Phoebe had an odd feeling in her gut. She looks around her herbology class, Remus' absence leaving her feeling sad. The upcoming full moon was hitting him hard. He'd had no sleep, was chilled, and just could not focus. Phoebe and Lily had finally insisted he go to the hospital wing to wait for tonight.
The full moon tonight was probably the thousandth one he'd experienced, but Phoebe was surprisingly unnerved. Like something bad was going to happen. She tries to shake it off, focusing on her notes. But something was just off. She breathes a sigh of relief when the bell rings and class is dismissed, quickly rushing to get out and away from her negative thoughts.
The hall is crowded when she gets out of the door, nearly getting run over by a few rushing students. A passing hand steadies her and Phoebe looks up, finding steel grey eyes looking into hers. Phoebe quickly reaches out, grabbing Regulus Black's arm.
"Regulus," she breathes, smiling faintly. He returns the tiny smile and says lowly, "Phoebe. I hope you've quit your smoking habit."
"Haven't had one since you found me," She chuckles, sensing the boy's slight surprise at her kindness. She hesitates before saying, "I owe you one."
"Keep my brother safe," He says simply. Regulus, despite his mother and fathers derogatory words and facts about Veela, can't help but feel charmed by the girl. When Sirius first met her, his brother had told him that he'd made a friend that could understand the weight of expectations. Regulus could tell from her posture and delicate frame that the Veela and the black brothers were kindred spirits.
"You're body guard is watching," Regulus mumbles, clearing his throat to cover up the fact that he was as easily enamored with her as every other 5th year boy. Phoebe looks over his shoulder to see James waiting by a suit of armor, eyes glued to the Slytherin talking to her.
"Let him watch. He's a kill joy," Phoebe teases, earning a smirk from the young boy in front of her. She quickly continues, "Perhaps we can talk later."
His smile fades a little, feeling the sense of duty to his house and his family twinge at his side. But he admits to himself that wouldn't mind speaking to her again.
"Perhaps," He quips, bowing his head slightly and then walking away. Phoebe only watches him for a moment before she turns and hurries to James.
His jaw is ticking, eyes narrowed as she gets closer. James watches her approach, eyeing her slightly nervous smile. He didn't like Slytherins. Especially now that they were practically the poster children for the bloody wizard that wanted to wipe out the existence of people James loves.
Phoebe finally stops in front of him and says quietly, "Hi."
James wants to scold himself for how easily he softens when it comes to her. Ever since they're date he's been itching more and more to get closer, move faster. But he doesn't want to scare her off.
"Hi," He responds softly, reaching up and tucking a stray lock of hair behind her ear. Phoebe's eyes flutter shut before she can stop herself and she leans into his touch, instantly feeling better about the gut feeling she's had all day. Everyone was fine.
'For now' her doubt reminds her.
"What did he want?"
James' question interrupts her thinking. She opens her eyes and shrugs, still resting her cheek in his palm. James feels his heart swell at how adorable she looks, face cupped in his hand. He wants to kiss her, but instead settles for a quick peck on the cheek. He nearly combusts when her lips turn up and her dimple appears.
"Join me for dinner?" James asks quietly, stroking his thumb across her supple skin. Phoebe leans her head up, his hand dropping from her face as she says confusedly, "I always eat dinner with you. And it's not for a couple hours anyway."
James grins slightly and grabs her hand, pulling her in the opposite direction of the Great Hall. Phoebe laughs and decides to just go along with it, enjoying her time spent even more now since they're trip to Hogsmead. He guides her down the corridor to a painting of fruit. Phoebe looks at him curiously as he reaches out and tickles the green pear, eyes widening as the painting swings open.
James laughs quietly at her surprise and the pair wander down the stairs and into the bustling Hogwarts kitchen. Phoebe gawks at the house elves, especially when a group of them run up to James,
"Master Potter!" One cries loudly.
"Binx, I told you to call me James," He laughs, making Phoebe's heart warm at the sight. The house elf hurriedly apologizes,
"Binx is sorry, sir. What can Binx get for you and your companion?"
James smirks and leans down, whispering something to the house elf. Binx nods furiously, turning to his fellow elves and then they rush away.
James laughs and outstretches his hand, heart thumping wildly when Phoebe grasps it with ease. He leads her to a small and lightly damaged table in the corner of the kitchen, helping her to sit on the barrel that they use for chairs.
"I can't believe you've never been down here," James scoffs, shaking his head. Phoebe quirks a brow and defends, "Sirius tried to make me meet him here 5th year, but I just didn't want to! Plus I didn't know how to get here. Now you'll find me here all the time, Potter."
James snorts, "I hope so." And he did. He hoped that maybe now if she were hungry she could come here any time instead of waiting long enough for intrusive thoughts of her mother and the standards she's supposed to uphold.
Phoebe jumps in surprise when Binx appears, carrying plates of food. Phoebe's eyes widen when she sees her favorite turkey and cranberries from the Christmas feast.
"How'd you do that? Christmas is a ways away!" Phoebe asks excitedly. James winks, smile soft as Phoebe turns to the elf and says warmly, "Thank you so much, Binx. This looks delicious."
The house elf just stammers a jumbled reply before quickly hurrying away. James smirks and points out, "Seems like you can charm elves too."
Phoebe rolls her eyes and kicks his shin under the table. They spend the early evening laughing and munching on sweet treats and food. James reckons it's the only time he's ever seen Phoebe have any food she wanted, and Phoebe decides that she feels the least guilty about eating when she's around James. When it's time for James to go and accompany the lads to the shrieking shack, the Veela feels that same pull of fear and doubt in her gut that's been poking at her mind all day.
She stops him with a hand on his arm as they climb out of the fruit painting doorway. James turns to her and is surprised to see a hint of fear on her face. His heart warms even more at the indication that the Veela cares for him.
Phoebe looks up into his welcoming hazel eyes and says quietly, "Please be safe, James. I've got a weird feeling about tonight."
He smiles gently and replies equally as quiet, "I'll be okay, Bee. We do this every month. We're practically pros!"
Phoebe chews on the inside of her lip nervously. She finally relents with a sigh, "Okay. Use the snitch or something to get me if you need help. I mean it."
James grins and teases, "Just cast your patronus. Your hunting dog will lead you to me."
Phoebe blushes and swats at his chest, secretly wondering if their intertwined patronuses would actually guide them to eachother. She smiles slightly at the lovey-dovey thought, realizing that she quite liked this boy and wants him to be safe.
"Kiss for luck?" James asks cheekily. Phoebe shakes her head, sending him a coy and teasing smile as she backs away.
"Kiss me after when you're safe."

The Stag and The Harpy | James Potter
Fanfiction"Potter," Phoebe says curtly. James frowns and says harshly, willing the odd feeling he has to go away, "Griffin, all of that stuff still doesn't make you pretty." She scoffs and narrows her eyes, "I could say the same about you. What's that in you...