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{{ok gang. I've got some *steamy* chapters ahead but I'm nervous to post them since Wattpad went on a rampage and deleted a bunch of mature stories. Let me know what you think\opinions. Also, should I make a cast? Or leave it up to your imagination?}}

"James, I was meant to meet the girls an hour ago!"

"They can wait."

Phoebe whines, writhing against him as he attacks her neck with lips and teeth and tongue. His hand is pressed under her chin, tilting her head back and squeezing just enough on her throat to make her dizzy and warm all over.

James groans as he sucks on her delicate skin, completely entranced by her. He'd seen her in the hallway after her last class and couldn't resist tugging her into a broom cupboard. Her. His girlfriend.

"Fuck you're gorgeous," James grunts, kissing his way back up to her lips. Irresistible lips that had been teasing him throughout his classes all day. He'd already lost Gryffindor 10 points for telling Professor Binns to sod off when he was ridiculed for staring at the Veela.

Phoebe wraps her legs around his hips, teasingly running her tongue just on the inside of James' lip. He growls low in his chest, making something equally as feral erupt in Phoebe. She whines, sliding her body against his as they kiss furiously. The days following her agreement to be his girlfriend were spent with snogging. And lots of it. The Veela could not get enough of the boy, James feeling much the same way.

"Phoebe," James whispers her name, his voice so husky and sexy that she thinks her skirt might just disappear. He nearly combusts at the way she's grinding against him, the feeling of her lithe body against his practically indescribable. He lets out a noise of protest as she pulls away, saying breathily,

"I have to go!"

James grabs her face in his hands and pulls her back in for quick open mouthed kisses that leave her panting. He's fully hard against her and it makes her feel flustered and very much turned on. James kisses her sweetly now, helping her down from where she's balanced precariously on stacked crates. He sighs and leans his head against her forehead, saying quietly, "You're a tease."

"Don't act like you don't do it too" She replies, unable to stop herself from reaching her hands up and brushing his hair back. She reaches into her pocket, where she'd safely placed his glasses, and placed them back on his nose. The smile he sends her way is heart stopping, body melting, panty dropping wonderfulness that Phoebe wants to look at forever.

"You're perfect."

Phoebe raises an eyebrow at his words and asks teasingly, "Trying to seduce me, Potter?"

"Is it working?" He wonders, kissing both of her cheeks quickly. She laughs and pushes lightly at his chest, scared she'll cave and stay in this closet forever if he keeps kissing her.

"Not today it isn't," She quips, winking at him and reaching for the door. James just lets out a gusty sigh, following her out into the corridor. He smirks slightly at the blooming bruises on her neck but keeps his thoughts to himself, eager to see her reaction later.

"I'll see you tonight," Phoebe offers, sending a flirty smile in his direction.

"Nuh uh, Bee. I'm walking you back to the tower."

Phoebe narrows her eyes and says haughtily, "I'm perfectly capable."

"I know just how capable you are," James says suggestively. His tone turns serious however when he grabs her bag and throws it over his shoulder, quickly intertwining their fingers with his free hand. "But I'm not letting you walk around alone."

"Can we maybe let the whole Slytherin thing go? I haven't had a run in with anyone since the courtyard! Besides we both know I could easily take down Mulciber and Rosier. And Lestrange is all talk."

James hums his response, nodding his head. She rolls her eyes and lets out a gusty sigh as they walk. She smirks and begins swinging their hands in an obnoxiously aggressive pendulum motion. James doesn't say anything, just continuing to smile as he holds his girlfriends hand. Asking her had brought peace to his mind and a new kind of excitement into his life. He'd never really known 100% that the Veela shared in his affections. Giving her those 10 galleons and snogging the life out of her made every sleepless night and jealous rage worth it.

Phoebe however was a little more unsettled. She was not used to the rainbow of emotions she'd been feeling, the biggest one being fear. She was secretly terrified for the next full moon, terrified to leave hogwarts. She knew that James and the people she loved were safe here....but what happens when they're meant to go into the world and face these people that want some of them dead? Nightmares had plagued her since the night James got hurt, not even nightmares of just him. It would be Lily, or Marlene. Sirius and Alice. Sometime her mother would make an appearance, sobbing as some man tortured her.

Phoebe grows nervous at the thought, heart racing as the dreams come to the surface. James pulls her from her musings when he says gently, "Here."

Phoebe blinks rapidly, surprised that they were already there. She hesitates before she nods and goes to tell the portrait the password. James gently pulls her back and wraps his arms around her tightly. He studies the crease between her brow and the faint frown lines that appear when she thinks hard about something sad.

"What is it? Your mum?" James wonders, his own lips twitching slightly when her tiny arms hug him back.

Phoebe avoids his gaze, shaking her head slightly.

"No," She murmurs. "I just haven't been sleeping super well."

"Another lesson on feelings—you can tell your boyfriend about any feeling you're having," James teases, sneaking his hand up to turn her chin so he can see her grey eyes. Phoebe can't help herself from smiling a little at his words. She hesitates again before confessing, "I just feel...unsettled. I keep dreaming about people getting hurt."

James frowns, thumb stroking along her jaw as she speaks. He feels a twinge of guilt when he notes the dark circles under her eyes. His brows furrowed and he mumbles quickly, "Spend the night with me."

Phoebe quirks a brow, a tiny smirk on her lips.

"Not like that...yet," James says with mirth, enjoying the way her cheeks heat up under his thumb.

"It's girls night." Phoebe argues, her own hands coming up to tug at his hair gently. James' eyes close and he groans quietly at the action, immediately bringing his lips down to hers. Phoebe smiles into the kiss, languidly sliding her lips and tongue against his. She pulls away quickly, laughing at his frustrated glare.

"Bloody Veela," He grumbles. "Have your girls night and then come to my dorm."

Phoebe smiles slightly, completely tempted by how warm and safe he is. She was embarrassingly giddy at the thought of spending more time with him, even if it was when they were sleeping. She knew that Phoebe from a year ago would hurl at her current sappy thinking. But she can't help it.

"Okay," She quips, trying to fight her own smile as James grins brilliantly. He pecks her lips quickly and says cheekily, mirroring her previous words, "Good! Now go on, the lads have been waiting for me for hours."

Phoebe balks at him, yelling as he runs away, "Sod off, Potter! You practically locked me in that closet!!!"

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