Phoebe wrinkles her nose at the notes sprawled out before her.
She lets out a gusty sigh and jumps in surprise when multiple people hiss loudly "shhhh"
She almost opens her mouth to tell them that they're hypocritical, but changes her mind when she sees the way Remus is looking at her. She quickly puts her hands up in defense, rolling her eyes. She hated the library.
The Veela turns back to her notes and pretends to study for another few minutes. It feels like a lifetime when she finally decides she's had enough. Remus looks up at her in surprise when she begins collecting her things, whispering furiously,
"Phoebe! You haven't even started on potions!"
She smirks at his appalled face, miming locking her lips and throwing away the key. She quickly stands and hurries from the library before he can trap her there with guilt over studying for the rotten exams.
A relieved sigh leaves her at the relatively empty corridor. The staring had lessened, but it still made her uncomfortable. At least people no longer whispered when she walked by, the word 'Cruciatus' following her less.
She hears thundering footsteps behind her, a smile already on her face when Remus Lupin loops his arm through hers. He's panting, cheeks ruddy from trying to catch up.
"You're quite a fast walker," He grunts, elbowing her when she lets out a laugh at his expense.
"Come on, Rem. I'm bloody starving and we've been at it for hours. Even Lily spent less time studying today!!"
"It's our last exams," He says defensively. "I'd like to leave a lasting impression."
Phoebe snorts and shakes her head, "Trust me. You and the rest of the Marauders have made more than a lasting impression."
Remus chuckles, "I suppose that's true."
Right as the pair go to enter the Great Hall a small voice calls out,
"Uh, Phoebe!!"
She lets out a loud groan, looking longingly into the hall at the spread laid out for dinner. So close, yet so far.
Sighing, she turns and looks down at a familiar boy with hornrimmed glasses.
"Ernie! Why didn't you say it was you?"
Remus watches, amusement written across his face as the fifth year boy flushes a deep red under the Veela's gaze.
"W-well I just wasn't sure--I didn't want to interrupt you!"
She smiles kindly at his flustered words, her heart warming when he removes his glasses and cleans them quickly with the sleeve of his robes. Patiently, she waits for him to place them back on his nose. He grins sheepishly at Remus and says quietly,
"I was supposed to ask that you go to the Headmaster's office. You too, Remus."
Phoebe shares a quick look with Remus, fear gripping her very suddenly. Ernie must notice the frightful look because he rushes out,
"No one is dead! W-well I suppose people are dead. I mean that nothing is wrong."
Remus exhales the breath he was holding and smiles reassuringly at Ernie, asking softly,
"Did he tell you the password?"
Ernie shrugs and says confusedly, "He told me that Phoebe would know it. He said it was the last treat that the two of you had shared."
Phoebe can't help the grin that appears on her face, especially at Remus's bemused eyes looking her way.
"Thank you, Ernie. Good luck on your exams," Phoebe says warmly, thrumming with excitement over what Dumbledore might want from them.
Ernie blushes again and mumbles shyly,
"To you as well, Phoebe."
He quickly departs, leaving Phoebe and Remus to hurry in the direction of the Headmasters office. The walk is mostly silent, the two of them running over the possibilities of what this could be about in their heads.
They run into Marlene and Sirius at the large Gargoyle statue.
"Unicorn piss!" Marlene shouts.
"Mermaid puke!" Sirius joins in, the two of them yelling crazier and crazier things in an attempt to reveal the staircase.
Marlene is red, practically fuming when she cries,
"Fucking hell! CENTAUR DICK!!"
Sirius recoils at her shout , his eyes bugging out of his head when he asks incredulously, "Centaur dick? Really McKinnon?!"
"What?! You haven't got anything better, Black!!"
"Umm, Marlene?"
The Scottish witch cringes at the familiar voice, turning to see a very amused looking Phoebe and rather concerned Remus.
"It's chocolate frogs," The Veela says kindly.
"That's a bloody awful password!" Sirius cries when the Gargoyle steps aside at the name of the sweet.
Marlene grumbles and shoves past Sirius, the two of them elbowing and pushing and pulling to get to the top first while Remus and Phoebe follow behind.
"Ha! You lose sucker!" Marlene crows, bursting into the Headmasters office. Sirius runs straight into her and knocks her to the ground, throwing his arms up and saying loudly,
"The party is here!"
"You fucking tosser!" Marlene groans from the ground, her lips twitching in spite of her faux anger. Phoebe and Remus help her to her feet, following Sirius deeper into the office.
Phoebe perks up when she sees James standing uncomfortably by Fawkes the Phoenix. She hides her smile as she walks over and stands next to him, saying softly,
"Hey, J."
James' uncomfortable frown turns into a wide smile and he bends down, pecking the veela's cheek.
"Thank god you're here, P. This bloody bird has been staring at me for five minutes. It doesn't blink!"
Phoebe chuckles and meets the golden bird's gaze. She gently strokes its tail feathers with the back of her finger, jumping when James smacks her hand away.
"It could burn you!" He says incredulously, grabbing both her hands in his when she goes to reach again.
"Don't touch," He warns, like she's a child in a shop full of priceless breakables. To James she's the priceless breakable, not that she'd ever believe it if he said it outloud.
Phoebe rolls her eyes and huffs, "Release my hands, you bloody stag."
"Not today, harpy."
Phoebe narrows her eyes, only looking away when Dumbledore walks in and takes his seat.
"You're lucky there's a teacher here, Potter," She mumbles out of the side of her mouth.
James smirks and bites his lower lip, giving her hands a squeeze and replying lowly,
"You're the lucky one. Lucky there are witnesses so I don't fuck you in the headmasters office."
"Mr. Potter," Dumbledore says suddenly. James' eyes widen comically, his breathing only returning to normal when he realizes the old wizard is just greeting everyone in the room.
He continues around the room, nodding his head at Lily and Alice and Marlene, Sirius and Remus, Peter and Gideon and Fabian. A few other students linger in the back, a couple Ravenclaw and Hufflepuffs that she doesn't recognize.
"I've asked you here today to present you with a job."
Phoebe stills, staring at the old wizard in surprise. His mischievous blue eyes meet her shocked gaze, asking the room calmly,
"Have you heard of The Order of the Phoenix?"
{{ I know some of you are very big on Sirius and Remus, but I love Marlene and his relationship. They make me laugh}}

The Stag and The Harpy | James Potter
Fanfiction"Potter," Phoebe says curtly. James frowns and says harshly, willing the odd feeling he has to go away, "Griffin, all of that stuff still doesn't make you pretty." She scoffs and narrows her eyes, "I could say the same about you. What's that in you...