Lily Evans, you're a hero.

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{{hope you thirsty people enjoyed the last chapter! (don't worry I do too ;)) The next couple are kind of filler but they were fun for me to write (I may or may not have laughed out loud a couple of times while writing. I know very embarrassing) enjoy!!}}

When James and Phoebe stumbled into the common room late the next morning, they could barely keep their hands off of each other. Every gentle caress sent tingles up Phoebe's spine, and every coy smile caused James to pinch himself to check that he was not in fact dreaming.

They stop short when a throat clears, drawing their attention to a very irritated looking red head standing next to the rest of the Marauders.

"You had us worried sick!" Lily cries angrily, scowling back and forth between the love sick teens. James chuckles quietly before saying, "Sorry Evans."

Phoebe sends a pointed look towards Lily, tilting her head slightly in the direction of James. It takes far too long a moment for the smart girl to catch on, but when she spots their rumpled clothes and the bruises on the veela's neck her eyes widen.

"Um, Phoebe I reckon we should get to class!" Lily says hurriedly, growing excited as her blonde friend blushes. Sirius furrows his brow, still not quite catching on.

"She should go change. She looks like shit," He snorts. Peter nods, not understanding where James and the Veela had been. Remus is the first to catch on of the lads, but Lily interrupts him before he can says something cheeky,

"She looks fine! Come on Pheebs!"

The Veela is spun around before she can even say goodbye to James and is ushered out of the common room.

Remus smirks at James' goofy smile, saying slyly, "Prongs, you're looking well rested."

"Sod off, Moony," James grunts, unable to wipe the grin off his face. Sirius suddenly gasps, realization dawning on him. He curses loudly and points at his friend.

"You fucking git! You defiled my sister?!"

James rolls his eyes, moving to walk to their dorm so he can change. He doesn't really want to, his shirt still smells like her. But he's already gotten comments from Minnie about his rumpled uniform.

"She's not your sister, and I didn't defile her. If anything it's the other way around."

Remus chuckles as Sirius runs after James, leaving behind a very confused Peter.

"What happened?" He wonders. Remus just sighs and begins to explain to the boy.

Nearly halfway across the castle by now, Lily is flooding Phoebe with questions,

"You had sex with Potter?!" She whisper yells, her green eyes wide as she stares at her friend.

Phoebe smirks and shrugs, replying, "It's rude to kiss and tell, Lils. But yes."

"Oh my god!" Lily squeals, earning a few weird looks from some first years that were also late to class.

"Wait till Marlene hears this! Alice is going to freak!"

"Why is it such a big deal?"

Lily scoffs and shakes her head, scolding her friend, "You've just shagged your soulmate. How is that not a big deal?!"

"Woah!" Phoebe chokes, balking at her friend. "Soulmate?!"

"Well of course. Your patronuses, your personalities. You have THE great fairy tale, Pheebs!"

"Your patronus is a doe," Phoebe points out, brows furrowed and a twinge of nervousness in her heart. The sweet bubble she'd been in this morning had unintentionally been bursted by Lily. Now she had to face real scary emotions. Soulmates was not exactly something that had come up when talking about men with her mother.

"That means nothing. Yours is a hound like Sirius' but you're not his soulmate. A deerhound tracks stags, Phoebe. You're like his bloody handler," Lily snorts at her own words, earning a weary smile from her friend.

"Ease up on the soulmate talk, you're freaking me out," Phoebe mutters, her fingers coming up to gently touch her neck. Lily falters at her friends words, realizing her mistake. She was going to spook the Veela before James even had a chance to.

So, Lily Evans makes a very uncharacteristic choice.

"Let's get the girls and sneak to Hogsmead," Lily says firmly. Phoebe gapes at her in surprise, asking with awe in her voice, "What has Fabian Prewett done to my innocent friend?!"

Lily flushes a deep red, waving the Veela off.

"Shut up and let's go!!!"

Phoebe grins and follows her lead, running to where she knows Marlene and Alice are in charms. Lily pokes her head in and looks around for Flitwick before she whispers loudly,

"McKinnon and Longbottom! Get out here!"

Marlene and Alice jump at the hissing of their name, turning around just in time to see a flash of copper red hair. They look at eachother before jumping up and grabbing their things, rushing out of the classroom.

"That's the first time someone has called me Longbottom," Alice says dreamily, earning a snort from Marlene. They both stop short when they see a mischievous looking Lily and a flustered Veela. Marlene instantly zeros in on the hickeys decorating Phoebe's neck.

"Oi! You little sex fiend!!!" Marlene cries, drawing Alice's attention to Phoebe. The girls gasp and giggle as Lily reveals their plan, hurrying to the passage way that the Marauders had introduced to them back in fifth year to steal firewhiskey.

They run to the stairs by the DADA classroom, sneaking behind the statue of the one eyed witch and into a passageway. Marlene begins talking loudly as soon as their safely in the tunnel, "Tell me everything, Griffin. And I mean EVERYTHING!!!!"

Lily and Alice shriek in agreement, causing Phoebe to laugh and shake her head. She smiles coyly before saying, "Fine. Let's get to the Three broomsticks first, and then I'll tell you everything."

Alice groans and Lily pipes up, "Fine! No details until we get there...but tell us one thing. Was it good?"

Phoebe bites down on her lip to keep from grinning like a crazy person. But she felt like a crazy person. James Potter had gone and turned her into one of his foolish fan girls

"It was amazing," She confesses, sending another round of laughs and cheers through the group. Phoebe grins and joins in, laughing as they continue on. They sneak out of the passageway and into Honeydukes before taking off into the busy streets of Hogsmead, rushing to get to the Three Broomsticks before they can remember that they should have coats and scarves and gloves.

Marlene goes up to Madam Rosemerta to order their butterbeer, the girls all waving to the woman with the knowing smile. Marlene joins them back at the table, followed by the woman with a tray.

Marlene sits and Madam Rosmerta sets down the tray, revealing 4 butterbeers and 4 shots of firewhiskey. She winks and walks away, leaving Marlene to crow,

"To Lily Evans, our hero! And to Phoebe Griffin for finally shagging James!"

Lily and Phoebe both blush but join Alice and Marlene, cheering before they down their firewhiskey.

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