James rubs his hands through his hair, saying incredulously,
"Padfoot, there's nothing here!!!!"
Sirius smiles sympathetically.
"Girls are hard to shop for, and we got them jewelry last time," He sighs, shaking his head as James pulled off his glasses and cleaned them on the edge of his sweater. Like his glasses were the problem.
Sirius notices something in the window of Quality Quidditch Supplies. He smirks and says, "Look, Prongs."
James joins him, a grin working his way up onto his face. He nods, but hesitates saying, "That's not exactly sentimental."
"Well get her this and then think of something else that'll make her cry," Sirius huffs, rolling his eyes. James sighs and goes in to buy the item quickly. Sirius grunts and says, "I'm gonna go look at the bookstore. You coming with?"
James shook his head and looks in the direction of carkitt market. He runs over possible things he could buy in the alley, suddenly stopping when he realizes what shop is back there.
"Padfoot!" He cries excitedly. "I've got it!!!"
Sirius stares confusedly as James runs off with his one bagged item swinging back and forth wildly. He huffs and turns to head to the bookstore, a street vendor catching his eye.
James sprints to Concordia and Plunkett, bursting through the door and saying quickly, "I need help buying something!!!"
The shop keep, a wiry haired old woman sighs and beckons him in, asking,
"What instrument, boy?"
James grins.
"The cello, Miss. I'd like to see your finest cellos."
The poor woman was faced with his terrible pickiness, him saying a resounding "no" to everyone she showed him. The were too large or too small, too reddish or light. The strings sounded funny, the bow was ugly. The poor witch was exhausted from the boy.
James checks his watch and notices the time, asking pleadingly,
"Please, there has to be more."
"We only have one left," She says irritably, gesturing for him to follow her to the back. As soon as James lays eyes on it he smiles and says quietly, "I'll take it. Can you have it delivered the day before Christmas?"
The old woman looks at him exasperatedly, trying not to smile at his hopeful gaze. She sighs and mutters, "Fine. It'll cost extra though."
James nods eagerly and follows her to pay, handing her twice the original amount he was supposed to pay. She tries to give him some back but he refuses,
"Please. You've been nothing but helpful and it's the least I can do."
The older witch smiles finally, looking up at him knowingly.
"Your girlfriend will love it. And if she doesn't she's a fool."
"Trust me," James laughs, love creeping into his heart. The boys were going to pick on him relentlessly for this. "She'll like it."
They part ways after James gives her his address, waving and telling her goodbye before he departs. He begins walking back to where they originally apparated, but stops short when he notices familiar blonde hair standing at the owl post office. He can't help but smile and change directions. As he walks closer, he sees the usually grumpy shop keep talking to her hurriedly. James grows concerned, hurrying up to her side and gently touching her shoulder.
She flips her head around, relaxing the moment she sees him.
"James," she breathes. "You scared me!"
James raises his brows at the sight of her face. She has a tiny cut above her brow, dirt and grime littering her cheeks. There's even mud clumping some of her normally shiny hair.
"What in the bloody hell have you been doing?!"
She and the shopkeep share a secret look. Quickly, she answers, "Nothing! I've been shopping. I had some things to do."
"Roll in the dirt and hurt yourself?" James asks incredulously, bringing his wand up to her forehead. He mutters "Episky" and watches as her skin knots back together.
"Who's rolling in—Pheebs?! What on earth?" Sirius hollers as he approaches, a few wrapped items stuffed under his arm. Phoebe sighs and walks them away from the Owl Post office, calling over her shoulder,
"Thank you for your help, Sir. And Happy Christmas!"
The shopkeep smiles kindly, making James and Sirius look at her again.
"He's so mean, what did you do to him?"
"did you charm him?!" James wonders irritably, frowning at his girlfriend. She sighs and stops short, turning to face the two of them. Her lips twitch slightly when James reaches out and begins to rub dirt off of her cheeks with his thumb.
She hesitates before saying, "I went to Borgin and Burkes."
James hand stills, behind him Sirius' jaw drops open.
"You did what?" James seethes through clenched teeth, eyes now narrowed at his girlfriend. She smiles nervously and insists, "I had to! I needed something from there."
"After our discussion, in which you promised me you would be safe, you decided going to Knockturn Alley was a good idea?!" James asks angrily, swiping away the dirt more aggressively. He drops his hand, saying firmly,
"We're going home. Now."
"But, Ja—"
"Now, Griffin."
She looks at Sirius desperately, eyes wide. He too seems impressed by James' anger, sending her a sympathetic smile and a shrug. Phoebe huffs and grabs her boyfriends hand, sighing before he apparates and sends them to the Potters front step. Phoebe groans slightly, steadying herself on the edge of the house. Too much apparating in one day. Her stomach flips and she holds a hand to her mouth.
James' face of anger does not change, but he waits until she's steady on her feet and looks less green before he barges into the house. He still has a hold of her hand, dragging her through the front door.
"James!" She says confusedly, looking over her shoulder at Sirius. She flips him off when she sees his shoulders shaking with stifled laughter.
James pauses at the foot of the stairs, bending and throwing her over his shoulder.
"Oi!" She grunts, the wind knocked out of her at the quick change in position. "Put me down, you git!"
"No," He says curtly, walking them up the stairs and into the hallway bathroom. She squeaks as he sets her down abruptly and turns on the shower, saying firmly,
"Get it."
"No!" Phoebe scoffs, glaring at him. His jaw clenches again. He's furious, as mad as Phoebe has seen him in quite some time.
"Phoebe, you have 5 seconds to get in that shower or else."
"Or else what?!" She cries. "You're going to be mad at me?!"
"Yes!" James roars. "Get in the bloody shower!"
Phoebe's eyes widen and she jumps slightly at the volume of his voice. Deciding now is not the time to push, she quickly starts shedding her clothing. She grumbles the whole time, shooting him harsh glares as she strips from her bundled up self to her birthday suit.
James keeps his eyes on the ceiling, knowing he will cave if he sees her this way. He finally looks when he hears the curtain slide shut quickly.
"Happy now?" Phoebe yells from the shower, crossing her arms over her bare chest.
Happy was the last word he would use to describe how he was feeling.
{{you guys are so funny with your reactions! I literally laugh out loud while reading them.}}

The Stag and The Harpy | James Potter
Fanfiction"Potter," Phoebe says curtly. James frowns and says harshly, willing the odd feeling he has to go away, "Griffin, all of that stuff still doesn't make you pretty." She scoffs and narrows her eyes, "I could say the same about you. What's that in you...