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{{don't hate me. But what's a book without a little drama?! Also—in just about 2 weeks this book has 55.5k reads. That is fucking insane. You guys are so funny and kind and supportive. I feel like I know each and every one of you, and I'm so grateful that you all are enjoying what I'm writing. OK—excuse my little sappy note. Enjoy!}}

Phoebe was proud that Professor Kettleburn was confident in her ability to take care of creatures when he couldn't.

He'd written her a note, asking her to manage the thestrals, including checking on them at night while he went to collect more creatures for his classes next week.

Thestrals preferred dark environments, specifically within the forest, so Phoebe was a tiny bit nervous to venture into the darkness. She didn't tell James, deciding it would be best to just do her job quickly and return to the castle.

She hums quietly to herself, surprised to not hear her earring singing softly in her ears. She shrugs it aside as she walks, her sneakers slick on the wet grass. Spring was almost here, and with it came rain and the smell of fresh grass. Phoebe flips the coin Regulus gifted her as she walks down the hill, smiling when it lands on the snake face in her palm.

Her nerves melt away as she approaches the cover of the trees, whispering to herself, "Lumos."

A light glow emits from her applewood wand, bathing the dark forest floor in light as she walks. Phoebe can hear the thestrals before she can see them, shrouded in protective darkness.

"Hello," She says softly when she finally spots them, herding together in a small clearing. She'd been able to see Thestrals since her very first term at Hogwarts. Her aunt had died from splinching right in front of her when she was still a child. Phoebe reckoned it was half the reason she got so nauseas when she apparates still.

The Veela smiles widely at the youngest member of the herd, still just a baby huddling next to its mother. It approaches her first, making soft noises that brought more joy to Phoebe's heart. To many they were foul beasts, but she saw the beauty in them. In their leathery wings and their gaunt faces. Despite their intimidating looks and size, their eyes were a beautiful swirl of foggy grey and white that brought comfort to her.

Briefly, she wonders if they can tell if she too is on the list of the ministry's creatures. Just under a different section.

"I think you're lovely," She says to the herd, smiling as the young Thestrals returns to its mother. "And you all look quite alright. I'll be back in the morning to feed you."

She sends one last longing look towards their large wings, wondering what it was like to fly. What it was like to be invisible from those that hadn't seen tragedy. It was odd, having to witness death to see the life of something that wouldn't otherwise be seen. Phoebe shakes her head and waves a goodbye, as if they'll respond, and then she's heading back towards the edge of the forest.

Her earrings are loud in her ears now, practically yelling wordless notes at her as she lets the light from her wand guide her. When she hears a few sets of footsteps she scoffs, brushing foliage out of her way,

"Really, James? You lot and your sodding map! I'm just fine out here on my...."

Her voice trails off as she finally steps from the forest. There are people there, but it's not the marauders.

Her heart sinks to her stomach as she takes in the appearance of the group in front of her. Slytherins out numbered her significantly, Rudolphus Lestrange, Rosier, Mulciber, and Snape faced her head on. Just behind them stood Regulus and Wilkes and a woman Phoebe did not quite recognize.

"Well well," Rudolphus says lowly. "If it isn't Phoebe Griffin."

The lump in her throat keeps words from leaving her. She takes a deep breath and tightens her grip on her wand, observing the way Snape eyes the action. She hopes they can't hear her heart beating, because it sounds like thunder in her ears. She can't look to Regulus, because Regulus can't help her. Not now.

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