Phoebe blinks slowly, a lazy smile poised on her lips.
Her head is in James' lap, his fingers gently raking through her still damp hair as his offered apology for throwing her into the lake. Her legs stick out perpendicular to his, the two of them forming an "L for Love" as Sirius had said teasingly.
They sit by the large rock that she knows her name is written on. Her smile grows wider at the thought, wondering briefly if any of the girls know about the vandalism under the illusion charm.
Lily and Alice are close by, braiding small flowers into Marlene's hair as they sit under the shady tree. Peter is laying next to them, snoring softly with his arm thrown across his eyes, while Sirius and Remus sit in the sun with James and Phoebe.
Phoebe let's out a sigh, her toes curling at the delicious feeling of James' hands in her hair. He smiles at her serene face, hunching over to gently kiss her lips. She smiles, mumbling suddenly around his lips,
James freezes, opening his eyes to stare at her, his lips just barely touching hers.
"What did you call me?" James says in a dangerously low voice.
Phoebe's eyes widen, realizing her grave error.
"Nothing! Sorry, J. He was trying to nick my cigarettes from my pocket!"
James glances out of the corner of his eye and sees Sirius smiling sheepishly by Phoebe's feet, a cigarette dangling limply from his lips.
James rolls his eyes, letting out a relieved sigh before saying pointedly,
"It's a good thing that was the reason you were saying his name, Griffin. I was ready to toss you back into the lake."
She playfully sticks out her tongue at his words, grabbing a cigarette of her own from her pocket and quickly lighting it with her finger much to James' amusement.
"Ah!" Sirius says excitedly, scooting closer so he can light his as well. He winks at James and says playfully,
"Don't worry, Prongs. I'm used to girls moaning my name. I reckon blokes do it too, eh Moony?"
The werewolf looks up from his book, staring at Sirius as if he were a petulant child. With a flat tone he says sarcastically,
"Yes, Padfoot. I frequently find myself moaning your name."
Phoebe nearly chokes on her inhaled smoke, exhaling a cloud with quiet laughter as Sirius pouts next to Remus.
James chuckles, removing one hand from the veela's hair to gently grasp her offered cigarette. The group of teens grow quiet by the lake, gentle sounds of birds and the wind and laughing in the distance softening the silence.
"Do you reckon we'll ever feel like this again?" James asks quietly, his thumb smoothing the creased skin between Phoebe's furrowed brow. He answers her silent question, her confused expression fading when he wonders,
"Normal? Do you ever think we'll feel normal again? Like there isn't some looming cloud of doom?"
She ponders his question thoughtfully for a few long moments, smiling faintly when he holds the cigarette to her lips for her to take a drag.
"I hope so. Maybe not for a while, but I think that we could feel normal again."
Marlene pipes up with a crass snort, saying loudly,
"Who gives a fuck about normal? I'm just glad I never have to take a sodding exam ever again!!"
Laughter breaks out amongst the group, Lily adding playfully,
"I never thought I'd see the day where I'd agree with Marlene, but thank Merlin we're done!"
Phoebe smiles at her friends antics. They were right. Hogwarts was their home, but there was no use in looking back when there was so much to look forward to. Yes, there was an impending cloud of doom, but they were facing it together.
And there was really no use in trying to be normal. They were never really normal to begin with.
"I suppose we should get going. I still have to pack," Alice says reluctantly, the Marauders all groaning.
James smirks and says slyly,
"I reckon you're excited for tomorrow, Bee."
She quirks a brow, wondering confusedly,
"And why is that?"
"Why it's your last chance to ride the Express!"
The Veela narrows her eyes and sits upright, flicking a small flame into his lap. Sirius snickers as James let's out a yelp of surprise, quickly patting down the embers that threaten to burn his trousers.
Lily pipes up from her spot by the tree, wondering,
"What are we supposed to do before the first meeting? I'm so bloody nervous I want to just get it over with!!"
James smiles as Phoebe returns his head to her lap, his fingers threading through her hair again. She smiles up at him, feeling a twinge of excitement. They already had their plan. Spend a few days with Mia and Fleamont and Sirius before going to France. From there they decided they'd go to the meeting at the still undisclosed location.
James was excited too, eager to see Phoebe's childhood home. He'd been curious about her summers in France for a long time, desperate to know what was so terrible about it. He knew her mother was...difficult. But it was hard to imagine that a seaside town could hold such bad memories for the Veela. Any opportunity to know more about Phoebe Griffin was a gift that he would take with open arms.
"I suppose we just wait," Remus offers with a sympathetic shrug. The group was thrumming with excitement over the potential the order held. They were going to make a difference, a big one. And each and every one of them had something worth fighting for, something worth dying for.
As the sun sets, the teens reluctantly trudge away from the shore of the lake. Phoebe takes in the scenery of the grounds, her heart clenching at the memories she has here. The forest, the lake. The road to Hogsmead.
She'd had her first kiss here, her first date here. She'd gotten drunk here for the first time, danced freely for the first time. This was where she met her brothers and her sisters, her mentors...and her first love. She'd crafted her family from the people within the four walls of the castle...and the creatures outside of them.
James squeezes her hand tightly, observing her sad smile as they wander into the castle for the last time.
She'd already said goodbye to her teachers, to the ghosts. She and Peeves had one last rhyming competition while he swam in the toilets. She visited the house elves in the kitchens to thank them profusely for their hard work. She'd said farewell to the owls and the portraits.
But she'd yet to truly say goodbye to Hogwarts. Her home.
Tears threaten her eyes as she studies the statues and stonework. It feels too soon. She still has so much to learn and the school still has so much to give. But as she smiles up at James she realizes that she's ready.
Ready to face the endings and the beginnings.
{{listened to Home by Dan croll while editing and literally could picture all of the good times they had. I'm gonna miss Hogwarts :(}}

The Stag and The Harpy | James Potter
Fanfiction"Potter," Phoebe says curtly. James frowns and says harshly, willing the odd feeling he has to go away, "Griffin, all of that stuff still doesn't make you pretty." She scoffs and narrows her eyes, "I could say the same about you. What's that in you...