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"You are filthy, Phoebe," Sirius chides as she joins him down stairs, flattening her hair nonchalantly.

"I don't know what you are talking about," She scoffs, smirking inwardly as James walks down slowly. He comes to a halt in front of them, a goofy and dazed smile on his face. Sirius wrinkles his nose, muttering,

"Fucking hell. Prongs, wake up!!!"

James blinks at him confusedly, blushing slightly when Phoebe fails to stifle her laughter. He quickly rubs the back of his neck and says lamely, "Let's go, Padfoot."

Sirius opens his mouth to respond but Phoebe sends him a quick look that has his mouth sealed shut.

"Fine, but we're apparating. And I'm doing it," Sirius says firmly, ignoring Phoebe's rolling eyes.

The group join hands, Sirius apparating them to Diagon Alley.

Phoebe feels slightly nauseous as they land but recovers quicker this time, turning to face Sirius and James.

"I've got some things to pick up. Will you two be alright on your own for a bit?"

Sirius furrows his brow and whines, "You have everyone's gifts picked out already?!"

Phoebe chuckles and nods, "Of course. I've had them planned for some time."

James frowns and says firmly, "I don't want you to go off on your own. It's dangerous."

Phoebe rolls her eyes, saying sarcastically, "Yes I'm sure everyone is out to get me. Relax, James. I'll be fine".

Sirius hesitates before risking her wrath and saying, "Prongs is right. You won't get hurt if you're with one of us."

She quirks an eyebrow at the both of them, crossing her arms.

"I reckon being a blood traitor is about as dangerous as being a creature right now. Perhaps you're the ones that aren't safe."

Both of the boys quickly go to respond but she silenced them with a hand, her tone leaving no room for questions or arguments as she speaks,

"I can handle myself. I'll be quick, I promise. Meet back here in an hour or so, yeah?"

She stands on her toes and presses a quick kiss to James' lips. He pulls her in before she can distance herself, slanting his mouth on hers and leaving her breathless as he nibbles at her lip. Her eyes are wide and her cheeks flushed when she finally pulls back.

James smiles a little and says quietly, "Be safe. I love you."

Her eyes soften and she replies, "I will. I love you too."

She smirks and peers over James head to see Sirius looking anywhere but at the two of them.

"Love you, Sirius."

"Sod off, you wanker."

She laughs and walks off, hair swinging behind her and keeping her in sight until she disappears behind a corner, heading towards Carkitt market.

James waits until he's sure she's gone before he turns to Sirius, saying helplessly, "What the fuck am I going to get her?"

Sirius shrugs and crinkles his nose, sighing, "I've no idea. What am I going to get for Marlene?"

The two boys groan and begin to walk, eyeing the windows as they pass.

Meanwhile Phoebe stands outside of the Owl post office, quickly handing off her gifts to the girls and Remus and Peter through the window to be delivered for Christmas. She hesitates before asking the shop keep,

"Do you reckon I could borrow some things to write a letter, sir?"

The old wizard seems stunned by her attention, stuttering out quickly, "Y-yes! Here!"

He shoves a quill, parchment, and an envelope into her hands. She smiles at him gratefully before leaning the parchment up on the side of the building and beginning to write, chewing on the inside of her lip as she goes.


I hope this letter finds you well. I tried to catch you at Hogwarts these last couple of weeks, but I take it that you've been avoiding me. You're rather good at it. Take it from someone who knows.

I'm curious as to why? Perhaps you about my mother...nonetheless, I wish you would reach out. Let me know that you're okay. Sirius misses you and wishes you were here for the holidays. I think you'd like it here. It's a bit difficult to be around such happy people without any distractions, but maybe that's what being normal is like.

I hope you have a good holiday, and that you'll consider writing me back. If I'd known I'd be writing you, I'd have bought you a gift.

Restez en sécurité. Restez fidèle.

Yours truly,

P. L. G.

She hesitates before signing her initials, praying that his parents won't for some reason recognize them. She smiles to herself, reaching into her pocket and pulling out a cigarette. She tucks it into the envelope with her letter, seals it, and quickly scrawls

Number 12, Grimmauld Place.

She almost feels guilty when she sends it off, like she's doing something wrong. But she pushes it aside, instead reasoning that she was just checking up on the boy. She sighs and turns back to the shop keep, asking kindly,

"If I were to find a bag with an undetectable extension charm on it...where might I go?"

The old wizard frowns slightly. Extension charms were heavily monitored by the ministry. He grunts quietly,

"Borgin and Burkes I reckon. But that's no place for someone of your kind, lass."

Phoebe chews on the inside of her cheek, considering her options. He was right, Knockturn Alley was exactly the opposite of safe. But she needed the charmed bag. She sighs and asks nervously, "Will they sell it to me?"

"Depends on how much your willing to pay."

"I'm willing to pay plenty to get in and out of there fast."

He appraises her silently before nodding and muttering, "Take a left out of here and go up the back way. There's a side entrance if you squeeze in between the junk shop and the back of the alley way. You'll see it."

"Thank you, sir," She says warmly. He smiles slightly and says sternly, "Be safe, young lady. If I hear anything amiss I'll come looking as soon as possible. I'll tell the other shop owners."

She nods quickly and departs with a nervous smile, heading quickly towards the junk shop.

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