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{{I was panicking earlier because I hit my first case of writers block -cue dramatic music- which I guess I don't really need to worry about because I still have some finished chapters. I just like updating frequently...but I also like having multiple chapters saved up. Oh well. Ignore my weird musing and ENJOY}}

Phoebe gasps as a Slytherin nearly knocks Marlene off her broom. The Veela clenches her fists, yelling angrily,


Lily and Remus eye her like she's an escaped psycho from Azkaban, hiding their smiles when Liam Jordan announces,

"Potter's girlfriend Phoebe Griffin is getting ready to take to the pitch, rightfully pissed about Hooch's piss poor call!"

Phoebe laughs loudly at his words, especially when she sees Mcgonagall's disapproving glare. The Veela turns back to the pitch, cheering when Sirius smacks a bludger right towards Mulciber. He nearly toppled from his broom, but holds on tight and speeds away from Sirius. She shouts again as the Slytherin flies by,


"Miss Griffin!!!!" Minerva cries, interrupting her foul words.

"Griffin, again saying what we are all thinking," Liam crows, wincing when he earns a smack upside the head from the disbelieving Professor.

Mulciber smirks when he flies closer to James, taunting, "Tell your pet to shut it, Potter."

James ignores him, searching desperately for the snitch so this aggressive match can end. He's tired, bruised, and cannot handle Mulciber talking that way about his girlfriend.

James tries to fly away, but the slytherin blocks his path, moving directly in front of James with a nasty grin on his face.

"Is she a good shag, Potter? Her mum was apparently quite the experience."

"Shut up," James snaps, trying again to move around him. His eyes can't help but find the beacon of blonde in the crowd, his heart clenching at the excitement on her face.

Mulciber chuckles, saying smugly, "I guess we'll find out soon enough, thanks to Rudolphus."

James snaps his head back to the snake, scowling when he continues,

"He hasn't forgotten what the harpy did to him. In fact, he plans on returning the favor after he has his way with her. Reckons he should see what all of the fuss is about first."

"Is that a threat, Mulciber?" James asks through clenched teeth. He sees red when the Slytherin smirks and replies,

"No. It's a promise."

His fist swings out before he can even stop himself, landing a hard blow to Mulciber's rotten face. James feels rage and triumph surge through his veins at the crunching of the Slytherin's nose and his cry of pain.

"Fuck you, Potter!" He spits, launching himself at James like they aren't hundreds of feet up in the air. They both clumsily float on their brooms, James feeling more fury when Mulciber lands a cracking blow to his jaw. Fists continue to fly, even when Madam Hooch blows her whistle.

Phoebe's eyes are drawn to the precarious scene, her jaw dropping when she sees James beating the complete shit out of the Slytherin while barely holding on to his broom.

The stands gasp when Mulciber shoves James hard, Phoebe's heart stopping when James pulls himself up and lands another blow to Mulciber. People are screaming and yelling and trying to separate them. Sirius and Marlene are hollering at James, trying to fly closer, but Slytherin on their brooms are blocking their path. They make no move to help James, and everyone knows it. Gryffindor students start yelling at anyone wearing green and silver, screaming matches breaking out all around them. It's complete chaos in the stands.

Remus yells, in complete disbelief at the scene unfolding,

"Somebody fucking do something!!!"

Mulciber shoves hard one last time and then James is falling from the sky, twisting and turning as he sinks through the air. Phoebe doesn't recognize her own scream as she lunges forward like she can stop him from getting hurt. It's too high. Too high for him to be falling like that. He won't survive that fall. He won't.

Phoebe's screams continue as he grows closer to the sand of the quidditch pitch, her heart and body and soul bracing for his impact when suddenly he freezes in the air. A sob escapes her lips, and she finally closes her eyes. She can't watch more. Now that she knows he's not dead. She can't watch any more.

Hands grab her shoulders and she's ushered from the stands. At first she thinks it's Remus or Lily, but when she opens her eyes and sees Professor Mcgonagall another quiet sob leaves her.

"Phoebe, he's alright. Dumbledore stopped it. We're going to meet him in the hospital wing," The Professor says firmly, her own eyes reflecting the horror of the scene they'd witnessed. Remus and Lily trail not far behind the teacher and their friend, their hands clasped tightly together for comfort.

Phoebe allows the teacher to guide her, her body feeling like she's been dunked in the freezing black lake. All she can see is James falling. Over and over and over again. Minerva leads them into the castle, and Phoebe immediately catches a glimpse of a boy she recognizes. She's too distraught to stop and talk to him, but she wants to. She needs to know, needs to ask him about what the hell is going on.

She gets her answer without asking. Recognition and guilt hit her when Regulus Black mouths,

'Watch out'

Mulciber had been talking about her. That's what had James so pissed. That's what had almost gotten him killed.

She's glad that no one else sees him, because what he just said looks like a threat. But Phoebe knows it to be a warning. She nods as they pass to show that she got the message, her heart breaking at the thought of her being the reason James was in danger.

She'd never felt fear like that. Maybe she'd never felt fear. Not until she was forced to watch James Potter fall from the sky.

She weeps silently as they walk to the hospital wing. McGonagall gently pushes her through the door, saying kindly,

"It's okay, Phoebe. He's just over there. Go see him and I'll discuss with Madam Pomfrey."

The Veela nods, wiping her face on the corner of her maroon and gold sweater, blind to the face paint she'd just smeared. Minerva hesitates but decides not to tell her, instead just pushing her towards the bed with curtains drawn around it.

Phoebe gently slides it open, more tears welling up at the sight of her bruised boyfriend.

This is her fault.

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