"Give me your hand!"
Phoebe winces from the volume. No one was quite as loud as Marlene McKinnon. Though the screams from Alice and Lily at the sight of Phoebe's ring came very close.
The Veela wrinkles her nose as they all scramble to grab at her hand. She quick glances back over her shoulder to see James looking rather smug. She can't fight a smile when Fabian and Frank both clap him on the back and shake his hand. Phoebe faces forward, teasing Marlene and Lily,
"I suppose you two are next."
"Please, Black will never pop the bloody question. And if he does I may just die," Marlene snorts. Lily flushes, glancing back at her boyfriend with an adorable look on her face. Phoebe grins to herself, muttering, "Look Lily is already envisioning her wedding."
"Shut up!" Her friend cries, quick elbowing her in the side. Alice smiles and pulls Phoebe into a hug, whispering, "I'm so happy for you."
The Veela softens in her friend's arms, squeezing her tight as she mumbles a reply, "Thank you, Alice. I'm sure I'll have loads of questions for you about marriage."
"Please," The pixie haired witch scoffs. "I still have questions. Like why Frank can't put his bloody socks in the hamper."
"I heard that," The lanky auror calls over to the girls, Phoebe smiling at the way Alice rolls her eyes affectionately.
Gideon suddenly hurries over with a wide grin, muttering "Get out of my way," to the disgruntled girls as he shoves by and quick pulls the Veela into a hug.
She smiles and hugs him back tightly, teasing him, "Just to think, two years ago you and I were using each other for meaningless snogs to get over our crushes."
Gideon fake sniffles and says dramatically, "Don't worry, love. No one can keep ex-snogging partners apart."
On a much more serious note he mumbles in her ear, "Congrats, Pheebs. Really, you two are meant for each other. Rem has been crying about it all morning."
Phoebe grins, hiding her face in his strawberry blonde hair as she whispers a reply, "That boy loves you, Gid. Break his heart and I'll murder you."
"Wouldn't dream of it, Mrs. Potter," He teases and Phoebe blushes, the first time she's heard such a thing. They separate when a throat clears obnoxiously behind them, Phoebe instantly being pulled into the chest of her fiancé.
"Watch it, Prewett," James says playfully, earning a laugh from the twin. Gideon quick shakes his hand and says cheekily,
"Enjoy, Potter. You're in for a hell of a ride with this one."
"I'm looking forward to it," James laughs, winking down at Phoebe as she smiles. He quick pecks her lips and then guides her over to a chair, sliding a cup of tea and a scone in front of her, murmuring, "Eat."
Phoebe sighs, but nods. James takes the seat next to her, glancing at her occasionally as she takes small bites. James grins when the seat across from him is occupied by a witch with a familiar black hat.
"Minnie," James says happily. Remus quickly sets down her tea, made to her liking, so there isn't a repeat of last time. He flushes when the witch says a quick thank you and he returns to the safety of his boyfriend. Gideon smirks and shakes his head, throwing his arm around him and giving his shoulders a squeeze.
Minerva turns her eyes onto James and sighs, saying flatly, "You have that look."
"What look?" James wonders, smiling when Sirius and Marlene take their seats next to Phoebe. Sirius elbows the Veela and winks, earning a grin from her.

The Stag and The Harpy | James Potter
أدب الهواة"Potter," Phoebe says curtly. James frowns and says harshly, willing the odd feeling he has to go away, "Griffin, all of that stuff still doesn't make you pretty." She scoffs and narrows her eyes, "I could say the same about you. What's that in you...