James was right. Phoebe woke up in the morning with a pounding head ache and a squirmy feeling in her gut. She bolted to the boys restroom and emptied the contents of her stomach into the toilet, jumping slightly when she felt a hand grab her hair. She heaves again, coughing quietly in disgust.
"It's alright, Bee," James murmurs soothingly, rubbing her back with his free hand as she pukes again. She wrinkles her nose and groans, "Go away this is disgusting."
"I've seen you puke before," James points out. He pauses, realization dawning on him as he remembers the last time he'd seen her sick.
"You didn't eat yesterday," He says worriedly, concern weighing heavily on his shoulders as she heaves again. Phoebe, deciding that she feels much less queasy, reaches up and shuts the lid of the toilet. She sighs and flushes the remnants of her fun night with the girls down the loo, mumbling, "I'm fine, James."
"You have to eat today," His voice leaves no room for discussion, but the thought of food makes her want to hurl all over again.
"Fine," She agrees. "Now help me up you bloody moose. I've gotta go to my dorm and shower."
James reaches over and turns on the shower, helping her her to her feet. She smiles faintly at the action and asks playfully, "Trying to keep me locked up here now?"
"No," James replies, rolling his eyes at the notion and her rather sassy mood. "Just thought this was faster and closer."
Phoebe nods and stands, not thinking twice before she tugs her shirt over her head. James curses and slaps his hands across his eyes, "Merlin, Griffin!"
"What?" She wonders, smirking at his flushed cheeks. "Potter we've had sex. You can look."
He slowly lowers his hands from his face and sighs at the sight of her bare body. Phoebe knows that if it were anyone else she'd feel 100 times less confident.
He groans, "You're such a tease."
"Want to join me?" She questions cheekily, glancing down at his now tented sweat pants.
"No!" James says quickly, moving to cover his obvious errection. "No. Now get in there and shower."
Phoebe rolls her eyes and says sarcastically, "okay, dad."
"It's daddy to you, Griffin."
Phoebe gasps at his suggestive tone and filthy words. She swats at his chest choking back laughter, "Get out, you freak!"
James grins and reluctantly leaves her to shower.
The girls all looked the same as they reluctantly chewed on toast that morning, James practically forcing it down Phoebe's throat.
"You lot look like shit," A cheery voice says from behind Phoebe. They all look up to see Fabian Prewett grinning at them, Gideon close behind with a smirk of his own. James, despite Phoebe's previous explanation, tightens his grip around her waist at the sight of her ex snogging partner. Lily flips off her boyfriend, saying solemnly, "Go make out with a troll."
Sirius snorts, "You look like one this morning Evans so I reckon that means he can kiss you."
Marlene sighs and punches him in the arm on behalf of the red head. Fabian smirks at the exchange and says, "Don't worry, Lil. You're a beautiful troll."
Gideon jumps in cheekily, "You're all beautiful trolls."
James scowls down at his plate, glancing at Phoebe when she nudges him gently.
"You're cute when you're jealous," She whispers, earning a tiny smile from him. James sighs and mutters, "Shut up, you harpy."
Phoebe feigns hurt, replying quickly, "Hey!!!!"
The Prewett brothers don't linger long, just enough for Lily and Fabian to make plans for later...and for James to notice a brief and pointed look between Remus and Gideon. James sits silently for a moment, spooning cereal into his mouth and pondering on what reason his lanky friend had to watch the ginger walk away from their table.
Realization begins to dawn on him. His mouth drops open and he nearly says something, but he can't pick just one thing to say. He doesn't have time to think about it further because something hot is touching his side.
"Ouch!" James says loudly, looking down in surprise at Phoebe. She sends him a look that he can't decider before she glances at Remus. James mutters quietly, "What?!"
"Do not say a word," Phoebe whispers firmly, making James follow her gaze back to Remus, still occasionally glancing in Gideon Prewetts direction.
"You didn't have to burn me," James says irritably, pinching her side. Phoebe smirks slightly and says, "Sorry, have to practice my newfound talent."
Alice, overhearing Phoebe's words to James, says with mirth, "I can't believe all you had to do was get drunk."
Phoebe shrugs and suddenly feels very nervous as the information is out in the air. She can use fire, just like her mother. And deep in the pit of her stomach she feels scared. Scared that it makes her dangerous, or makes her or her friends an even bigger target. Hopefully neither are true.
James glances down at where her fingers are tapping notes on her leg. He frowns slightly at her stoic face, gently grabbing her hand. He brings her previously warm fingers to his lips, kissing them gently. Phoebe melts a little at the gesture, leaning into his side as he lowers their joined hands into his lap. He leans down and whispers in her ear,
"I for one think it's sexy."
She shoots him a grateful smile, swearing to herself that she'll practice controlling her new skill. The fear she feels mixes with a tiny hint of pride. She decides she'll write her mother and share the news that she too contains the magic from their first ancestors. And She also wanted to check and make sure she wouldn't sprout wings and a beak if she was ever in a extremely pressing situation.
James adds quietly, gaze appraising his friends to make sure they aren't listening,
"Don't think your little burn made me forget what I just saw. You and I are going to have a little chat about a certain werewolf."
Phoebe shakes her head quickly, her own eyes flickering to Remus.
"James, I'm not saying anything. If you have questions, I'll be happy to accompany you to talk to Remus later."
{{some ~drama~ coming up! No, it's not involving Remus...yet ;) next couple chapters are a tad bit more serious and sad. Hopefully you like it!}}

The Stag and The Harpy | James Potter
Fanfiction"Potter," Phoebe says curtly. James frowns and says harshly, willing the odd feeling he has to go away, "Griffin, all of that stuff still doesn't make you pretty." She scoffs and narrows her eyes, "I could say the same about you. What's that in you...