To those of you that did not want me to break up Phoebe and James—IM SORRY. If it makes you feel better the reunion is currently being written!!! And we're gonna get to see Phoebe be a badass in the next couple parts.
On another note—I've been writing something new. Lots of you requested Regulus or Sirius. I already had a plot in the back of my mind for Sirius, so if you guys like it Regulus is next!!
You guys seem to like the Veela vibe (I think they're underrated and while I like the Draco Veela stories I think the power of veelas should be recognized in ladies more!!! *girl power*)
This is a very rough draft on one of the chapters I have written, but consider it my gift to those of you that hate me right now!!! Hopefully you enjoy, kind critiques welcome!
***********************"You're sure?"
Sirius lets out an exasperated sigh, whispering furiously,
"No. I'm lying. Of course I'm sure you bloody idiot!!"
Peter winces when Sirius smacks him upside the head, rubbing his skull quickly while saying indignantly,
"I'm just asking a question!!"
Remus quirks a brow at Sirius. He doesn't notice, his eyes glued to Ravenclaw table. Gwen sits happily between a few of her friends, her head falling back as she laughs at something the Marauders can't hear.
"Did you forget that she was a Veela?" Remus wonders. He'd always been fascinated by the girl, if for nothing other than her uncanny ability to be one step ahead of the group of boys. The curiosity driven side of himself had nearly asked the girl what it was like to be a Veela. He'd never met anyone else that was technically a creature, not that she knew he was one.
"No," Sirius defends quickly. "She just looks so..."
"Beautiful," Peter finishes dreamily, sirius sending him a quick look of disgust.
"Ninnie Whitlock is not beautiful," He grunts. "She's a bloody narc."
Remus chuckles at his friends frustration, pointing out cheekily, "She's never once snitched on us. And she could have many times."
Sirius scowls, saying irritably while he elbows the boy on his right,
"Back me up, Prongs."
He glances at James out of the corner of his eye, sighing at the sight. He's staring at Gwen, his mouth full of food dropped half open.
"Prongs!" Sirius cries, making James jump out of his day dreaming.
"Sorry, what was the question?" He asks sheepishly, quickly gulping down his food and wiping his mouth on the back of his hand.
"Ninnie," Sirius says firmly, nodding his head in the direction of the girl. James nods, stewing silently before saying simply,
"Bloody gorgeous."
Sirius sighs, smacking his forehead with the palm of his hand.
"She's always been pretty, Sirius. You've just been too busy trying to outsmart her to notice," Peter says pointedly.
Sirius grimaces, grunting, "I don't like that she's always spoiling our plans."
"Only when they effect her."
Sirius throws his hands into the air, crying out,
"Whose side are you on?!?"
A few students look up at the loud outburst. Including Gwen.

The Stag and The Harpy | James Potter
Fanfic"Potter," Phoebe says curtly. James frowns and says harshly, willing the odd feeling he has to go away, "Griffin, all of that stuff still doesn't make you pretty." She scoffs and narrows her eyes, "I could say the same about you. What's that in you...