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I was surprised to receive a letter from you, considering the events of the last couple of months. You know what I am, and yet you're writing me after the death of your mother. I want you to know, if I knew anything about it I would tell you. Or at least present the information to you in a way where no one would get hurt.

I appreciate your kind words, but I highly doubt Sirius has any interest in seeing or talking to me. Not when he has you.

I am doing fine, just trying to get through the holidays. And the rest of this term. Maybe I was avoiding you...but I wouldn't mind stopping that now. It seems that I can't avoid you for long. I am truly sorry for your loss, P.

Restez en sécurité. Restez fidèle.


Phoebe's read the letter nearly ten times, trying to understand why she feels such kinship to the boy. And why he would send her a gift.

She studies the gold coin in her hand, flipping it. Every other time it flips, the face changes from a snake to a lion. She smiles at it confusedly, feeling slightly guilty. She wished she'd bought him something.

"Who is R.A.B?"

Phoebe jumps, spinning around in her desk chair to glare at James.

"My cousin," She says simply, turning back around and quickly folding up the note. James frowns and chides, "Ah ah. That little book you made for me told me all about how to deal with a fibbing veela. I know your tells, Phoebe."

She scoffs, silently challenging. Her face drops when he says smugly, "You're tapping your music notes on your leg."

James starts again before she can speak, "And I know you don't have a cousin with those initials. Not with the last name B."

Phoebe sighs and says irritably, "It's rude to be nosy, James."

"Deflection. Another lie tactic," he jeers, leaning down to gently kiss her temple. She frowns and replies flatly, "I should've given you a fucking sweater."

James chuckles, eyeing the note. His brow furrows slightly and he asks, "P.L.G?"


"What does the L stand for?"

Phoebe groans, muttering bashfully, "Léonie."

James' lips twitch and he wonders, "Your middle name means lion?"

"Lioness, technically," Phoebe corrects. Sirius pokes his head in the door and asks,

"What's going on?"

"Padfoot, do you know an R.A.B?"

"My brother," He says confusedly, quirking a brow. James' smile fades and he looks at a guilty and fidgety Phoebe.

"I'm just checking in on him. We've become friends of sorts," Phoebe explains quietly, glancing back and forth between Sirius and James. A regretful look appears on Sirius' face and he says quietly,

"You shouldn't write to him. If my parents had gotten ahold of that...Phoebe he's on their side."

"But he's not! At least not for the reasons that everyone else is," Phoebe insists. "He's doing all of this for two reasons and two reasons only. He wants to meet your parents expectations, something I understand all too well, and he wants to protect people. He wants to protect you, Sirius!"

James and Sirius look at each other, they're shared expression sending irritation flaming through her.

"He's saved my arse twice! Now you reckon I should ignore him?"

"We just want you to be safe, love," James says gently, coming closer to gently push a piece of her hair back behind her ear. He notes her glare, but continues warily, "You should just distance yourself."

"When the cards are down, my brother will always stay loyal to our family. And that means staying loyal to their beliefs," Sirius sighs, a glimmer of affection for the girl in his eyes.

"Thank you. For watching out for him."

Phoebe shrugs, her mouth sealed shut now. James and Sirius glance at each other again. Sirius offers cheerfully, "Remus will be here any minute."

She stands elegantly, and James can't help but look at her long legs in the jeans she's wearing. Anger rolls off of her but he's drawn in.

"Thank, Merlin," She says coldly. Irritation consumes her being, aggravated by the controlling and unwelcome opinions. Who were they to judge? And who were they to tell her who to communicate with? She glares, whipping past the boys and out of her room, leaving them to stare after her.

"She's pissed," Sirius mumbles, holding back another sigh. James claps him on the shoulder and replies lowly, "She'll get over it. Maybe she's right?"

Sirius shakes his head, feeling rather solemn now.

"No," He says. "My brother might not hurt her on his own. But his friends certainly will, and he could never stand up to them. They would kill him."

They hear a loud pop that accompanies apparition and sprint down the stairs. The rush out the front door and already find Remus and Phoebe hugging and laughing. Sirius and James both wear dejected looks that Remus notices from a few yards away.

"What did they do?" He asks Phoebe lowly. She rolls her eyes and grumbles, "They're trying to tell me who I can and can't talk to. So now I'm ignoring them."

Remus grins and says excitedly, "Oh I like this game. I'll help."

Phoebe chuckles and nods. They begin walking up to the boys, but Remus stops her when they're still a little ways away and says quietly, "Thank you, Pheebs. For my gift. It's the best I've ever gotten."

"You say that every year," She teases, rolling her eyes. Remus smiles and says firmly, "I mean it. Thank you."

Phoebe winks up at him, but instantly turns back to her stoic and cold self when Sirius asks in a playfully disappointed voice,

"Moony, you like her present best?"

Remus glances down at his indifferent looking blonde friend and says quickly, "Absolutely."

James bristles slightly, eyes narrowed at his girlfriend and his friend still side hugging.

"She got me a brief case. For when I'm a teacher," He explains, tightening his arm around the girl. She looks up at him and smiles widely, irritating both Sirius and James.

"Let's get inside, it's too cold for Pheebs," Remus says cheekily, ushering the girl inside and leaving the two boys behind. James scowls and mutters to Sirius, "Can we leave?"

"I reckon she'll be even more pissed. Cmon, Prongs. Let's just try and change the mood around," Sirius offers, shutting the door behind them.

Their frowns deepen when they hear Phoebe and Remus laughing from inside the house.

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