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{{when you have a midterm tomorrow but care about James Potter more than your degree 💀💀}}

Phoebe awoke in her room, shivering slightly under the chilled sheets.

She was stunned that the boys hadn't run in yet and wondered if she was the first to wake up. She stretches her tight limbs, desperate to warm herself up. Quickly she crawls from her bed and pulls on the chudley cannon sweatpants and sweatshirt that she'd stolen from James.

The Veela tiptoes past the boys room and down the stairs, gentle talking guiding her in the direction of the kitchen.

Mia Potter sits at the small table, newspaper in hand. Phoebe smiles softly as Fleamont places a small plate with pastries on it in front of his wife, placing a loving kiss on her head.

She blushes slightly when she realizes how easily she could picture James and her doing this years from now, their own kids sleeping in bedrooms above them. Quickly, she brushes it aside and to the back of her mind, very intimidated by the intrusive thought.

"Good morning," She says quietly, smiling when the older parents look her way.

"Phoebe," Fleamont says cheerfully. "Happy Christmas."

Mia beckons her to come in, scooting out the chair next to hers.

"You're awake awfully early," Mia says playfully, scooting her plate over so it sits between them. The older woman hides her smile when the girl takes a pastry after hesitating.

"I know. Usually the boys are up before I am," Phoebe chuckles, murmuring a thank you as Fleamont places a cup of tea in front of her. She takes a sip and looks at the older man in surprise. It was her favorite.

"James mentioned," He explains, grinning slightly at her surprise. Phoebe blushes and hides her smile behind her cup. Mia makes brief eye contact with her husband and can't help herself, asking eagerly, "Did he tell you he loves you?"

Phoebe laughs softly, slightly surprised by her willingness to share and their eagerness to listen.

"Yes, but I said it first. After he nearly killed Sirius."

"He's a jealous fool. Like his father," Mia says sympathetically, ignoring her husbands noise of disbelief.

"I'm not jealous," He argues. Mia rolls her eyes and says flatly, "You hexed Septimus Weasley for asking me what the date was."

Phoebe grins and raises her brows at the older man in surprise. He's quick to explain, "He was older. Predatory."

"He was and still is a lovely man," Mia responds, smirking when her husband grumbles and brushes the notion aside.

The Veela jumps when Sirius suddenly sprints down the stairs and past the kitchen, shouting loudly,


Phoebe clutches her chest, shaking her head as her heart rate slowly returns to normal. A sleepy looking James follows him, rubbing his eyes beneath his glasses and yawning. He perks up when he sees his girlfriend, walking into the kitchen and over to her.

"Morning, mon amour," Phoebe says quietly. James smiles and bends down, quickly pecking her lips despite her insistence that kissing in front of his parents was wrong. She rolls her eyes, but can't fight her smile when his lips brush hers. He pulls back and asks, voice hoarse and mumbled, "What are you doing up this early?"

"I've just been showing Phoebe your baby pictures," Fleamont says mischievously, winking when the girl catches his eye. James is instantly much more awake, cheeks pinking.

"You're lying," He accuses, staring at his parents. Phoebe bites down on her lip to keep from laughing when Mia joins in, "She quite liked the ones of you in the bath."

"Mum," James groans, head flopping down to land on Phoebe's shoulder. She laughs and gently strokes the hair at the nape of his neck, saying cheekily, "Don't worry, James. You're a very cute baby."

James smirks against her neck, mumbling, "I suppose that bodes well for ours."

Phoebe freezes, shocked that he too has at least considered kids in some form. And that he's voicing the possibility. The adults laugh at Phoebe's shock and James' smug face, Fleamont pitying the girl and saying quickly, "Don't scare her, James. Let's go open gifts."

James smirks and helps a still stunned Phoebe up from her chair and into the living room. Sirius is sitting, impatiently tapping his foot. He groans and says irritably, "Come on, people!"

"Go on, Sirius," Mia laughs, grinning as the boy dives in and begins opening his gifts. Phoebe and James eagerly join in, tearing open packages. Phoebe smiles softly when she opens her first gift, a beautiful picture frame from Alice. Inside is a picture of the girls, moving to show them laughing hysterically with their arms wrapped around each other.

Her next gifts are a pack of sugar quills from Peter, A book of traditional Scottish tunes from Marlene with a cheeky note about bothering Lily, A funny book full of famous smokers from Remus, and a beautiful dress from Lily. She runs her fingers over the silk, in awe of the material. Her note said she'd purchased it in a muggle store, making Phoebe smile. She'd always wanted to see what a muggle store was like. When she opens her gifts from the Potters she smiles widely, holding up the ornate wind chimes.

"They're from Bulgaria," Fleamont says. Mia smiles gently and explains, "They're supposed to have a protection charm. From the first nymphs."

"It's beautiful," Phoebe says warmly, heart swelling. "Thank you."

Sirius interrupts, asking curiously, "Phoebe?"

She looks over to see him holding up the small velvet bag she's purchased from Borgin and Burkes.

"Ah!" She says excitedly, clasping her hands to get her. "Reach inside!!"

Sirius furrows his brow, startled to find that he can reach deep inside the bag.

"Is that a—" Fleamont begins to ask, eyebrows raised.

"An extension charm! Where did you get that?" Mia wonders. James frowns and says grumpily, "She bought it at Borgin and Burkes."

"Phoebe!" Fleamont chides. They're pulled away from the discussion when Sirius pulls a key out from the bag, dangling it in the air. His eyes grow round and his jaw drops.

"Is this..." he trails off, unable to say it. He looks up at The Potters and his friends, seeing them grin at him expectantly.

"Go outside, mate," James chuckles. Sirius jumps to his feet and runs to the front door, flinging it open. There, in the front lawn, is the motorcycle he'd been eyeing for months.

His throat grows tight and he exhales the breath he was holding. He turns, tears rimming his eyes.

Phoebe stands in the doorway, smiling gently.

"It's yours!" She laughs, squealing when Sirius tackles her in a hug. James and his parents laugh as Sirius and Phoebe sprawl on the floor while he practically hugs the life out of the Veela.

"You did this for me?" He whispers, hugging her close.

"Of course! We aren't traveling the world by train, Black. Not when we've got this."

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