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"You said you would!"

"James, that's mean!"

The marauders and the girls watch in amusement as James and Phoebe bicker. Sirius snickers when James hands Phoebe a tiny slip of paper and her jaw drops open. It was the coupon she'd given him for Christmas. The one for pranks.

"Merde. J'ai oublié ces," She groans making Sirius laugh harder. When Phoebe glares in his direction Marlene elbows him hard and says, "Don't worry, Pheebs. I've got him!"

James clears his throat, earning Phoebe's attention again. His bruise is fading, just a yellowish tinge on his jaw. His eyes sparkle with laughter when she sighs and says reluctantly, "Fine. What do you want me to do?"

"Charm someone in Slytherin and get the password to their common room."

She lets out a squawk of disbelief, earning more laughter from their friends, "What?! Do you have a bloody death wish, Potter?!"

He grins and insists, "Come on, Griffin. It'll be fun!"

A twinge of fear makes her pause. She felt like they should be laying low, not pissing off the Slytherins. But James does it when he asks,

"What? Too chicken?"

"Ooooooo," Alice says jeeringly. Lily and Remus make mildly scared eye contact, Peter scooting further away from where Phoebe is standing.

The veela's eyes narrow and she huffs, "I'm not chicken!"

"Prove it," James says calmly, fighting back laughter as his girlfriend grows angrier. He can't help it, she's lively and full of spirit when she's mad. He'd always enjoyed pressing her buttons, just to see her grey eyes flash with anger and excitement. Plus, he thought she was sexy when she was pissed. Not that he'd ever openly admit it to her. James bites his lower lip to keep from kissing her, his hands in fists in his pockets.

"Fine," She says irritably, unable to turn down the challenge. "Let's go then."

The gang all jump to their feet, Sirius clapping his hands excitedly like a kid. They followed Phoebe through the castle, James right behind her until she found someone that suited her mission. A 5th year Slytherin that she recognized. She halts and hisses quietly, "Get behind the statues, you idiots."

James is starting to regret his decision, not exactly excited to see some git drool over his girl. The rest of the group however is very eager to see Phoebe in action. Sirius drags him behind the statue he and Marlene claimed to hide behind. Lily and Alice are hiding behind the one directly across the corridor with Peter and Remus right next to them.


The 5th year boy stopped dead in his tracks, a sneer appearing on his face. The group of friends watch in awe as the look fades away, replaced with one of wonder as realizes who has just called his name. James grumbles quietly when she crooks her finger and the boy comes closer.

"H-hi," Geoffrey Wilkes stutters as he approaches her. Phoebe smiles dreamily, her voice sounding different now when she says softly,

"Hi, Geoffrey. I'm Phoebe, but I bet your friends already told you that."

He looks ashamed, embarrassed even. His ears flame red and he blurts out, "I-I don't agree with what they say!! Y-you are absolutely l-lovely!"

She laughs gently, laying a soothing hand on his arm. A dopey grin lights up the 5th years face and James whispers,

"That's it. Do these gits not know she has a boyfriend."

Marlene covers up her quiet snort of laughter.

Phoebe begins to frown, letting out a faint sigh and looking down at her feet.

"W-what's wrong?!" Geoffrey wonders desperately, shuffling closer. Phoebe says quietly, "I can't remember the password to the Gryffindor common room. I always forget it and then I get stuck outside. It's so embarrassing and my friends always make fun."

Geoffrey nods and says quickly, too enraptured by the Veela and her magic to realize what he's saying, "Well I always make up rhymes or something to remember things. But ours is p-pretty easy it's just Salazar."

Phoebe smiles gently and nods, replying, "I'll try the rhyme thing. Thank you, Geoffrey. You've been a great help."

The boy freezes when she presses a gentle kiss to his cheek, his face turning bright red. He smiles shyly and nods, stuttering out a quick goodbye before hurrying away with a very confused look on his face.

As soon as he's gone the group of friends climbs out from their hiding spots, James looking especially disgruntled. Phoebe scoffs,

"Don't pout, Potter. It's not cute."

Lily says firmly, "I'd like everyone to note that I don't condone this at all...but that was awesome, Pheebs."

Everyone but James nods and jumps in, Marlene saying with mirth, "He nearly wet himself!"

Phoebe smirks and says cheekily, "You should see James and Sirius when I charm them. Bloody hilarious."

Sirius flushes and scowls, James matching the look.

Phoebe smiles at her boyfriend, trying hard not to laugh as she says, "It's okay, mon amour. I think it's cute."

"Shut up," He says grumpily, softening only when she stands on her toes and pecks his lips. His lips twitch slightly as he tries to fight a smile. When Phoebe smiles knowingly he sighs and mutters, "You're trouble, Griffin." He speaks louder now, saying cheerfully, "Cmon lads! We've got work to do."

It was worth the hassle of it all when hours later Slytherins grumpily walk around the castle with red and pink hair, their robes littered with hearts and glitter. Phoebe can't help but laugh when she sees Mulciber, a giant heart permanently stuck to his back that says 'Be Mine' in block letters. She and the girls are halfway through dinner and have yet to see the boys.

"I reckon they're still pranking," Marlene says around a mouthful of potatoes. Lily snorts and hands the Scottish witch a napkin, replying cheekily, "perhaps they're planning their valentines dates for tomorrow, Marlene."

Marlene flushes and flips her off while Phoebe and Alice laugh. Phoebe had never been one for Valentine's Day. It was gaudy, and the pink reminded her of her grandmother. She always had on a pink tweed coat when Phoebe visited her as a little kid. It was absolutely awful.

But James loved it. When he had found out about her dislike for it he had proclaimed that it was the "holiday to celebrate lovers" rather loudly in front of Professor McGonagall, much to the Professor's and Phoebe's chagrin.

Despite her dislike for it—very much opposed to a holiday designated to feelings—she relented that she would do whatever he had planned as long as he stopped yelling about it in class.

She couldn't say no, not when he had that bloody smile and the bruise on his face that still made her sick with guilt.

Though she begins to regret that choice at the sight of love sick students and sickening pink and red decorating the Slytherins and their table.

Phoebe sighs as the girls talk about how they're excited for their dates tomorrow, the Veela feeling very much intimidated and overwhelmed at the thought of it all.

"Potter," She grumbles to herself, stabbing her vegetables with her fork frustratedly.

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