One shot: Horizons

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Remus chews nervously on the inside of his cheek, trying hard to not look at the person that's been haunting his dreams for weeks.

He gulps down more firewhiskey, eyes lingering as James starts chatting with him. They're embroiled in conversation, and Remus knows James well enough by now to know that he's jealous. Jealous that the girl he fancied had been talking to her ex-snogging partner.

James chats briefly with Lily and then disappears, off to find the Veela he's been pining after since he was eleven. Remus smiles slightly to himself, looking down at his feet. James and Phoebe. They'd always made quite the pair, but now it looked as if it was happening. He could help but take partial credit, he had dared James to snog her last year after all. The same night he'd started to think about—

"Lupin, looking good."

Remus snaps his head up, instantly flushing at the strawberry blonde that has appeared next to him. Gideon Prewett. His mouth runs dry and he grips his glass tighter, saying in reply, "Good match today, Prewett."

The boy chuckles, glancing sideways at Remus. He catches a glimpse of golden brown eyes that make his chest feel funny. Remus quickly looks away before he can get anymore flustered. If that's possible. His next words feel lame, stupid on his tongue,

"You've just sent James off to snog your friend with benefits?"

Gideon laughs harder this time, reaching for Remus' glass. He can't even complain when the red head brings it to his lips and swallows the last of it, Remus forcing himself to not look at his throat.

"Not benefits. At least, not anymore," Gideon corrects, reaching behind him to fill up Remus' glass and hand it back to him. He reluctantly accepts, wishing he could be disgusted that Gideon had touched his lips to his cup. He should be disgusted, if Peter or Sirius or James had done it he would've been pissed. But the wry grin on Gideon's face erases any attempt at such an emotion.

"Yeah?" Remus asks weakly, taking a drink of his own. He hesitates before extending the cup. Gideon quirks a brow, his mouth set in a half smile that Remus knows girls go crazy for. He's heard Marlene talk about it, at least before she was dating Sirius. Gideon takes his drink, gulping down another sip. Remus can't help but watch this time, eyes momentarily mesmerized by the way his tanned skin moves. He looks away again, focusing on Lily and Fabian dancing in the corner. Remus smiles slightly. They were a good match.

"I've decided to broaden my horizons. And besides, everyone knows Phoebe and I just used each other when we were sad or lonely. I never wanted her because she was a Veela, I wanted her because she was nice. A good snog. A friend. A truly pathetic arrangement for love sick people that are too scared to commit," Gideon teases, smiling wider when the dusty haired boy turns back to him with a quizzical look on his face. Cute. Remus Lupin was cute. Gideon takes another drink, assessing the curious green eyes before him. He'd never seen green eyes so dark before.

"You're love sick?" Remus asks, letting out a snort of laughter when Gideon nods. The Prewett twin laughs as well, wondering, "Is that so hard to imagine? Me pining for someone?"

"A little," Remus says truthfully, embarrassed slightly by how easy his grin is. "I've seen your fan club, Prewett."

Gideon smirks, looking away and shaking his head before he replies, "And I've seen yours, Lupin. What of it? No pretty bird has caught your eye?"

Remus flushes and looks away, eyes dancing over the crowd. He wants to tell himself to keep his mouth shut, to tell Gideon to piss off. Instead he says quietly,

"No. No birds."

He looks up when a warm shoulder brushes his. Closer. He's closer. Remus tries to nonchalantly wipe his sweaty palms on his pants. He silently curses his mind, always thinking. Always over analyzing. Gideon hands him back his cup, and Remus wonders briefly if he's doing this on purpose. Letting his fingers linger.

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