Phoebe sits cross legged on the floor of the common room, directly across from Alice. The two are embroiled in quite the match of Wizards Chess. Marlene and Lily occupy the armchairs directly behind them.
Phoebe groans when one of Alice's knights completely obliterates her bishop. The chess pieces turn to look at her expectantly.
"I'm sorry," Phoebe says to them. "I'm just not very good."
Lily chuckles, "it doesn't really hurt them, Phoebe."
"You don't know that," The blonde defends, tucking her hair behind her ear.
"Knight to E5," Phoebe says, watching as her piece successfully takes one of Alice's rooks.
Marlene sees Peter hovering by the fireplace and says kindly, "Cmon, Pete. Come watch Pheebs get killed by Alice."
Alice tries to stifle her laughter but fails miserably. Phoebe sighs and shakes her head, having another one of her rooks move forward, despite the piece's protest.
"Perhaps you should trust their advice," Peter offers as he joins the girls, observing the way Phoebe's pieces are quivering with fear.
"But then I'm not playing, they are."
"Yes," Alice agrees. "But you would have a better chance of beating me."
Alice's knight swipes aside Phoebe's pawn, drawing another groan from Phoebe. She turns to Peter and asks, "Where is Sirius?"
"He and James had detention. They put a dungbomb in Slughorn's cauldron," Peter answers easily, keeping his eyes on the game at hand. Marlene laughs, "Slughorn deserves it. Mental fool."
"I think he's quite nice," Lily defends the Professor.
"Because you're in his fancy club," Alice points out. Phoebe laughs at the blush on Lily's cheeks. Her red headed friend grumbles and goes back to reading.
"How was your date with Amos, Lily?" Peter asks kindly, finally glancing away from Phoebe's mess of a game.
Lily narrows her eyes. "That was nearly a week ago. Spying for Potter?"
"Oh no," Phoebe says for Peter. "Pete loves a good gossip session."
Peter nods eagerly and replying, "I do. And it won't get back to James!"
Lily smiled a little before completely gushing, "It was absolutely wonderful. He was the perfect gentleman. He's smart and handsome and paid for everything!"
The girls roll their eyes, having already heard this multiple times. Peter eats it up though, even asking her questions.
"We're going out again this weekend!" Lily says eagerly, clasping her hands together. Marlene yawns dramatically, saying, "Amos is cute, but he's kind of boring."
Lily frowns. She sighs and says slowly, "He's not boring. He's polite."
"So he's boring," Phoebe and Alice say in unison. Lily rolls her eyes while Peter and Marlene laugh.
Peter says quietly, "You didn't hear it from me...but Marlene you're going to be asked to Hogsmead as well."
Their spritely friend perks up, eyes wide. "Really?!" She squeaks. Peter nods and smiles, miming locking his lips and throwing away the key.
Phoebe hides her smile, truly excited that Sirius was going to ask out her friend. She was the only girl she would consider sharing her best friend with.
"Speaking of your Hogsmead date," Phoebe teases a furiously blushing Marlene. "I'm supposed to meet him."
Phoebe climbs to her feet, waving goodbye to her friends as she disappears out of the portrait hole. It's already dark when she climbs the astronomy tower, so she watches her steps carefully.
Sirius is already there, looking up at the sky. He turns halfway to grin down at her when she comes to stand next to him. He passes her an already lit cigarette and says warmly, "I've missed our secret late night hang outs."
Phoebe laughs and takes a drag, watching the smoke dance in the crisp fall air. "They're not very secret anymore. Speaking of secrets, when we're you going to tell me about asking Marlene to Hogsmead?"
Sirius shrugs and smiles slightly. "Figure I should stop beating around the bush before someone else makes her theirs."
Phoebe smiles kindly and sits down, leaning up against the wall. She takes another puff from the cigarette before handing it back to her friend. Sirius sits next to her and says gently, "We haven't been able to talk much about your summer."
Phoebe's smile fades. She shrugs and replies quietly, "Not much to say. My mother still wishes I was more like my cousins."
Sirius frowns and shakes his head, saying, "You know what she says isn't true, right? You're brilliant."
Phoebe smiles tightly.
"It's not my intelligence. It's my weight, my class. My elegance. She doesn't care about anything but my appearance."
"She's wrong."
"So is your mom," Phoebe says gently. Sirius smiles a little and nods.
"I know," He whispers. "I'm not going back there. Ever."
"What about regulus?" Phoebe questions sincerely, reaching out to gently touch her friends arm. The only time she'd seen him cry was over his brother. Sirius sighs and shakes his head.
"He agrees with them...he told them about you."
Phoebe raises a brow. "What about me?" She asks.
"That you're part veela. Merlin, Phoebe the things they said about you," He mutters, clenching his fists tightly. "I wanted to bloody kill them. My parents are awful, but hearing regulus talk about're my sister. I can't just sit there and listen to that."
Phoebe smiles kindly and snuggles into the he warmth of his side, chuckling when he lights another cigarette for them to share.
"You should leave your mum too," Sirius offers, handing her the cigarette. Phoebe shakes her head and mumbles around the smoke, "I can't. If she died and I wasn't there or hadn't talked to her...I can't, Sirius. Especially when she's so at risk with all of her traveling."
Phoebe winces before whispering, "My mom already knows two Veela that were killed by those evil men. I'd never forgive myself if I broke her heart and then they took her."
Sirius sighs and nods, "I know. Maybe she'll be better this year. I think she only says that stuff because she cares."
Phoebe shrugs and says, "Maybe. I know she loves me. We'll find out this summer I suppose."
"You're not going home for Christmas break?"
She shakes her head, passing him the cigarette.
"No, mum is traveling. She offered to have me go to my grandmas, but I can't stand that woman," Phoebe shudders dramatically
Sirius barks out a laugh. He suddenly sits up straight and says eagerly, "Come with me for Christmas!"
Phoebe rolls her eyes and says sarcastically, "Sure, like Potter is going to invite me to his home for the holidays."
"Please, Phoebe! They'll love you! And I really want to spend Christmas with you," Sirius begs, making his eyes big and round.
"Sirius there's no way. Potter will invite me when pigs fly."

The Stag and The Harpy | James Potter
Fanfiction"Potter," Phoebe says curtly. James frowns and says harshly, willing the odd feeling he has to go away, "Griffin, all of that stuff still doesn't make you pretty." She scoffs and narrows her eyes, "I could say the same about you. What's that in you...