James watches moodily as Lily and Amos Diggory walk out of the courtyard hand in hand towards hogsmead. He grimaces at the thought of Amos kissing his Lily flower, something he'd been trying to do for years.
"You alright, Potter?"
James turns to see Phoebe walking towards him. She's bundled up in a coat and has gloves on her hands. James snorts and asks, "Are you preparing for a blizzard?"
"It's nearly November," Phoebe defends, tucking her hands in her pockets. "It's cold. And Hogsmead is above the snow line."
A stiff breeze blows by to prove her point. James becomes momentarily enthralled with her silvery blonde hair dancing in the breeze. Phoebe doesn't seem to notice him looking, instead continuing, "Don't worry about Diggory. It won't last."
James looks confused for a second before he realizes she's talking about Lily. "Oh," He says. "That's good news."
Phoebe narrows her eyes and asks again, "Are you okay? You're acting rather strange?"
"You're being nice to me," He says simply, avoiding her question. He's surprised when he sees her cheeks pink slightly.
"Yes, well I told Sirius I'd get along with you today."
"You're coming with us?" James groans dramatically.
Phoebe rolls her eyes and says curtly, "Sorry to disappoint. I told Sirius I would."
"Why? So you can snog him some more?"
Phoebe looks up at the boy to see him already looking down at her. She smiles slightly, saying, "If I didn't know any better I'd say you were jealous, Potter."
James grins and says playfully, "Not much to be jealous about. I heard you were awful."
He expects her to get mad, irritable. To defend herself. But she just laughs loudly. James is taken aback by how musical it sounds. He shakes his head again, ridding himself of all things positive about Phoebe Griffin.
"Let's ask them," She says, mirth twinkling in her eyes as Remus and Sirius join the pair.
"Sorry we're late," Sirius pants, slinging his arm over Phoebe's shoulders.
"Peter ate a puking pastille," Remus explains, wincing. James wants to look at Remus, but his eyes are glued to Phoebe's arm that's wrapped around his best friend's torso.
"Earth to, James," Sirius says loudly, jolting him from his staring.
James mutters something under his breath and then the 4 begin to walk towards Hogsmeade. Phoebe smirks up at Sirius and says cheekily, "Potter seems to think I'm a rotten kisser."
Sirius gasps dramatically and looks at James. The boy with the glasses shrugs and says, "I've heard."
Remus and Sirius briefly look at each other.
"Best I've had," Remus says playfully.
"Awww, Remmy!" Phoebe coos, gesturing for him to come closer. He wraps his arm around the girl so she's sandwiched between him and Sirius. The trio watches James walk ahead grumpily.
"It's true, Prongs. I learned a thing or two from her," Sirius crows proudly, earning an eye roll from Phoebe.
"Whatever," James grumbles about the veela. "She's practically made for it anyway."
Phoebe frowns a little, hurt by his implication. She lets it go when Sirius begins using his poshest French accent, "Ah, yes! Veela are the highest class of women, born only to manipulate men with their magically sexy appeal."
Remus snorts loudly while Phoebe chuckles.
"My grandma would never say 'magically sexy appeal.' Besides, I apparently suck at being one."
"Oh, Miss. Griffin. I beg to differ," Sirius says quietly, waggling his brows at his friend. She laughs and elbows him in the side, choosing to ignore Potter's crabby mood.
When the group finally arrive at Hogsmeade, they split up. Phoebe and Remus go to honey dukes while Sirius and James choose to go to Zonkos.
"Why are you being such a git?" Sirius asks his friend as they pick out their items, appraising the new stock. Sirius was already carrying multiple dungbombs.
"I'm not," James defends quickly. His eyes are drawn to the sugarquills. He picks one up before he can stop himself. Sirius smirks and says nonchalantly, "Those are Phoebe's favorite."
James grabs a few more, ignoring the grin on his friends face.
"I shouldn't have said what I did earlier," James explains. "So I'll just get her some of these."
"What did you say earlier?"
"That she was made for snogging."
Sirius nods, recalling his friends words. He hesitates before saying, "She's kind of touchy about that kind of thing."
"Why didn't she yell at me then?" James asks curiously, paying for the quills and dungbombs and a couple of other things that he and Sirius had collected.
Sirius smiles tightly. "She only yells when she's angry."
James freezes when he realizes what his friend is implying. He'd hurt the girls feelings. An intense wave of guilt and regret hit James.
"Don't worry, mate," Sirius says, winking. "She really likes sugarquills."
James nods and follows him out of the shop and towards the three broomsticks. James is so wrapped up in his guilt he doesn't even notice Lily and Amos walking by, much to the girls surprise. Phoebe and Remus are already sat at a table across from each other, chatting happily. James slides in the seat next to Phoebe, slightly amused by her confused face. She continued to talk with Remus about a book they'd both read. James sent Sirius a pointed look. His friend grinned and quickly distracted Remus, "Moony, how long is the essay for charms supposed to be?"
"Merlin, Sirius! We've gone over this twice."
Phoebe jumps when James nudges her side gently. When she looks up at him he's smiling bashfully. He places a small package on her lap. Phoebe eyes it suspiciously.
"It's nothing bad, I swear," James chuckles. Obviously Still disbelieving him, James rolls his eyes and mumbles, "I swear on Sirius."
Phoebe grins slightly and nods at him before opening up the package. Inside are her favorite treat, sugarquills. A weird, unfamiliar ball of emotion builds in her chest. She swallows roughly and says quietly,
"These are my favorite."
James nods and replies, "I know. Only a weirdo like you would enjoy a sweet that's meant to be a prank."
Phoebe laughs and takes one out, studying it.
"I didn't poison it."
"I know, it just the first sweet I've had in months."
James furrows his brows and asks, "You aren't allowed to have sweets?"
Phoebe smiles ruefully, carefully placing the sugarquill back with the others in the box.
"No," She says, much to James' surprise. "My mother doesn't care for excess sugar. Leads to quite boring birthdays."
James doesn't know why but he suddenly has the strong urge to write a nasty letter to her mother. 'This is Phoebe Griffin. You don't get along,' his brain insists, but he can't help but return her soft smile when she looks at him.
"Thanks, Potter."
"Don't mention it, Griffin."

The Stag and The Harpy | James Potter
Fanfiction"Potter," Phoebe says curtly. James frowns and says harshly, willing the odd feeling he has to go away, "Griffin, all of that stuff still doesn't make you pretty." She scoffs and narrows her eyes, "I could say the same about you. What's that in you...