{{Happy Easter! If you don't celebrate (I use it as an excuse to eat chocolate) then happy Sunday! Have a beautiful day, lovelies. Xoxo -T}}
Phoebe sits uncomfortably in the kitchen, wincing every time she shifts.
She was sore, bruised. And it had been so good she'd do it all again in a heart beat. But when Marlene, Alice and Lily enter the room, she has second thoughts.
Marlene dramatically grabs onto Lily's arm and begins to theatrically moan, Lily joining in and deepening her voice to sound like a rather funny version of James, "Please. Touch me."
Phoebe scowls at the pair of them, feeling her cheeks warm. Marlene smirks and she whines, "Fuck me, James. Fuck me!"
"Sorry, McKinnon. I'm taken, but I'll be sure to let Sirius know you could use some assistance."
Marlene and Lily turn as white as a sheet when James enters the room behind them, Phoebe nearly letting out a cheer of triumph. She bites back a smile when James winks her way subtly, humming to himself as he makes tea.
Alice covers her smile with her hand as Marlene closes her eyes and wishes out loud that she could disappear. When she opens them, the Veela is already staring her way, her brow only slightly quirked. Marlene grins sheepishly and shrugs, offering,
"It sounded like you had fun. So good job, Potter."
James peers over his shoulder, an amused look on his face as he responds, "Thanks, McKinnon."
Phoebe turns to Alice helplessly and asks lowly, "Why is it we're always talking about sex these days?"
Her pixie haired friend just shrugs, taking the seat across from her and offering hopefully, "We can talk about the wedding instead?"
Lily's eyes light up and she claps her hands together excitedly. She deflated however when Phoebe shrugs and says, "Oh, I just want whatever James wants."
She looks up when a snort of laughter sounds behind her, peering at James confusedly as he shakes his head. He sets down her tea and chides, "No way, Griffin. I did the proposal, you do the wedding."
Phoebe let's out and indignant squawk, arguing, "That's not f—"
"Fair? P, I've been stressing about proposing to you since seventh year. I wash my hands of wedding planning in return."
She scowls at his grinning face, James just chuckling quietly when he notes the way her lips are twitching. He steals a chaste kiss, sliding his lips to her ear so he can whisper,
"Just let them do it for you. If you're good then you and I can do something far more fun together later."
Phoebe stills in her seat, her inner thighs warming from the promise of something delicious. Him. She clears her throat and asks faintly, "And what will you be doing while I'm wedding planning?"
James smirks, tucking her hair back behind her ear. He liked it shorter. It made her look dangerous. He sucks in some air and says, "Frank is showing us around the ministry. We're gonna be meeting a few people, learning the entrances."
Phoebe quirks a brow, scoffing slightly, "You're going to go rub elbows with politicians?"
James grins, saying suggestively, "Trust me, I'd rather be here rubbing—"
"That's enough!" Lily cries, clasping her hands over her ears. Phoebe and James both grin while Marlene stifles her laughter. The Veela finally sighs and says, "Fine." She hesitates, eyeing James solemnly for a few moments before whispering, "Be safe."
James' grin softens, his eyes shimmering with affection. He gently cups her cheek and murmurs,
Phoebe smiles when he pecks her lips quickly, like they've been doing this all their lives. She briefly wonders if this is what life would be like with no war, if James would make her tea every morning and promise to be safe before leaving for the ministry. She certainly wouldn't work there. Magizooligists didn't belong in the stuffy air with arrogant politicians. She'd be in nature, surrounded by creatures of all kinds. Maybe even dragons, ones that Charlie and Bill could come visit.
Shes stirred from her day dreaming when James pecks her lips again, mumbling, "I love you, P."
He backs away, smirking as he ads, "Enjoy wedding planning."
He apparates before she can retort, leaving her to scowl at the place he'd been standing. She sighs and turns her attention back to the girls, flushing when she sees them already looking at her with wide, happy eyes.
Marlene smiles gently, teasing, "Who would've guessed. Our Phoebe and James Potter."
Alice let's put an uncharacteristic snort, saying loudly, "We all guessed, Marls. You and Sirius bet on it."
Lily smiled sheepishly, adding, "Fabian and I did too."
Phoebe narrows her eyes at the three girls, making them all flush, Alice quickly changing the topic, "Now, most importantly. When do you want to have the wedding?"
Phoebe leans back in her chair, smiling slightly as she replies simply, "Soon. I've always liked November."
Lily and Marlene both grin, Alice scribbling down notes on a piece of spare parchment. Phoebe hesitates, embarrassed to admit that she had thought about a few details.
The red head looks up at the Veela, smiling kindly at her shy face. Phoebe takes a sip of tea before wondering,
"Do you think Molly and Arthur would let us do it at the burrow? We can't very well do it here. And I think there house would be safest."
Lily's eyes water as she nods quickly, saying, "Of course. I'll make sure but I guarantee they'll be happy."
Phoebe flushes slightly and nods, grumbling to herself at Marlene's knowing look. The Scottish witch asks cheekily, "Anything else you'd like, Pheebs?"
Only one. One more thing that she'd truly thought about. She smiles to herself. She'd take care of that later, deciding to leave that between her and the person she'd be discussing it with.
So she just sighs and shakes her head, saying reluctantly, "Well I suppose I've got to buy a bloody dress."
The three girls squeal, jumping to their feet and talking over one another. They'd forgotten about the dress.
"I didn't mean today!" Phoebe cries, but it's too late. Alice is already summoning their coats, the girls all clambering together.
Phoebe considers running, but Marlene grasps her arm before she can, apparating them out of grimmauld place.

The Stag and The Harpy | James Potter
Fanfiction"Potter," Phoebe says curtly. James frowns and says harshly, willing the odd feeling he has to go away, "Griffin, all of that stuff still doesn't make you pretty." She scoffs and narrows her eyes, "I could say the same about you. What's that in you...