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The intimate moment that James and Phoebe shared the night of the quidditch match scared both of them. But Phoebe heard him in her head over and over, telling her that he wants to know her answers to his questions. Wants to know why they can't talk about the kisses that they've shared. It took a day for Phoebe to realize that she was willing to be the slightest bit vulnerable with the boy. But at that point it was his turn to avoid her.

It made her nervous, then scared, then bloody angry. So angry that I'm response she began avoiding all of the marauders. She refused to help Sirius with his pranks, didn't sit with Remus in the library, and didn't gossip with Peter. She spent her free time studying, with the girls, or working with Professor Kettleburn.

She distracted herself with work and her friends own lives, purely to avoid her own. Fortunately for her, Lily, Alice, and Marlene knew better than to ask what was wrong with her. So here they were, playing a muggle card game without addressing the James sized elephant in the room.

"Go fishing," Phoebe says confidently, looking down at the numbers in front of her. Lily sighs and says gently, "It's go fish, Pheebs."

Phoebe wrinkles her nose and sighs disappointedly. Alice and Marlene sit behind them, watching silently as Lily teaches Phoebe how to play. Marlene follows Alice's wide eyes when the portrait swings open, revealing the marauders.

Sirius stops short at the sight of his best friend sitting cross legged on the floor. He feels a pang of hurt in his chest, soaking in the presence of his soul sister that had avoided him for two weeks. weeks that felt like a year.

Phoebe barely glances up, scowling at her cards. James stands next to Sirius, gaze flickering back and forth between the irritated girl and his crestfallen friend. Knowing he's partly responsible he calls out angrily, "You could at least tell Padfoot hello, Griffin."

"Oh no," Lily mumbles, setting her cards down. Phoebe scoffs and says coldly, "That's rich coming from you, you fucking moose."

James bristles at her reference to his animagus and scoffs, standing up straighter. To the girls, this looks like the start to an all out war. But Sirius, Remus, and Peter know better. Remus chuckles and whispers to Sirius, "Thank god they're fighting."

Sirius could cry from joy. The world did not turn right on its axis when Phoebe and James didn't bicker. The silence they'd all been experiencing was deafening and he knew it was due to two stubborn teens that were ultimately afraid.

"At least I'm not a fucking mermaid reject," James taunts, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Don't act like you can't tell what I am, you prick. You certainly enjoyed snogging this mermaid reject,"
Phoebe seethes, slowly climbing to her feet. Lily frowns at the now scattered cards, but leaves them to watch the fight. The marauders disperse, leaving just James as she stalks over angrily. James can't help but feel a stirring in his heart as she grows closer. He'd been anxious and regretful and confused for two weeks over this girl. And here she was, challenging him again.

"Do not fight in the common room," Marlene insists, sighing like a tired parent.

"Shut up, Marlene," The quarreling teens say in unison. The girl rolls her eyes and huffs, looking to Sirius for help.

He clears his throat and says, "James if you two are going to yell, take it to our dorm. Please."

"Sure, Padfoot. I'd hate to ignore my friend," James says pointedly, glaring down at Phoebe.

"You're such a fucking hypocrite!" She cries, following him as he turns and marches up the stairs to the boys dorm. When they're out of earshot the boys explain their relief to the girls,

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