frowns and says harshly, willing the odd feeling he has to go away, "Griffin, all of that stuff still doesn't make you pretty." She scoffs and narrows her eyes, "I could say the same about you. What's that in you...