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"Damn you, Marlene. I knew I shouldn't have worn this blasted skirt," Phoebe grumbles, positioning herself between her friend and the wall. She winced when she noticed boys staring. More than usual.

"Come off it, Pheebs. You look gorgeous. Nothing wrong with flaunting what you have." Marlene argues, fighting back her smirk at how uncomfortable her friend looked in her uniform.

"What I have is DNA that makes boys leer at me, simply because I have that DNA!" Phoebe argues, situating her bag so it covers her backside as the pair walk to Care of Magical Creatures.

Marlene laughs, "So what?! Own it! I saw Fabian Prewett practically drooling over you."

Phoebe sighs and mutters quietly, "Exactly my point."

The boys were a constant reminder of her grandmothers lessons, 'Don't slouch, cross at the ankles, dainty finger! No one likes a girl with knobby knees! Be graceful!'

The ridiculing internal voices fell away though as she and Marlene finally made it to class. Care of Magical creatures was one of her favorite classes. As James had so eloquently put it in 2nd year, it was probably because she herself was part "creature."

'Speaking of James,' Phoebe thought, eyeing the boy standing next to Sirius and Remus. It had been a week since the two had spoken. Phoebe had done everything in her power to avoid the marauders, even Sirius. Her fellow grey eyed friend perked up at the sight of her. He left James and Remus, quickly hurrying over to where she and Marlene stood.

"Sirius," Phoebe says curtly. The boy frowns slightly and asks, "Pheebs are you mad at me?"

The tiniest bit of fear in his eyes made her soften. She wanted to curse him for his ability to break down her walls.

"No," She says quickly, earning a toothy smile from Sirius. "I'm just not used to so much company. I was isolated most of the Summer. Give me a chance to get back into the swing of things."

Her statement was only a half lie. She wasn't used to all of the company, but the real issue was James Potter had managed to hurt her feelings. Something that he didn't accomplish often. His apology seemed genuine until she realized it was only to impress Lily. Not that it even did.

Sirius nods slowly, not completely accepting her excuse. He decides to let it go and pulls her into a hug instead of interrogating her further.

"Mr. Black, if you would please release Miss. Griffin so we can get started," Professor Kettleburn says sternly. Phoebe shoved Sirius away and excitedly faced her teacher, plopping down in her seat next to Marlene. He was a stir crazy man with only one and a half of his original limbs. Phoebe knew he had a soft spot for her, despite her frequent detentions.

Kettleburn winked at her subtly before beginning,

"Today we will be discussing the care and behavior of Jackalopes. Pair up with someone you aren't seated with, and lets begin." Kettleburn said excitedly, clasping his hands together.

"Um, Phoebe?" Marlene asks shyly, a far cry from her usual bold self. "Do you mind if I partner with Sirius? You're both rather good at this kind of stuff."

Phoebe desperately wanted to say no for the sake of self preservation. Her conscience won and she nodded, saying kindly, "of course, Marls. I can work with Potter."

"I had the same idea."

Phoebe jumped at the sound of his voice, clutching her chest. "Do you have to sneak up on me, Potter?!"

Marlene quickly vacated her seat before Phoebe could change her mind. James Potter had an easy going grin on his lips as he sat where Marlene had moments before. He placed the caged Jackalope on their desk and turned to Phoebe.

The Stag and The Harpy | James PotterWhere stories live. Discover now