James sits next to Sirius, across from Remus and Peter. He's a ball of emotions, irritation and worry and pathetic love sickness. He hadn't seen Phoebe since breakfast and here it was, past curfew, and she hadn't appeared.
"She's probably off with Gideon Prewett," James grunts irritably, scratching off a mistake he made on his essay and quickly scribbling something new. Remus clears his throat and says, "She has other friends, James."
"I'm aware, Moony! I'm just not super pleased that those friends want to get into her pants!"
Remus quickly shoves his face back into the book he was reading before his friends can see him blush. Peter pipes up, "I reckon she's with the girls."
"No, the girls already went to bed," Sirius points out, gazing lazily at his magazine. "She's probably smoking or something."
"That's no better!" James argues, fear now the ruling emotion when he thinks of his girlfriend. "What if she's hurt?!"
Sirius rolls his eyes and says, "Merlin, Prongs. She's fine! Don't you trust her?"
"Yeah, Potter? Don't you trust me?"
The boys all jump at the voice, not even Remus or Peter noticing the Veela approach their table in the common room. Before James can turn to explain himself, a large piece of plain parchment is dropped onto the table.
"Merry Christmas, boys," Phoebe says cheekily.
Sirius drops his magazine, gawking in amazement at the parchment. Remus and Peter join him in staring, Peter saying quietly, "The map." James turns in his seat to look at the blonde standing behind him with a smug smile on her lips.
"How in the bloody hell did you get this back?" James wonders, eyes wide. Phoebe shrugs and responds easily, "I have my ways. Still want to discuss how you don't trust me?"
James flushes with embarrassment, grabbing her around the waist and pulling her down into his lap. Phoebe chuckles, enjoying his red cheeks. She wasn't irritated, because she knew who James didn't trust and it wasn't her.
"Pheebs, I can't believe I'm looking at this," Sirius chokes out, pulling out his wand to quickly check that it works. The Veela snorts and says, "Don't worry. I already checked the bloody map. It's still working."
James suddenly frowns and says, "Wait. Where have you been all day? Trying to steal this?"
She shakes her head, smiling mischievously.
"Nope. I've been practicing."
"Practicing what?" James questions, brushing back some of the hair in her eyes. She looks down at him, meeting his gaze and saying calmly, "Why don't you ask that book of yours?"
Again, James flushes with embarrassment. Phoebe laughs loudly now, practically floating over how she was finally the one embarrassing him.
"Book?" Remus questions, looking back and forth between Phoebe and James. The latter nervously rubs the back of his neck and confesses, "Dumbledore gave me a book on Veela."
"Awww," Sirius coos. "James is studying to be able to deal with Phoebe."
James quickly kicks Sirius in the shin, saying loudly, "That is not true!!! I just don't know—"
"James, it's fine," Phoebe interrupts, pecking his lips softly. He halts his explanation and smiles goofily at her as she grins back.
"It's fine?"
"Yep. I'm gonna read it too."
Peter's brow is furrowed as he asks confusedly, "Why do you have to read about yourself?"
"Because what I've learned about what I am is from an old hag and my mother that think I still should care if men are fawning over me or not. I've grown tired of caring about what other people think, Peter."
James feels a surge of pride and affection for the girl. He'd hoped that she would separate herself from her mother and grandmother's teaching and see that she was more than a being that had been labeled wrongly for so long.
"Besides," Phoebe adds slyly, "I've got to read some more before I practice my charm again."
The boys stare at her silently for a minute, until realization dawns on Sirius. He barks out a laugh, clutching his sides as he guffaws.
"You charmed Filch?!" He bellows, laughing harder at James' face. James scowls and mutters, "You better not have."
"Relax, Potter," Phoebe cajoles, smiling at her boyfriend. "It's not like I kissed him or anything."
"Charm me!" Sirius volunteers, Remus and Peter joining in while James frowns.
Phoebe laughs and shakes her head, "No! At least not tonight. I'm too tired."
The lads boo, except for James. His arms tighten around Phoebe and she smiles, whispering, "I should go to bed."
"Stay with me again," James says quietly, nuzzling his face in to the crook of her neck. "I missed you today. I want to hear about your meeting with Dumbledore."
Phoebe hesitates before saying gently, "Fine, I'll stay with you. But I don't want to talk about Dumbledore. Not tonight."
"Good, we can talk about what you and Gideon were chatting about earlier."
Phoebe's eyes widen and she stiffens, eyes flickering over the distracted marauders.
"No," She says firmly, despite James' obvious irritation.
"Why not?" He asks lowly, quirking an angry brow at her. She reaches out and smooths her thumb across his forehead to rid him of the worry lines there. James sighs at her obvious refusal to say more, feeling the tiniest twinge of doubt. He almost wonders if she can tell because she quickly says,
"I can tell you this. You do not need to worry about Gideon. He fancies someone else."
"I'm not telling."
James huffs irritably but can't help the smile that tugs at his lips. He growls playfully, "Interrupt me one more time and I'm going to use my charm on you."
"Oooo," Phoebe replies cheekily, leaning in closer to him. "Is that a promise?"
"It's a guarantee."
"You lot are disgusting," Peter grumbles, "Let's go to bed."
Phoebe chuckles quietly, untangling herself from James and following the marauders up to their dorm. James and her get ready first, already snuggled into bed when the rest of the boys are yawning and collapsing onto their beds. James and Phoebe lay on their sides facing each other. He maps her face with his eyes, pausing and taking in every freckle, eyelash, and speck of blue in her sleepy eyes.
"Goodnight, James." Phoebe whispers, eyes blinking shut. His heart swells so much he feels like he's having a heart attack. Love, his mind screams at him.
Yes, James was certainly feeling that right now.

The Stag and The Harpy | James Potter
Fanfiction"Potter," Phoebe says curtly. James frowns and says harshly, willing the odd feeling he has to go away, "Griffin, all of that stuff still doesn't make you pretty." She scoffs and narrows her eyes, "I could say the same about you. What's that in you...