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Phoebe thought that she was stressed about exams. Lily quickly showed everyone what the definition of stress meant. The red head was moody, exhausted, and always had her head buried in her books. The girls tried to get her to take breaks and have fun, but nothing seemed to break her focus.

They were currently sat in the common room, watching Lily scrawl notes furiously in her textbooks. Alice sighs and says quietly, "she's going to spiral."

"Remember what happened last time?" Marlene asks. "She screamed like a banshee at that poor 3rd year. The boy cried!"

Phoebe stifles a laugh, looking up from her own reading to see Lily scowling at her notes. She sighs and asks softly, "What can we do? She's going to blow her top."

Alice shrugs and shakes her head. Her eyes suddenly get wide at the appearance of the marauders. "Phoebe," She warns. "You best tell your boyfriends to leave her alone."

Phoebe frowns and replies, "They are not my boyfriends. And they can handle themselves. I'd rather Lily take it out on them than me!"

Marlene and Alice look at her disapprovingly for several moments until Phoebe finally huffs, "Fine!"

She quickly stands and makes her way to the boys, smiling at Peter and saying, "Hi, Pete. How's it going with Mary??"

The boy flushes furiously, but has a wide smile on his face. "Good!" He says enthusiastically. "Thanks to you!" Phoebe ignored the other marauders surprised looks, laughing at Peter's words.

"That was all you, Pete. She seems to fancy you quite a bit. We were chatting in charms. Her favorite food is cupcakes," The Veela says, winking. Sirius clears his throat, drawing her attention. He grins cheekily, like he's up to no good.

"Do not bother Lily today. I'm talking to you, Potter!" Phoebe said firmly, looking back and forth between Sirius and James. James stiffens slightly and says, "Uh oh."

Phoebe's eyes widen significantly.

"What did you do?" She asks, not really wanting to know the answer. James opens his mouth, but a sudden shriek sends her whirling around. Lily's notes have transformed into a paper stag that prances back and forth on the desk. Phoebe winces as loud singing, obviously James and Sirius' voices project from the animal.

Lily flower, don't be sour and quit ignoring your best mates. Take a brake, by the lake or join Potter for a date!!

Lily turns beat red as the song continues, her scowl growing deeper. James and Sirius thrust Phoebe in front of them as a shield. Marlene and Alice gape at the singing creature while Remus and Peter wait apprehensively for her reaction.

The song ends with the notes flying into the air. Lily clenches her fists and seethes, "Potter, I would rather die than go anywhere with you. You are a rotten, arrogant, selfish prick!"

Phoebe doesn't need to turn around to see James' reaction, but she does and feels a sharp twinge in her chest at his crestfallen face. Sirius frowns a little at the red head before muttering to James, "I thought it was nice."

Lily turns her heated stare on Sirius, "Don't even get me started on you—"

"That's enough!" Phoebe yells finally, ignoring the look of shock on James' face. "Lily we all know you're stressed, but that was just plain rude."

James stills beside her, his hazel eyes flickering back and forth between the Veela and Lily. He felt a weird warm sensation in his stomach at the sounds of her defending him. He was used to hurt feelings as a consequence of his actions towards Lily. He was not used to Phoebe Griffin defending him.

"Uh oh," Alice whispers, scooting closer to Marlene.

Lily stares at phoebe, eyes wide in disbelief. The room is silent for a few seconds before the red head explodes again. "You always take his side!" Lily cries, throwing her hands in the air.

"Because you're bloody mean to him! He clearly fancies you, to the point of asking you out every day!"

"It's harassment, Phoebe!"

Phoebe rolls her eyes and shouts back, "Sod off, Lily! He had a genuine interest in you. Maybe count your blessings! Trust me, it could be a lot worse. James doesn't deserve your bitchiness."

Her friend scoffs, "Oh yes, I forgot how hard it is to be a Veela. Turning away boys left and right. Your life is soooo hard."

Phoebe blinks rapidly, searching for words to counter with, but Lily continues,

"Maybe if you weren't such a slag, boys wouldn't want to treat you like one! It's no wonder your mother is disappointed!"

The Veela rears back like she's been slapped, her jaw dropping open. Marlene and Alice jump to their feet.

"That's enough," Alice says quietly, glancing back and forth between the red head and the blonde. Lily and Phoebe have mirroring expressions of shock, tears shining in both of their eyes. A warm hand grabs Phoebe's wrist, pulling her back against their chest. She looks up to see James holding onto her, his eyes narrowed slightly. The boy expected to feel more conflicted, in truth he did want to help both Lily and Phoebe. But the slump of the blondes shoulders and tears in her eyes took the wind from his chest.

Sirius growls from next to him, "When did you turn into such a bitch, Evans?" James slips his hand into his rival's, pulling her back away from the crowd. Sirius follows, grumbling choice words to himself. James bends low enough to whisper in the girls ear, "Come on, let's cool off. You can stay with us."

Sirius and James walk the Veela up the spiral staircase to the boy's room, Remus and Peter hot on their tails.

Lily covers her face and whispers to her friends, "I can't believe I just said that."

Alice and Marlene share a glance. "It'll be okay, Lils," Marlene says kindly.

"She knows you don't mean it. Everyone is just stressed and on edge. Let's go up and get some rest."

Lily follows her friends, wiping tears from her face as she goes. Guilt and regret nearly sweep her off her feet and she immediately misses the presence of the Veela in their dorm. She wasn't pressed over exams now. She was worried about her friend.

The Stag and The Harpy | James PotterWhere stories live. Discover now