Wasted Tea

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"Psssst," A hissing voice stirs Phoebe from her slumber. She rolls over and grumbles, pulling her blankets up over her head.

"Pssst! Phoebe!"

"Griffin, get up."

Phoebe growls and sits up straight in bed, eyes still closed as she points towards the voices with her wand.

"Shut the fuck up!" She says firmly. Sirius and James look at each other with wide eyes, standing directly where the witch was pointing.

"How'd she do that?" James asks quietly.

"She's a bloody seer, that's how," Sirius replied in a whisper yell.

Phoebe groans and finally opens her eyes, peering at the two boys irritably.

"What on earth do you want?" She asks, lowering her wand. Sirius opens his mouth to answer but James interrupts,

"You look like shit, Griffin."

The Veela sends a bored glare James' way, replying easily, "Potter, we both know that I could get far more blokes than you could get birds. Even looking like this."

James squawks indignantly, "Padfoot, tell her that's not true!"

Sirius sighs and rolls his eyes, saying plainly, "Phoebe that's not true. We know that James is sexier."

Phoebe raises a brow and tuts, "That's not what you were saying 4th year when I snogged you in the library."

James gapes at Sirius. His friend just grins and shrugs, muttering, "Sorry, Mate."

James grumbles as Sirius waltzes over to Phoebe and tugs the warm blankets from her bed.

"Come on, Pheebs. We have to go shopping today!"

Phoebe relents and stands up slowly. "I already purchased my gifts for everyone," She argues.

"When?!" James cries, throwing his hands up. He hadn't purchased a single gift and was thoroughly stressed.

"While you lot were following Lily and that Ravenclaw around Hogsmeade , I went and purchased my gifts."

Sirius frowns and turns to his other friend. James grins bashfully and mutters, "Sorry, Padfoot. I suppose shopping would have been more worthwhile."

He turns to Phoebe and says slowly, "So, Griffin. You got Evans a gift already?"

Phoebe, busy with looking for clothes in her bags, says over her shoulder, "Yes, Potter. I'll help you pick something out for her."

James grins happily, earning an eye roll from Sirius. The Veela ushers them out of the room so she can change. The boys wait downstairs by the door, James tapping his foot. Sirius looks at him and says firmly, "Prongs, quit tapping or ill hex you."

James sticks his tongue out and goes to spit out a comeback but is interrupted by Phoebe,

"Let's go, boys. I'd like to get this over with."

Sirius grins at the appearance of his friend. He quickly says, "We'll leave right after you eat something."

James raises his brows at her exasperated sigh, "Sirius! I'll get something later. Come on!"

Sirius frowns and goes to protest. She sends him a cold look that shuts him up, much to the surprise of James. He frowns slightly at their dynamic, curious as to why Sirius is always worrying about her. The group of three finally Floo to Diagon Alley.

"Where to first?" Phoebe asks, dusting herself off from the Leaky Cauldron fireplace. Phoebe reluctantly lets the boys drag her through Diagon Alley all day. They go to every shop, searching for the right gifts for everyone. She's forced to close her eyes on a couple of occasions so as not to "ruin the magic of Christmas" James says.

Phoebe finally decides she needs a break, saying tiredly, "Lads, I'm gonna go get some tea. Can I get you anything?"

Sirius looks at her worriedly, asking quickly, "Do you want to go back?"

James too feels slightly worried when he finally looks at the girl. She seems slightly frazzled and her cheekbones seem sharper. James speaks up, "Yeah, let's go. We can come back tomorrow."

Phoebe sighs and says gently, gesturing behind her, "No, let's get it done today. Go on, I'm just going to get a drink. James the jewelry vendor is just up the road. I'm sure you'll find something sweet for Lily there."

She smiles warmly at the boy, taking him by surprise. Sirius and him both watch nervously as she walks away towards the tea shop. Sirius mutters lowly, "Cmon let's hurry."

The pair make their way in the direction of the jewelry stand. Sirius grins and picks up a simple gold necklace with a Celtic knot on it. "I think this would do quite nicely for Marlene," He states proudly. James snickers and elbows his friend before glancing back down at the jewelry.

He's immediately drawn to a pair of earrings. Sirius notices him looking and says, "Lily doesn't have pierced ears, mate."

James ignores him, studying the sea glass like jewels. The vendor, a grouchy old woman with thinning hair, speaks gruffly, "Those are special. Said to be from the sea where mermaid and Veela kin were born. Apparently they sing."

James asks quietly, "Veela you say?" The woman nods. Sirius smirks inwardly at his best friend, chuckling when he says, "I'll take them."

When phoebe reunites with the boys, she notices Sirius giving James a hard time about something. She intervened, noticing James' flushed cheeks, "Did you find something, Potter?"

James blushed harder and shakes his head. "No," He mumbles. "I'm just going to give her one of the presents she's sent back. She won't notice."

Phoebe frowns slightly, deciding she was going to have a stern talking with Lily once she got back to Hogwarts.

"We have too much stuff to Floo," Sirius says. "Are you fine to apparate?"

Phoebe and James both groan but nod yes. James is momentarily stunned by how tiny her wrist feels in his hand, but then they're being sucked into space. The pop that accompanies them landing in The Potters backyard is followed by the quiet sound of retching.

James jumps into action, pulling Phoebe's hair back as she vomits into the snow covered grass. Sirius rushes over and holds her hand as she heaves again. James doesn't realize it, but his free hand is soothingly rubbing her lower back. Phoebe's eyes water as she hunches, coughing before she heaves one last time. She spits and wipes the side of her mouth on her sleeve.

"I can't believe I wasted money on that bloody tea," Phoebe says exasperatedly. James worriedly helps her back up to her full height, making eye contact with an equally concerned Sirius.

"Quit worrying, Sirius. I've had food. Apparating just makes me nauseas."

Sirius seems more relaxed at her words, asking confusedly, "You're worried about the money you spent on tea?"

"Of course. I just wasted it."

Phoebe sighs and steadies herself before smiling slightly at James. He lets go of her hair but holds onto her back, not fully convinced she's okay. She seems better than she did earlier, even though she just threw up on his lawn.

"Thank you, James," She says kindly.

The sound of his name on her lips knocks the wind out of him.

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