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"So James," Fleamont starts, earning three sets of teenage eyes on him. He smirks and asks, "Who have you tricked into being your girlfriend? It was a rather last minute addition to your letter."

Phoebe stills in her seat and she glances at him out of the corner of her eye, sighing when she sees a smirk playing at his lips.

James looks back and forth between his expectant parents before saying cheekily, "She's lovely...if not a bit of a git."

Sirius snickers at Phoebe's slight change in expression. James was brilliant. This would get her talking.

"She's a real pain in the arse," Sirius chimes in, hiding his own smile as Phoebe shoots a glare his way.

"That's no way to talk about a young lady," Euphemia scolds, shaking her head at the boys. Sirius quickly adds, "Mum, you should hear the kind of stuff she says! Not ladylike at all."

He winces, feeling the tip of a sneaker jam harshly into his shin. James chuckles and continues, "She's rather quick to anger and she really likes to bicker with me."

He pauses, smiling slightly at the irritation on Phoebe's face. He says gently, "She's the smartest person I know. And is fiercely protective of her friends."

Phoebe's lips twitch slightly at the corners, signaling for him to continue as Euphemia and Fleamont smile at their son.

"She's brave, kind. Even when she pisses me off she makes me the happiest I've been in my life. And Merlin is she breath taking. I can't even believe that she's tied herself down to a prick like me."

Phoebe flushes pink and finally smiles at her git of a boyfriend, blushing deeper when he slyly winks her way. Sirius gags and coughs dramatically, "Bloody disgusting."

James flips off his friend before grinning cheekily at his parents, "I believe you've met." He gestures towards Phoebe and Euphemia gasps, her hands flying to her mouth. Fleamont chuckles and shakes his head, but Phoebe noticed the pride on the mans face when he looks at his son.

"How on earth did you manage that?" Euphemia asks loudly, eyes wide. James huffs at his mother's doubting words and says indignantly, "Hey! I'm charming!"

Sirius and Phoebe both bite down on their lips to keep from laughing, their grey eyes holding matching mirth.

Phoebe slides her hand under the table to James' knee, smiling up at him. She sighs takes a page from his book and dramatically before says, "I'm afraid It's true. I'm slumming it with your son."

Fleamont let's out a snort of laughter at James' appalled face. Mia joins in, chuckling as she says, "We're very happy for you both. You make quite the pair."

James' smirk melts into a warm smile as he looks down at Phoebe, their eyes meeting. His plan had worked, his teasing had drawn her out of the dark space of her mind. And here she was, her smile like the sun upon him. She flushes and says lowly, "You're staring, James."

"Hard not to, Bee."

Sirius, Fleamont, and Phoebe all roll their eyes while Mia lets out a girlish squeal at her son and his girlfriend.  Dinner is much lighter after that, a weight taken off Phoebe's shoulders at the support she and James have been shown. It was not something she was used to. And while she felt the slightest bit guilty....she knew her own mother would not have reacted the same way.

When everyone has finished, Phoebe insists on helping Mia.

"Go on, James. I'll be fine," Phoebe says gently, collecting plates from the table. He leans over, blocking her path. He has to see her face, make sure she is in fact fine. The stony facade has lessened slightly, but he can still tell something is wrong. James let's out a gusty sigh and pecks her lips, making Phoebe gasp and swat his arm.

"That's inappropriate!" She says hurriedly, making sure that his parents haven't seen. James chuckles and says quietly, "Come see me when you're done, Griffin."

"You could help, you know?" She points out, quirking a brow as he slowly backs away. He grimaces sarcastically and replies, "Sorry. Already promised Padfoot I'd play another round with him."

"Mhmm. Get out of here."

James winks and disappears up the stairs, leaving Phoebe to walk to the kitchen to help his Mum. Mia smiles brightly and takes the plates from the girl's hands. They work in silence for several minutes. It comfortable, but Phoebe catches the older woman glancing at her frequently out of the corner of her eye. Phoebe hesitates before saying quietly, "They told you not to bring it up, didn't they?"

Mia looks at the young girl in surprise, taken aback by the small smile and understanding on her face. Mia's heart clenches at the bags under the girl's eyes and the sharpness of her cheek bones.

"Sirius may have expressed that I should keep my lips sealed," Mia replies gently, sending her a warm look. Phoebe takes the wet dish from her hand, drying it carefully. She takes a deep breath before saying,

"When James asked me to be his girlfriend, I told him that I wasn't very good at feelings." She stops and smiles at the memory, a tiny chuckle escaping her lips. "He promised to teach me but it turns out I'm a slow learner."

Mia nods, pride filling her over the thought of her boy being a gentleman and kind to this girl. She asks, "Have you talked to your family?"

Phoebe sends her a rueful look, placing the dry plate in the stack of clean ones.

"I inherited my difficulty with feelings from a long line of stoic and indifferent women. My grandmother is not at all pleased that I'm the sole holder of my mother's wealth. A few of my cousins and aunts have been kind and reached out...but it's difficult."

Mia frowns slightly and nods, finding herself both curious and cross at the idea of these women. Phoebe chuckles at the older woman's confused expression, saying warmly, "Trust me. I don't understand it either. But I'm getting through it, thanks to James and the rest of our friends. They've been nothing but supportive. Even when I've gone a bit crazy."

Mia laughs and says heartily, "That's alright, love. I tend to go a bit crazy too. And I'll let you in on a secret..."

Phoebe raises her eyebrows, waiting for the woman to continue. Mia smiles and looks around before whispering, "My parents and cousins and grandparents were never my family. I made my family. Not based on blood or lineage or purity. But on who I knew would be there for me. Perhaps that's why Sirius feels comfortable, or why I hope you feel you can be happy here too. Because you're my chosen family, and I think that means so much more."

Phoebe's throat tightens and heat grows behind her eyes. As tears well up she sets down another plate and turns fully to the woman. Mia laughs tearfully and wraps the young girl into a warm, tight hug. Safety and kindness emit from the woman so much that Phoebe's shoulders shake with a silent sob.

She missed her mum. Missed the relationship that she wished she could have had. But this time she didn't feel guilty when she embraced Mia Potter. Because Phoebe had chosen her as her family too, and she didn't have to feel guilty for that.

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