It was definitely odd that the group of girls was missing from classes that day, but the marauders didn't think too much of it.
They assumed they were in the library, gossiping and messing with Phoebe, just as the lads had James. The only teachers to ask were McGonagall and Slughorn, curious as to where Lily Evans was. Apparently Professor Kettleburn had asked about Phoebe as well.
James didn't worry though, certain that the girls were all together. So the boys went to class and to lunch and dinner, settling into the common room to play chess as the night wore on. Peter sat next to Remus, observing James and Sirius play wizards chess rather aggressively. Remus looks up from his book when he hears faint giggling, looking around the room to see where it's coming from. His ears perk when he hears shushing and then voice from outside the portrait hole announce the password.
A pile of limbs and hair and skirts tumbles in through the entrance to the common room, earning the rest of the mauraders attention. Phoebe cackles hysterically, saying loudly, "Alice, get the fuck off of me!"
"I can't! Lily's fat arse is trapping me!!!"
"Oi, if anyone has a fat arse it's you, longBOTTOM!"
The girls lapse into another fit of laughter. James, Sirius, Peter and Remus all make confused eye contact before they walk over. Sirius smirks down at the group of girls and says loudly to gain their attention, "I smell whiskey!!!"
Phoebe looks up and snickers at her friend. Marlene chortles and slurs slightly, "You'd be right, Black!"
Sirius raises his eyebrows at his girlfriend, reaching down and helping her to her feet. Remus and Peter help Lily and Alice up, James hiding his smile as Phoebe smacks his hand aside and slowly stands. He chuckles as she sways slightly on her feet, saying playfully, "Hello, Potter. Miss me?"
"Not at all, Griffin. Where have you been all day?" He wonders, reaching out to brush away the hair sticking to her face. Phoebe giggles and says happily, "Ask Lily."
He looks over his shoulder at the other drunk girls, hollering, "Evans! Where did you sneak my girlfriend off to?!"
"Why the three broomsticks of course!" The red head crows proudly, patting Peter on the head as he helps her sit on the couch. James snickers at his confused looking friend before grabbing Phoebe's hand and guiding her over. The four girls all sit on the sofa, looking up at the marauders as they stand with their arms crossed like disapproving parents.
"Lily," Remus scolds. "This was your idea?"
"Fuck yeah it was!!" The boys all look at Alice in surprise, not used to hearing such crass things from the pixie haired witch. Phoebe tries desperately to cover up her laugh with her hand, but it comes spluttering out of her rather loudly. Marlene joins in, cheering, "We had to celebrate!"
"Celebrate what?" Sirius asks, unable to stop grinning at the drunk witches.
"Me shagging James," Phoebe answers nonchalantly, hiccuping and winking very dramatically at her boyfriend. James smirks and shakes his head, sighing, "Merlin, Bee. You had to go and tell everyone?"
"Not everyone," She defends. "Just the girls, and Madam Rosmerta, and that prick Wood. He's still been up my arse for a date! But I told him that you had ruined me for anyone else, Potter. Don't worry."
James laughs at her slurred speech, feeling a surge of affection for the girl. Even when drunk she fended off men, probably saying some lewd things in the process. Lily giggles and confirms his thoughts, "She told him you have the biggest dick she's ever seen!"
Marlene, Alice and Lily let out more peels of laughter as Phoebe flushes, cheeks already pink from the alcohol. Remus sighs and rubs his eyes tiredly and Sirius claps James on the back, saying proudly, "Right on, Prongs!"
James shakes his head and rubs the back of his neck, smiling as Phoebe says shyly, "Are you upset with me, J?"
He raises his brows at the new nickname, ignoring the looks he's getting from the lads. He couldn't help it—he liked it. A lot. He leans down and pecks her pouting lips, replying easily, "I'm not upset, Bee."
Phoebe grins and nods, winking at him again. He winks back playfully, jumping when Marlene lets out a shout, "Ouch, Pheebs! What the fuck?!"
A tiny smoldering hole bloomed in Marlene's sweater, drawing everyone's eyes to the tiny flames flickering at Phoebe's fingertips. The veela's eyes widen and she says, "Merlin! I've been trying to do that for weeks and you're telling me I just had to get drunk?!"
If the girls were sober they probably wouldn't have laughed, but the marauders were unfortunately coherent and completely in awe. Remus jumps in, "Pheebs, do that again."
"Do what?" She wonders. Flames flicker again from her fingers, like they're dripping from her skin. James furrows his brow, completely baffled. Sirius wonders quietly, "Anything in your book mention what to do with a drunk Veela that can shoot fire?"
James slowly shakes his head, watching the flames disappear as his girlfriend communicates loudly with her tipsy friends. Remus says thoughtfully, lips pursed in consideration, "Incredible." James sighs and replies, "I suppose I should take her to bed."
Sirius nods and asks, "Is she going to burn down the castle??"
"No, it looks like it's gone for now. She going to have one hell of a morning."
James grabs her around her waist and hauls her over his shoulder, smiling when she yells, "Wheeee!!!!"
Sirius goes to do the same to Marlene when she says loudly, "Oi, fuck off! No way am I sharing your tiny bed with you tonight, Black."
Sirius pouts, pecking her lips before helping her over to the girls stairs. Marlene, Lily, and Alice slowly make their way to the dorm, giggling and stumbling as they go.
"Don't tell me I've scared you lot," Phoebe says as James and the boys make their way to the marauders dorm, her hair brushing the steps every time James moves. She wrinkles her nose, pondering cutting it again.
"Not scared, intrigued," Remus piped up for the rest of the lads. He smiles as the girl lifts her head up and sends him a grateful look. He continues, "I'm sure we'll talk about it tomorrow, Pheebs."
James nods once and helps her into his bed, stripping her of her shoes and school clothes before helping her into one of his shirts.
"You're head is going to hurt in the morning," He says, smirking as she flips him off and nestles into his pillows, peaceful snores emitting from her parted lips not even minutes later.

The Stag and The Harpy | James Potter
Fanfiction"Potter," Phoebe says curtly. James frowns and says harshly, willing the odd feeling he has to go away, "Griffin, all of that stuff still doesn't make you pretty." She scoffs and narrows her eyes, "I could say the same about you. What's that in you...