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"The order of what now??"

Dumbledore glances away from Phoebe and smiles at Sirius, the boys dark eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"The Order of the Phoenix. A secret society founded after Voldemort began his reign of terror on Muggles and Muggle borns."

"Founded by who?" Peter asks quietly, looking just as stunned as the rest of the students in the room.

"Dumbledore," Alice answers for the headmaster. She flushes underneath his gaze and explains bashfully,

"Dumbledore started it. Frank joined as soon as he left Hogwarts last year."

Phoebe looks at Alice with wide eyes, stunned that her sweet friend had kept this a secret for so long.

"I-I'm sorry, Professor. I'm a bit confused," Lily says quietly. "A secret society that does what exactly?"

"We've been working to help the ministry by capturing death eaters, interfering in their plans. Aurors, such as Frank Longbottom, have been instrumental in the seizing of Voldemort's followers. But there's more that can be done."

His eyes move back to Phoebe. This was the bigger role he said they would play. He smiles slightly and continues his speech,

"I've gathered you here to ask that you join. You are the brightest, most loyal, and most determined students in this castle. And each of you has something to fight for."

Her heart is practically in her throat. A secret society? Fighting? It seems sudden, but this has been coming for months. Years maybe. And this looked like it was very much a path to justice that she and Dumbledore had discussed over their chocolate frogs.

"Okay, count me in."

James whips his head down, looking at Phoebe incredulously at the sound of her voice.

"Phoebe," He mutters lowly, "We have to talk about this."

"What is there to talk about, James? I'm not going to be a sitting duck. I want to fight. And I know you do too."

He does. He wants to fight with every part of being. But he also wants to keep her safe and out of harms way.

Sirius interrupts his thinking and says firmly,

"Me too. I'd like to join."

The words 'yes' and 'sure' and 'I'm in' flood the office, bringing a tiny smile to the old wizards face. The only person who has yet to agree, is James.

He's brimming with anger and nerves, pissed that Phoebe agreed to this so quickly. And he's so scared that this will put them in even more danger, put her at even more risk.

But he only sees resolve on her face. She said that he made her strong...but James was beginning to think it was the other way around.

He sighs and nods, saying firmly,

"I'm in."

"Our first meeting will be after the end of term." Dumbledore says quietly. His smile has left his face when he continues speaking,

"Try and enjoy your last days at Hogwarts as students. You are safe here. You are still children here. We'll send word on location later. I look forward to seeing you all."

The students crowding his office all leave one by one, each one looking serious and excited at the same time. Phoebe glances back at Dumbledore and nods her head, smiling faintly when he nods his in acknowledgement.

She and James leave rather quickly, his hands pulling his down the stairs and into an empty corridor. His mouth is in a tight line and his brows are furrowed.

Phoebe sighs when he looks down at her, anger burning in his hazel eyes.

"You didn't consider asking what I thought about all of this?"

She feels a slight twinge of guilt at his words and replies softly,

"I didn't think I had to. You said you wanted to fight. You know that I want to fight. What more is there?"

She's right. He did say he wanted to fight. James fights a smile when she shuffles closer and takes his hands in hers, moving them to her waist. Groaning, he leans his head down and presses his forehead to hers.

"It's impossible to be mad at you."

"That's not true," Phoebe laughs. "You're mad at me rather often."

"Only when you do something dumb," James points out.

Phoebe rolls her eyes at his words, her smile fading when she sees the serious look returning to his face. He lets go of her waist with one of his hands and brings it up to her face, smoothing some of her hair back before he cups her cheek. His heart is in his throat, because when he thinks of this secret society they've just decided to join all that he can see is her getting hurt.

"Promise me," He whispers, stroking the soft skin below her eye with his thumb. "Promise me that you won't do anything dumb. No going off on your own or thinking you can save people. No putting yourself in avoidable situations. I've seen you in pain enough for one lifetime. I can't lose you. I won't."

Her heart beats wildly in her chest at his words. He looks so scared, and she knows it's all for her. She nods and whispers,

"I promise, James. We can do this. We can make a difference."

He nods, smiling slightly when he brings his lips to hers. She shudders at the feeling of his soft lips gently caressing hers, standing on her toes to kiss him fully. He's everything, and Phoebe can't lose him either. Not now. Not ever.

She tangles her fingers in his messy hair, tugging gently when he playfully bites her lip. Reluctantly, she pulls away. He's already smiling down at her when she opens her eyes and it is overwhelming. She loves him so much that she feels it in every physical part of her being.

"I've never been a part of a secret society before," She says quietly, unable to help the tiny bit of her that felt excited.

James scoffs, feigning hurt,

"What do you mean?!"

At her confused smile he says lowly, unable to wipe the grin off his face,

"You're a Marauder, love. Nothing beats that."

{{James please marry me}}

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