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James grins when he hears a familiar 'pop' in the hallway.

He sips his tea, keeping his eyes on the Daily Prophet as he asks, "Back already, mon amor?"


He blinks in confusion, lowering the newspaper and setting his cup down. Definitely not Phoebe. James looks up at Remus, saying cheerfully, "Sorry, mate. Thought you were Phoebe."

Remus doesn't smile, doesn't say anything. Just looks at his friend cautiously. James instantly stands, asking fearfully, "What's wrong?"

Remus starts slowly, murmuring, "I want you to stay calm. Phoebe is fine—"

"Where is she?" James interrupts loudly, his heart sinking in his chest. Remus tries to calm him down, saying gently, "James, she's fine. I've seen her myself, but she's asking—"

"Remus, tell me where the fuck she is," James growls, drawing his wand. He's this close to hexing his friend, this close to beating the information out of him. He needed her. He needed to see her. Now.

Remus hesitates. Molly had asked him to hold James off so he wouldn't be in the way, but he couldn't wait any longer. He extends his hand and James takes it, closing his eyes as they apparate from Grimmauld Place.

They land outside the Burrow and James' heart clenches, his mind flooded with memories of the wedding. But then he hears crying. He sprints to the house, slamming the door open and saying desperately,


Gideon Prewett stands from where he's sitting on the couch, a grave look on his face as he says quickly, "The kitchen."

James nods appreciatively and rushes around the corner, his eyes widening in horror.

Red. She was covered in red.

He tries to remember what color sweater she was wearing before she left this morning. It wasn't red the way it is now. Her hair was certainly never red. James chokes back tears when her wide eyes land on his. Panicked. She was panicking.

"James," She whimpers, a heart breaking sound between a sob and a whisper, her arms outstretched. He rushes forward, delicately takes her into his arms and whispers, "It's okay. You're okay."

"James I'm not finished—"

He cuts Molly Weasley off, pleading, "Just let me hold her. Just for a minute." The orange haired witch just sighs and nods, both her and Lily taking a step back and watching carefully.

James slides his hands to cup Phoebe's face, pulling his head back so he can look into her tearful eyes. She sniffles, looking up at him and whispering, "I-I don't know...I don't know how they knew we were there."

"It's alright, love," James murmurs, gently stroking her skin with his hymns. He wants to cry when he sees the cut above her brow.

"Can you tell me what happened?" He asks quietly, resting his forehead against hers. She stares at him for a few silent moments before choking out, "Rudolphus."

James' blood runs cold. He swallows past the lump in his throat, asking, "Who else?"

"I-Im not sure. There were two others, but Rudolphus was the only one who took off his mask. It was broad daylight, James. They knew exactly where we were. They knew—"

He cuts off her panicked mumbling with a gentle shush, rubbing his hands through her tangled hair. He gently says, "Okay. It's all okay now." He glances up to see Molly and Lily looking at him expectantly. Reluctantly, James moves to the side, but keeps a firm hold on her hand. He keeps his eyes on Phoebe, ignores the different spells and potions that the witches are using, completely oblivious to the pointed look that they share.

"He blew up," Phoebe cries, reaching up to shakily wipe a tear from her face. "Right in front of me. He just blew up. And his hand—Benjy's hand was just laying there. Next to me. There's nothing left of him!"

"It's gonna be okay," James reassures, feeling ill. The red. It was Fenwick's blood. Phoebe shakes from head to toe, wincing slightly when she twists and pain flares in her back. James barks out irritably when he notices, "Evans, why is my wife in pain?!"

"James," Molly warns sharply, eyes narrowing. "Her back was hurting her before today. She's fine, we just need to finish up. Go talk to Gideon, he was the first at the scene and can answer your questions."

James scowls and starts to respond, "But—"

"James," Phoebe murmurs, squeezing his arm. His eyes slide to her, his heart breaking at the sight of her wobbling lip. She smiles weakly and continues, "Go see Gideon. Let Molly and Lily finish. They're doing brilliantly."

James hesitates, glancing at where Molly and Lily hover with both sympathetic and annoyed looks on their faces. His shoulders slump and he mutters, "Okay. Sorry, ladies."

Molly smiles and pats him on the back, saying warmly, "It's quite alright. We know you're just worried. Now go on."

James leans in and quick pecks Phoebe's lips, feeling heat and pressure behind his eyes. He wouldn't cry. He needed to be strong. But she looked completely terrified. He smiles encouragingly and whispers, "I'll just be right through there, love."

Phoebe nods and closes her eyes, trying not to let out another embarrassing whimper as he walks away to figure out what had happened. And what remained of Benjy Fenwick.

Phoebe feels a tear slide down her cheek.

Benjy. Sweet, goofy. A good partner and a rather large loss to the Order.

What was she going to tell Mary?

"Just lie back, Phoebe," Lily soothes, reaching for a wet washcloth to gently rest across her friends forehead. Lily helps her settle back down on the table, propping her knees up on a towel to help her aching back. She'd never seen the Veela this panic stricken, this stunned. Lily grabs Molly's hand and pulls her aside, whispering hurriedly, "She is going to freak out if we tell her, Molly."

"She has a right to know, Lily," Molly replies, her face conflicted. "I would want to know."

"This is different," Lily pleads. "She's never...She's scared of being a mom. And she's already upset enough for today. Can we please just wait? Let's tell her tomorrow."

"Lily—" Molly sighs when the copper haired girl interrupts her, whispering hurriedly, "The baby is fine. You said it yourself."

Molly hesitates but nods, saying firmly, "Tomorrow. We are telling her as soon as she's awake and comfortable."

"Tomorrow," Lily agrees, glancing over to see that James had returned and was holding the Veela's hand, murmuring to her so sweetly it nearly made Lily cry. They watch as James gently strokes back her hair, says something that makes their friend crack a smile.

Lily and Molly reach for each other's hands and give them a quick squeeze before getting back to work, now checking on two people instead of just the one.

{{I didn't edit because I'm lazy and wanted to get this out! Hopefully I didn't embarrass myself too much!}}

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