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Phoebe Griffin hated this time of year. Not because it meant she had to start school again! She loves Hogwarts. It's the warmth and comfort of a home that she never quite had. But getting to Hogwarts meant taking the train. And Phoebe hated trains.

"Bloody Express," She whispers to herself, eyeing the black and red train like it was going to spring to life and devour her. Her owl hoots from its cage, stirring her thoughts.

"Sorry, Vincent. I'm just not ready yet," She argues, like the owl will suddenly talk back.

"Talking to yourself again, Pheebs??"

The young witch whirls around at the familiar voice and launched herself into the arms of Sirius Black.

"It's bloody good to see you, Sirius," She breathes out. She felt like she could cry, so blasted emotional over seeing her friend again.

They were quite the pair. Her silvery blonde hair contrasted his black messy tendrils. He was tall, she was on the short side. The only things the two friends shared were their startling grey eyes and the unwavering weight of their parents expectations.

Phoebe had not always gotten along well with the Marauders. In fact, she and James Potter got along about as well as oil and water. Their 1st year was spent hurling insults and relentlessly pranking until the group of 5 spent more time in detention than out of it. But third year, Sirius and Phoebe had drunkenly shared a cigarette in the astronomy tower and a bond between broken children was formed.

"Where's your mum?" Phoebe pulls away at his question and sighs, muttering, "She just dropped me off. After I got the lecture about upholding the standards of our family."

"Yes," Sirius states in a fake posh accent. "Those with Veela blood must be of the upmost class."

Phoebe rolls her eyes an "Which is odd, considering that apparently pure bloods are the only thing acceptable to some. Shouldn't I try to blend in more?"

A third voice joins in, "You couldn't blend in if you tried, Phoebe."

A warm smile wormed it's way onto her face at the sight of her other friend. Remus Lupin, the only person she'd met that had any resemblance of understanding of what it's like to be a "creature" on the ministry's list. Not that Remus knew that she was at all aware of his furry problem. She'd decided to keep it that way for now.

"Remmy," Phoebe cries dramatically, pulling him into a hug. Remus flushes slightly, but bends to wrap his lanky arms around her frame.

"How've you been, Pheebs? Was France alright?"

"c'était ennuyeux," She sighs, earning a chuckle from Sirius who spoke French as well. Remus smiles and says playfully, "English please."

"Boring, Remus! Dreadfully dull," Phoebe drawls. "My grandma is still pissed that I've not transferred to Beauxbatons."

The train whistle blows, making Phoebe nearly jump out of her skin. Sirius snorts, "It's been six years. You're still afraid?"

"Don't laugh at me," Phoebe defends, grabbing her trunk and owl cage, and hesitantly walking towards the Hogwarts Express.

"I just don't see why I can't floo there. Trains are deadly."

"Pheebs, this is getting embarrassing," Remus tutts as the group of three make their way onto the train.

"Where are your things?" She tries desperately to change the subject as the train whistles again, making her heart beat quicken.

"Already on board," Sirius grins down at her, helping her lug her things up onto the train. "Prongs grabbed a compartment for us."

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