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Phoebe does not like the smell of the library. It stinks of old books and Ravenclaws and ink. But it's the only place she knows she will actually get studying done. The girls were off doing something Phoebe forgets. Probably because she's trying desperately to sort through the potions notes she's scrawled aimlessly. She lets out a quiet groan, her head falling onto her book.

"This is pointless," She mutters to herself.

"Care for some help?" A voice asks. Phoebe instantly looks up and feels as if she could cry. Remus Lupin stands nervously next to her table. It's been a few days since the incident and her friend had evaded her the entire time.

"Remmy," Phoebe says quietly, standing and hugging the boy tightly. He laughs softly and hugs her back, bending down low enough to reach her. She pulls back and says gently, "We don't have to discuss it any further. Just know that if I turn into a harpy you're the only person I'll trust to tell me I look pretty."

Remus snorts with laughter and gestures for her to take her seat. He says lowly as he sits across from her, "I am sorry, Pheebs. I wish I could stop it. I always suspected you knew though."

Phoebe grins and shrugs, waving off anymore talk of the serious subject. Remus smiles at his dear friend, relief flooding him. He was not ready to not have Phoebe Griffin in his life. The two worked through the veela's potions notes together, Remus clearing up the confusion that had been plaguing her for hours. Her stomachs grumbles loudly and she finally says, "Let's go eat dinner. I'm starving!"

Remus makes a noise of agreement, helping her gather her things together. She loops her arm through his and they begin the walk to the Great hall. Remus asks nonchalantly, "You and James seem to be getting along better."

"Don't jinx it," Phoebe scolds playfully. "I think he's grown tired of messing with me. Especially since I've helped him out with Lily a bit more."

Remus looks at her in surprise, asking, "You think Lily and James should get together?"

"Doesn't everyone?" Phoebe asks, confused. Remus shrugs and says slowly, "I'm not sure. I think his infatuation is starting to wear off."

Phoebe snorts as they walk into the hall, "Yeah right. I had to listen to him talk about how pretty her eyes were for 30 minutes yesterday. I even helped him practice asking her to Hogsmead."

Remus shakes his head and smiles to himself, guiding Phoebe to where the marauders were sitting. Phoebe tries to squeeze in between Sirius and James, but the latter freezes her out.

"Potter, move," She says firmly, trying again. It's like pushing against a brick wall. James snickers and says loudly, "Did you hear something, Padfoot?"

"Nope. Not a thing, Prongs!" Sirius replies easily. Phoebe looks at Remus and Peter for help but they're just grinning at the scene in front of them.

"I always sit by Sirius!" Phoebe says indignantly, poking both of the boys in the back. Marlene, who is on the other side of Sirius offers, "I could move, Pheebs!"

Sirius puts an arm around the girls shoulders and holds her tight, saying, "You stay right there, McKinnon."

Marlene sighs and throws Phoebe a helpless glance. Phoebe grumbles irritably, "Where am I supposed to sit then?"

James scoots down closer to Sirius, patting the spot on the bench next to him. Phoebe sighs gustily, but accepts the seat. She studies the food displayed, deciding what she should eat. James glances at her out of the corner of his eye and sneakily grabs her plate. Phoebe softens slightly at the sight of the boy fixing her plate, wincing when he piles on mashed potatoes.

"I can't eat that," She points out, accepting the plate from his hands. James furrows his brows and asks, "Why not?"

Phoebe doesn't answer, taking a small bite of the chicken on her plate. She eats slowly, small bits at a time. When she looks up to see James watching her she rolls her eyes and flushes slightly.

"Can I help you?" She asks, quirking a brow.

James takes a bite of his own food, chewing as he appraises her. After he swallows he grins and says, "If you eat those potatoes I'll let you watch our top secret quidditch practice."

Phoebe's eyes widen slightly. She chews on the inside of her lip, her gaze flickering back and forth between the carbs on her plate and the cheeky boy on her left. The voice of her mother threatens to infiltrate her mind, fussing over extra carbs and calories. But the prospect of seeing the Gryffindor team formulate their plays wins out.

Tentatively, Phoebe takes a bite of the potatoes. James smiles as her eyes get round. "Good?" He asks. She nods and takes another eager bite, ignoring him watching her. She finishes the whole serving before saying, "I'm stuffed, Potter. When is practice?"

He grins at her eager attitude, secretly admiring the witches love of quidditch. He stifles his laugh as he says, "5:00."

She looks confused for a moment before saying, "It's already 7:00."

"No, Griffin. 5:00 tomorrow morning."

She gasps and points her slender finger at his chest, eyes narrowed, "You tricked me!"

James scoffs, "I did not! Our practices have always been early. It's not my fault you sleep until 8:00."

Phoebe crosses her arms, a playful scowl tugging at her lips. Sirius and Remus share a look before glancing back at the animatedly talking pair. Sirius smiles softly at his two best friends, finally getting along. There's a light in Phoebe's eyes that he hadn't seen since the start of term, thanks to her dreadful summer. Even the girls have picked up on the liveliness of their friend. Marlene whispers to Sirius, "I bet you 5 galleons they snog before the year is up."

Sirius smirks and nods. "You're on, McKinnon."

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