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James doodles absentmindedly on his parchment, half listening to McGonagall's lecture. Sirius is half asleep next to him, providing no entertainment for James. He sighs and glances around the classroom, his eyes landing on Alice and Phoebe. Alice is paying very close attention the the lecture while phoebe sneaks out a sugar quill to suck on every so often.

James is momentarily distracted by the veela's petal pink lips wrapped delicately around the sweet. He stares as she sucks on the quill, pulling it away from her lips every so often to hide it from McGonagall. James watches as she flicks her tongue out to lick the excess sugar from her lips. He's so mesmerized that he doesn't hear McGonagall calling his name until Sirius elbows him harshly in the side.

"Mr. Potter, if you had been listening instead of staring at Miss. Griffin you'd have heard me asking you a question!"

James sits up straighter and grins at the teacher. "Sorry, Minnie. What's your question?"

Minerva McGonagall had a soft spot for the boys, but was also easily irritated by them. Flustered, she finally says, "Never mind that. 5 points from Gryffindor."

Sirius busts out laughing, earning another 5 points taken away. James glances at Phoebe again, seeing her slightly flushed face turn to Alice quickly.

"Prongs you were practically drilling holes in her head! What's your problem?" Sirius whispers cheekily.

James shrugs and rubs the back of his neck, "I was picturing Lily," He defends. Sirius doesn't buy it, but lets it slide. The boys eagerly stand when the bell rings. James moves to leave, but Sirius makes him wait.

"Why do we have to wait for her?" James groans, glaring at his friend.

"Because It's time for lunch," Sirius replies as Alice and Phoebe make their way to them.

"So?" James question.

"So I want to eat lunch with Pheebs."

James sighs and rolls his eyes when the girls join them. Phoebe is oddly silent as they walk. She's still quiet when the enter the great hall and sit down to for lunch.

Sirius takes his seat next to her, causing James to roll his eyes again. His friend sends him a glare, making James grumble under his breath.

"Sirius, stop," He hears Phoebe whisper as Sirius shoves her plate in front of her.

"But Pheebs—"

"I ate, I swear! I had breakfast late this morning!"

James frowns at Sirius who is frowning at the Veela. His friend finally sighs and whispers something he can't hear. James sees Alice smiling at the pair and ask her quietly, "Why don't they just date already?"

Alice chuckles and shakes her head. She was an odd girl, kind of an air head. But always nice to James.

"James, they're like sibling. Plus, Sirius fancies Marlene," Alice answers softly. James nods. He knew Sirius liked Marlene, but he couldn't grasp how he and the Veela had become so close.

Alice must've seen what he was thinking because she whispers, "They've got a lot in common, you know. If you and Phoebe weren't so dead set on arguing all of the time you might find that you'd like who she is. Besides her obvious beauty you were noticing earlier."

Alice had seen him staring he realizes. He flushes slightly and says, "I was picturing Lily."

Alice chuckles and shrugs. "Whatever you say, James."

"I'm going to head to the library. Wanna come, Alice?" Phoebe asks, interrupting their quiet conversation. Alice nods and says sweetly, "Yep!"

The girls stand and leave, but not before Alice winks knowingly at James.

As soon as the girls are gone, Sirius turns to James and says, "I'd like to write your parents and ask them if Phoebe can come to yours for the holidays."

James blinks at him, confusedly asking, "Why?"

Sirius sighs and says lowly, "She doesn't have anywhere to go. Please, James."

James nods and replies quickly, "Of course. I'll write them myself, but you have to answer my question first."

Sirius laughs and says, "Okay, go ahead."

James hesitates before asking, "Why are you always making her eat? You act like her bloody boyfriend."

Sirius smirks and leans back, saying cheekily, "I've said it before, but jealousy looks good on you, Prongs."

James opens his mouth to quickly shoot down the implication of jealousy when Sirius continues, "First of all, Phoebe is like my sister. Yeah, we've kissed a few times usually while drunk...but I'd never consider her more than a friend. We've both got too much baggage."

James feels oddly content with his answer. He blames it on bot wanting Sirius to be stolen away.

"Secondly," Sirius says. "All I can say is this—not everyone is lucky enough to have parents like yours."

James wants to ask more questions, but he knows Sirius won't betray her confidence. He sighs and pulls out some parchment and begins writing to his parents.

'Dear Mum and Dad,

Happy belated Halloween! The feast was excellent and Sirius and I succeeded in turning every bat into a miniature Professor. It was quite funny watching the teachers try to catch their replicas. Dumbledore seemed to enjoy it. '

James hesitates wrote writing more, his hand going before he can stop it.

'I know it's rather late to be asking this, but a friend of mine and Sirius doesn't have anywhere to go for the holidays. We don't want her to have to stay here alone, so we were hoping she could join us for the holidays. I'm certain you will like her Mum, despite the many fights she picks with me, your favorite son. Sirius and her are so bloody close I assumed they were dating, but alas they are just friends. She's rather pretty...Anyways! I hope you're doing well.

Love, James.

P.S. The marauders miss you. '

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