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It was almost as if the passage of Halloween instantly brought on winter.

Snow blanketed Hogwarts beautifully, giving everything a sparkle that Phoebe was addicted to. And James was addicted to watching Phoebe's excitement when she looked at it. He smiles from his seat in the library, observing her press her face against the glass.

"Your face is going to freeze, Bee."

Phoebe smiles, blushing slightly at the nickname before she turns to roll her eyes at the spectacled boy. He smirks at the cheekiness of the girl, tutting like a parent watching a crazy child. She wanders back over to their table, eyeing James curiously as he turns back to his book. The boy didn't study much, so it was odd to see him reading so intently.

Phoebe lazily flops down in front of him and sighs, asking quietly, "What are you reading, you bloody moose?"

James glances up at her, mildly surprised by her easy going attitude and playful behavior. His heart does a weird flip in his chest and he quickly decides he wants to leave the library so he can talk to her above a whisper. He shuts his book and stands, handing her her coat. Phoebe raises her brows at him in surprise, but follows his lead. She tugs on her coat, noting that James pockets the book he was reading. She nearly asks, but then he's grabbing her hand and whirling her out of the library.

"James!" She laughs as he pulls her along. "Too fast!"

James smirks, stopping in his tracks and throwing her over his shoulder.

"Fucks sake, Potter! You're going to get us in trouble!"

"If you keep screaming like that then yes, we will!"

Phoebe sighs and decides to just let it happen for once, faint giggles bubbling up from her chest. She wasn't sure what had gotten into her. Perhaps seeing all of the boys covered in flobberworm slime filled her with an unbreakable joy.

Hogwarts was relatively quiet today, the hufflepuffs and quite a few students from Gryffindor and Ravenclaw all hungover from the badger's victory party over slytherin's quidditch team the night before. The girls were in the common room, and she was sure she didn't want to know where the other marauders were.

"Where are you taking me, Potter?" She finally asks, laughing at the way her hair swung back and forth as he walked. It was far too long for her liking, but she knew how pissed her mum would be if she cut it. James grins, his hand slyly coming up to rest on her bum, chuckling as she tries to twist around and swat him away.

"I want to show you something," He says simply, carrying her out of the castle and onto the grounds. He walks carefully now, scared to slip on snow with her balancing precariously on his one shoulder. Phoebe however found herself marveling at how strong he was.

'Merlin quidditch does wonders! Oh my....he's got a rather nice bum...'

"Enjoying the show, Griffin?" James teases at her sudden silence, pinching her rear. He laughs as an indignant squawk reaches his ears,

"Sod off! I'd rather stare at Peter's ass!!!"

James pinches her again, harder. Phoebe let's out a squeak, cheeks warming further at the contact. James finally sets her on her feet, steadying her as the blood rushes back down to her toes. Her eyes cross goofily and she grasps his arm.

"Bloody hell!"

James snickers at her dizziness, waiting patiently for her to settle in. Phoebe smiles up at him when the spots clouding her vision disappear. She looks behind him and asks, "You've brought me to the lake?"

James nods and slides his hand into hers, saying quietly, "Come on."

He guides her over to a large boulder that a large tree shades in the summer, flushing slightly before he mutters a spell under his breath. Phoebe's eyes widen as writing is slowly revealed on the surface of the rock. She lets out a tiny surprised laugh, coming closer to run her finger along the scratches. She sees Sirius, Remus, and Peter have carved in their names alongside James. She sees their nicknames and curse words and things that she's sure pertain to a couple of inside jokes. She sees hearts carved and then gouged, her finger dancing over names. And then she freezes. There, in the middle of it all she sees her name, followed by a rough scratch that looks like it could be the last name Potter.

James smiles faintly as she whirls around to face him, her beautiful grey eyes confused and shocked.

"The lads did that," He says quietly, hand coming up to run the back of his neck nervously. "Back in first year. I had a sick sappy crush on you."

Phoebe blinks, unable to speak at the information. She'd thought it was Lily that James had been chasing all these years. She'd never really imagined that someone else could have captured the boys heart. Certainly not her.

His smile turns into a tiny grin and he reaches out, gently cupping her cheek. His thumb caresses her cheek ever so softly as he continues, "I picked on you relentlessly just so we would fight. I wanted your attention all of the time. I was a stupid boy. But I craved you in any capacity, fighting or screaming or pranking. Even when I thought that the girl I fancied was Lily."

Phoebe feels a surge of doubt at his words. There's always been that fear in the back of her mind. That James loved Lily, that she was just the place holder until the red head came around. James smooths his thumb over the worried wrinkle between her brows, heart clenching at the sight of her fear on her face.

"It's you, Bee. It's been you. Since first year. I reckon that everyone knew, the lads and the girls. It's just taken me a long time to realize that I want you to be mine."

Phoebe's fear and doubt play tug of war with the affection and warmth she feels from him. His warm hazel eyes bore into hers as he leans down, pressing his forehead to hers. James steels himself, pushing down his own fear of rejection when he whispers,

"I wanted you then, I want you now, and I'm still going to want you 30 years from now. my girlfriend."

Phoebe stares at him, completely and utterly unsure of herself. But he's so warm, and safe. He makes her laugh even when he makes her want to pull out her hair. She hesitates for a brief moment before replying,

"I-I've never...I'm not very good at feelings."

James' lips quirk slightly at her wording. This he knew to be slightly true. Her world had been so suppressed, so structured. There was a call and response for every interaction and emotion she may have, all taught to her by her mother and her mother's mother.

"That's okay," He says simply. "I'll teach you."

Phoebe can't help but smile at his words and James feels as if the snow will melt and the sky will turn bright blue under the brilliance of her smile. His heart is practically soaring at the way she's looking at him. Phoebe chuckles and says,

"You owe me 10 galleons."

James tilts his head, brows furrowed in confusion.

"I told you you'd have a girlfriend before the end of the year," She murmurs, standing on her toes to brush her lips against his. "Pay up, Potter."

James laughs and winds his arms around her waist, lifting her and spinning them in a circle as they kiss.

James decides it's definitely a debt he's willing to pay.

The Stag and The Harpy | James PotterWhere stories live. Discover now